Autopsy Positives & Negatives v Collingwood

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+ Sheed wasn't great in the contest, but worked his arse off all game. A lot of leads that weren't used. Reminded me a lot of his quieter games last year, so I think he'll be much better for the run.

+ Schofield and JD remembered how to kick. Shame Schoey was beaten by some exceptional forward work in the first half, but his positioning was great I thought.

+/- I really think Karps just overtook Lecras

- Gaff kicks well and we win. So many soiled i50s for no good reason. Hard to believe how little impact he had with so many opportunities.

? watching Cloke line up for goal is even funnier live; regardless of how the teams are going, it's a show in itself
The biggest positive is that this should stitch up any fraudulent flag ambitions some may have thought we had. We're pretenders. The sooner we get bundled out of the finals, the better. Then we can make some long term decisions.

I'd like to see the club promote a few of the young blokes in the remaining games. Good to see Karpany out there today, leave him in for the rest of the year. Move on a few of the pea hearts who go to water when they leave WA.

Might as well play Lamb as well. If he performs we might at least get better compensation. Fatten the Lamb.

And in the off season we should recruit some rugby coach to teach these softies to stick a tackle.

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Bear with me...

Nic makes our 2nd-tier midfielders look good (duh). Not just with his effort at the contest, but the trickle-down from clean clearances to Shuey and Priddis gives the others space and time. Sans Nic, we have those same 2 players scrapping for the dirty clearance, without support. Gaff is smart enough to find the footy either way, but with a more open spread in front of him, he's much more damaging. We've gotten by against weaker teams through our drive from the back line, oppo turnovers and an efficient forward line. The basket case teams of 2016 are still playing ancient footy, and our structures starve them of the ball.

So this last month and a bit has revealed who can consistently win their own footy, pressure opponents and execute under pressure; Simmo has been forced to alter our line-up and find players that can. We might not have them all on our list, but my hope is that this experience also teaches Yeo, Duggan, Sheed, Nelson and anybody that currently has rotations a bit more about their game and how to be effective at AFL level without ruck dominance or superior structures.

This is all happening on the run at the wrong end of the season, but we're still in contention for a home elimination final (however likely an interstate trip might seem), with Nic set to return and hopefully a midfield under him with a harder edge. We reworked our back line last year when written off, is there any way we can do that again and make an impact, even if just to carry us through into 2017 with confidence?
Not seeing much love for these two.


Along with Shuey, our only real 4 quarter performers.

I've held my silence for too long here we go:

  • Jack Darling standing up in a big game at the MCG. It was pleasing to see him impose himself more and use that solid frame and talent of his
  • Lycett's second half, started having an influence on the contest
  • Hurn in the back half in particular his kicking out put us in with a chance
  • Fortunate not to have found ourselves behind by more than we were

  • Gaff was not our worst but along with Duggan needs to learn to weight their kicks better. On a number of occasions we see these dinky grubber kicks that barely go the distance when even a 15 m pass to a teammate right in front of them is required. This is really unforgivable and is the glaring deficiency in both player's games
  • The use of Mark Le Cras, particularly the fact he was unwell. Put the boy up forward, change things up Simmo
  • Simmo on game day and at the selection table
  • Barrass sorely sorely missed
  • midfield set up got monstered in the clearances and contested ball
+ Darling kicked straighter
+ Karps didn't look lost
+ JK tries all day
+ Hurn showed how a captain leads by example
+ Dome of the set plays coming out of defence worked well
+ Priddis gives absolutely everything he has

- Masten had no presence
- Lecra only ran one way (forward)
- Duggan continues to not get enough of the ball
- We continue to kick to 1 on 2 or sometimes 3 contests
- We continue to handball to players under more pressure
- Our tackles regularly didn't stick
- Clearences strategies are not working
Positives - I was right saying Barrass is god and Mackenzie should now be employed as his full-time boot polisher.

Negatives - Disgustingness .
+Karpany should be played for the rest of the season.
+Barrass although he didn't play, looks the goods.
+I would let NicNat have the rest of the year off to recover fully, we're not challenging for anything.

