Review Dees v Freo - Good, Bad & Fugly. CHEER LOUDER 🤯

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FU Toump if you didnt have to sit thru that, was looking forward to a classic Toump bake.
I was expecting a "ruined wank" kind of win, if I knew these campaigners were gonna belted I would have tuned in for sure!!!
Very sorry I missed it!
Didn't see the game, i ended up filling in for a masters game as they where short on numbers. Was going to watch it delayed when i got home but my friends did the right thing and insisted on spoiling the scores

It appears that we where quite bad
I was already barely clinging to a thread of interest in our season this year, but this has tipped me over the edge. Thread broken. Wake me if we make finals. I doubt we'll even get in from here.
I'm the same. I'm not even mad about the result today, the demise of this club since halfway through 2022 has been like watching a slow car crash. Everyone can see it except for the people that matter at the club. I'm half checked out and it feels good not being so invested.
Honestly, probably the sort of loss we needed to have. Instead of getting these tighter results which allow the team to just barely hang on to the delusion that we're a premiership threat, a capitulation like this forces us to be realistic about where we are and will (surely!) provoke some needed changes. We've missed the chance in the last 3 years to refresh the list and refresh our approach to the game, while our defensive profile allowed us to paper over some of the cracks and convince us that we're more advanced than we really are. That has to change now, and the focus has to be on building something for 2025.

That doesn't mean "playing the kids" - I mean, we don't really have any to start with. The cupboard is pretty bare atm. But Petty has to be out of the team at a minimum. Oliver has to get fit, and it that means doing a mini pre-season and missing 6 weeks of football, then so be it. We have to change our approach to the game, be more attacking and optimistic, and freshen things up with roles, etc. Everything is just so ****ing stale, and dull, and predictable. Mixing things up might generate a bit of enthusiasm, and the last 10 rounds of this year would be a good chance to ingrain some habits in preparation for next year, results be damned. We also need to hit the free-agency / trade market hard, and make some hard calls on some of the guys on the list.

If we're going to fail, then we need to fail taking some risks. At the moment we're just a festering pool of water, slowly evaporating away in the sun. Please, for the love of Christ, grant us the chance to die like men.
It's a loss we needed to have, and i felt we where going to have. We where due in for a 10 goal + reality check, but getting up to near 100 against freo is bad. It does feel we've papered over the cracks in some places that showed today, we've also got problems that we're not going to be able to solve this season on the fly.

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Honestly does this team even have the skills required to apply a different game plan?

The list has been built around running hard defensively, applying pressure to force stoppages and then winning the resulting contested possession. You don't need to be super skilful when your main aim is to just get territory and force a stoppage, but the number of kicks and handballs completely missing their target would be unacceptable for an under 16's team and makes it nearly impossible to implement any sort of system other than the one Goody has been using the entire time he's been with us.
I'm the same. I'm not even mad about the result today, the demise of this club since halfway through 2022 has been like watching a slow car crash. Everyone can see it except for the people that matter at the club. I'm half checked out and it feels good not being so invested.
Third quarter the whole thing just became funny. Just gonna ride the wave now.
Long time coming, the stoppage game (our supposed strength) has been missing all year against the better teams and for the first time we've been put to the sword

Lack of outside class, forward connection and a functional forward half was always going to be brutally exposed once the contested football and defensive pressure had a decline

The optimist in me thinks this could be a catalyst for change. Writing this off as simply a bad day surely doesn't fly.
I hope lol.
Good - dee-lusion about where we are at is finally over

Bad - Freo nailing just about every set shot in tough conditions when they have been shizen all year at it

Fugly - poor kicking I'm at piece with as it has been this way a long time but the missed handballs this year... This is an absolute basic skill and completely unacceptable.

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Review Dees v Freo - Good, Bad & Fugly. CHEER LOUDER 🤯

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