-LeCras is done, has struggled all year and will only get worse.
-Butler was done a few years ago, always looks likely to turn the ball over, has no confidence in his own skill that's why he always takes the soft option in going sideways, we always get carved up by his direct opponent.
-Poor team selection most weeks, reward constant failures and drop players that are considered unlucky.
-Recruiting Jetta, was a poor decision, what with his form in 2015 and apart from 2012 has had a pretty ordinary career, our recruiters should of seen this.
-Redden hasn't shown a thing but had a interrupted pre-season, so will give him next year to show a least the minimum of what is required.
-Screaming out for a crumbing forward, yet coaching staff refuse to address.
-Darlings form at times, looks uninterested.
-Hill plays a good game and then unseen for a month, this has happened regularly throughout his career with us.
-Masten rarely hits a target, rarely makes the right decision and never influences a game, should of been traded a couple of years ago when he had currency.
-Wellinghams been good but he's been looking half arsed the last 2 months.
-Too many poor decision making and poor skill errors, a lot of the time under no pressure at all.
-MacKenzie, coming back from a knee reco always takes another year on top of the one you missed to get back into the pace of AFL, but the dropped marks, poor decision making and easily worked away from the ball were making us look like we were one short on the field.
-Bad teams always over handball and we've over handballed all year, the longer a handball chain goes, the more chance the opposition have to turn it over, we've got the talls, bomb the ball long when under pressure, but again, not having crumbing forwards, if it goes to ground, it comes straight out, these little half metre handballs to someone already getting tackled have killed us all year.
-Recruiting is a hit and miss science but I do think Craig Vozzo misses far out weigh his hits.
-Opposition clubs and supporters look at us as soft, bottom teams generally think that can beat us and when we leave the door open or take our foot off their throat and keep them in the game, they getting all jumpy, excited and confident and we go to water, which proves that we are soft.
-Losing last years grand final was shattering for us all, that was our chance, that was our only chance, I knew during the game that we weren't gonna be back for another go this year, the 4 players that concerned me last year that were carried and were poor grand final day, now have a couple of extras to join them. We are going to play finals this year, but unfortunately, we will be bundled out first week in what could end in a humiliating thrashing, it is time to reassess where we are going as a club, do we want to finish next season middle of the road 7-12 or be aggressive in our approach and look to build towards a premiership in 4-5 years time, be ruthless at the trade table, all offers considered!
Was at the game live in Melbourne and let me tell you, if mckenzie is ever played over barrass again simpson needs his head read, he was atrocious. Le cras wasn't far behind either.

Logic would dictate that eric gets dropped in favor of tom and le cras finally has a spell in the wafl until he learns consistency

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1. We didn't play 2 rucks
2. We didn't play Barrass to cover McGovern when had to ruck,
3. LeCras 9 possessions
4. MASTEN 11 piss poor possessions.
5. Kennedy kicking.
6. Wellinghams softness.
7. The amount of fumbling all day.
8. MacKenzie dropping easy marks.
9. The least worse team won....terrible game to watch.
10. Coaches dont seem to be making tough calls on playing out of form players on reputation.


1. Liked Karpanys first game.
2. All of the negatives can be fixed through better coaching and hard decisions.
Same shit, different match. Kind of what I expected, though I'm still disappointed.

Even the positives are really negatives - eg. why can't Darling perform that way consistently?

Though not equipped with all the facts, to me it seems that "resting" Barrassment Panda was an embarrassment. Schofield for Easy should've been the call. But hindsight and all.

I knew one of the plucky three in Carlton, Melbourne, or Collingwood would beat us. Melbourne beat us as well, only not on the scoreboard. Collingwood beat us with their best young forward talent off for over a half.

**** this season.

Do we have any pride left to save next week against Fremantle? I'd say a slither, but still it's always worth beating them.

Aside from that, I hope we get one finals game out of this shit season just for the experience. No other expectations.
Hows about a guarantee that they will actually play in the midfield?

I mean i know its a radical thought but what if we got an up and coming mid and you know... Didnt forward flank them to death?

If i was a young up and coming mid at another team who followed west coast - i wouldnt be inspired to come home - would you?
More to the point - if you were a player manager with a.... say ..... Jom

Coming back from injury - eagles contact him to come home

Given our midfield politics and complete and utter lack of midfield development - watching time and time again players played on a flank who grew up playing midfield. Watching us stuck doing that as we have a player WHO CANT BE PLAYED ANYWHERE ELSE. Cant be rotated anywhere but the bench so if you put him there its a man down in rotations.

given that these player managers all manage lots of players - how many have spoken to say - brad ebert or koby stevens etc - and know that its almost impossible to break into the eagles midfield.

Instead your client will play forward flank and be expected to get 33 posessions from there per game before being considered to be a ft mid.

Look at yeo - averaging 18 possys a game with minimal midfield time - when he does get a full time gig in the guts he stars - see the hawthorn game - see the richmond game

But he only gets 18 per game as a part time mid (same as gary ablett senior playing ff and part time mid btw).

He doesnt get it enough.

Anyway - back to our player manager - he sees his client go to wb or port or wherever and start playing as a mid. Might only start at 30% time in the middle - and build from there - but it builds

Where at the eagles it never builds - it hits that brick wall.

And every year we ask - how come we cant develop mids - how come we cant attract young mids home how come how come.

Now honestly - we have a senior mid who has clearly passed priddis in shuey. If jom was to come here - you would if you had any sense at all retire priddis and put him in the guts rotating with yeo and fast track his development

Wouldnt you?

Thats what any other club would do.

We fu€|<ing well wont. We will keep playing priddis.

So as a player manager i would tell my client dont go to the eagles. Simple as.
Negative - There seems to be instructions to give to Gaff no matter what.
Often times players in space would handball to Gaff under pressure.
We've got to learn to be more versatile than that.
I'd agree but unfortunately he is mostly the only option. Masten is usually another one but he didn't want to get too close to the action yesterday. If the whole team had the work rate of Darling and Cripps then there may be more options. How bad is a midfield when a player like Hutchings is your best on the day? (taking into account the workload and the disposal efficiency). Tunbridge worked hard but looked like an inexperienced recruit. Karpany looked quite good I thought considering the senior players who should have been there for him were crap. I didn't think LeCras was too bad considering they had him playing from behind the square. I know he got caught but at least he was trying to be creative instead of just throwing it on the boot. The sets ups were appalling as they have been for some time. It is just too easy for teams to unload a handball to someone in the clear. If Collingwood were halfway decent they would have won by a lot more. Whoever is behind the matchups in the backline needs to go back to basics. Above all else in AFL you must take your marks and be a one grab player...there is simply not enough time to fumble! Plus, if you fumble it's usually because you take your eye off the ball and the question has to be asked...are you looking for contact coming?
Masten, Butler, Lecras, McKenzie, Hutchings ....... Premiership core there.

Can we please start deducting Masten panicked 1 metre handball to a player under just as much pressure from his disposal count (or at least his effective disposal count) because by any realistic measure they just pad his stats & contribute nothing.

I suppose unlike Masten, at least Lecras can take a tackle, even if it is caused by a complete unawareness of his surrounds.
I've backed Masten despite the criticisms from others but his effort yesterday was disgraceful. There was one instance when the game was up for grabs that he made a half hearted effort to was just so pathetic that he should be dropped on that alone....result..Goal to Collingwood
Positives - Darling, Cripps & Hill. Without these 3 we would have been lucky to convert anything at all.

Negatives - Game was lost at selection table.

Our other defenders are too dumb not to have Gov back there. Just because he is flexible and can play multiple positions as is what Simpson likes that doesn't mean the other players around him are good enough to be flexible to play without him there. That first quarter would have had Simpson saying "my kingdom for Barrass"

So the dropping of Barrassment Panda & Giles was a bad move. Our team is inflexible and unless you are going to make wholesale changes we have too many players that can only play one way or one position. And the talented players like Gov, Hill & Lycett that give it a go wherever they are on their lonesome in this team.
So if you are going to move Gov into the ruck you need the extra tall intercept player in Barrass. If you want Gov to fill that role then he can't play ruck its a simple mathematical equation. I thought it was flat out embarrassing watching Darcy Moore take mark after mark knowing those changes they made.
With a day to reflect, only positives from me, because I think you all have covered the negatives well enough you sack sacks.

  • Karpany showed signs. Didn't get amongst it that much, as you'd expect, but I thought his vision and attempts a few times at playing with subtle angles made things happen for us. I'd leave him in this week.
  • Tunbridge the same, hit the packs hard and tackled well, but you can really see the difference between guys who haven't played much at the level in regards to getting their hands free in the packs to distribute the ball.
  • Darling played a good game on the MCG, which hopefully tames a few demons. Kicked well, led hard the whole game.
  • Cripps in the last two weeks has been our cleanest and most effective player forward of centre in my view. Whether we can move him into the middle as an option I don't know, but he has that ability to make good decisions with little time.
  • Duggan our leading tackler, and a few times I saw him deliver really well by hand, on both sides, just that polish that a lot of our other mids lack, I don't see the point in leaving him out of the side again.
  • Schofield did little but his best work was up the ground, I think when he gets it around the centre he backs himself to hit targets up forward and play on, which disrupts the opposition. I'd start slimming him down for next year if he's to be in our best team.
  • Lycett isn't cut out to be a first ruck by himself yet, but he got on top of Grundy in the third and lead our fight back. He would have learned a lot and should be better for it when Nic comes back.
  • Sheed got the cobwebs out, he needs a good run before the finals
  • Hill once again did well floating behind the ball. Apparently the first time he's done it according to the observant commentary. If we're going to use a spitter I'd get him or Yeo to do it, and chain LeCras to the goalpost FFS. Seriously, when he was running back to goal to try and get a cheapie was twice as fast as I saw him at any other point on the day.
+ if match committee has any sense it was Le Cras last game. Reality is top 4 isn't happening and 5th/6th unlikely so no home final. Therefore no point in him being in the team if the flat track is out of bounds in September.

+ should be the last we see of Emac for 2016. I feel sorry for the bloke and hope he comes good after spending the rest of the year at East Perth and getting another pre-season behind him.

- 4 games left, time is almost run out to find a winning formula or turn this crap around.

- Don't really think Simpson knows where to start to turn it around. Just have to hope we get Lucky and Nic Nat hits form at the right time and wins games for us off his own boot.
Lecca needs a spell, and Simmo seems all at sea. Either that, or the players are not listening.
Seems like these guys just rock up and expect to win, there are only a few players on our list truly get their hands dirty no matter what game... and it is just a few, whilst the others just watch or wait for the ball to be in their hands.

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Autopsy Positives & Negatives v Collingwood

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