Trades Round 12 Trades...dedicated to Dots

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I've accepted my team won't be completed. Can't see myself upgrading all of Aliir, Impey and May.
Tough crowd. Removing 3 LTI players, Impey is the 10th best forward by average.
Did a bit more research. Removing May’s injury game of 7, he’s averaging 94 which makes him #16 on averages. Aliir is 25th which sounds low, but an average of 90 is very acceptable. All ticks for completion in my book. Reckon I’d be comfortable taking all three through the rest of the year.
There must have been some serious sideways action along the way. How did you not have Gawn and have Taranto as m3 and have no Macca Oliver or Steele?
Nah, just crippled by injuries and dud picks at the start of the year. I'd hazard a guess that at least half my trades have been necessitated by long-term injuries and mostly to players you'd expect to be durable. I'm a shocker for sideways trades but not sure I've made a single (unforced) one this year.
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50k bank.

Should have (touch wood):
1 RUCK (2 if Grundy gets up)

Think it might be no trades, will most likely hold Grundy unless it’s a LTI.

Flynn > Reeves next week (and possibly Highmore > Bianco) gives me 290k (or 370k) to upgrade Warner/Jordon on there bye. Might also consider CCJ


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Wasn't going to trade but hey you know me....

Flynn > Reeves
Warner > Heeney

Only 3 rookies left on the ground now -

D6 - Jones
M7 - Jordan
M8 - Poulter

View attachment 1142032

Hall, Impey, Ziebell, Heeney on the same line is giving me anxiety, but I'm sure plenty of coaches will be running with the same setup
Bergman to CCJ {can switch him with Treacy now if i need too}
Powell to Gull via Laird
Scott to Holmes
126k in bank

R12- Max 21 even if Grundy misses
R13- 17 before any trades
R14- 17 before any trades

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Last years "Your Completed Team" thread got deleted because kenties got triggered when I declined to 'Completed' green stamp teams with SP Riccardi at F6. 😁
Maybe state the rules upfront, the main (and only?) one being no rookies onfield
Bergman to CCJ {can switch him with Treacy now if i need too}
Powell to Gull via Laird
Scott to Holmes
126k in bank

R12- Max 21 even if Grundy misses
R13- 17 before any trades
R14- 17 before any trades
Was gonna go early on CCJ but he's not on the bubble until round 14 right? I'll grab him then I reckon
Maybe state the rules upfront, the main (and only?) one being no rookies onfield

I did, in the OP and about a dozen subsequent posts. Completed = No rookies on-field under the criteria I set as thread starter. So Heeney, May, Daniel, Jiath, Atkins, Cripps, etc who currently have sub 90 averages would qualify to be a part of a completed team where as a first year rookie doesn't, even if they're currently averaging higher due to small size sample. Eg: CCJ 112 after 1 game, Reeves 86 average after 2 game this year and Riccardi something similar after 2 games last year as a comparison. This is where we have an impasse as some want a cut-off point in season averages say 90+ but that doesn't work as averages are still fluid at the half way mark and a 70 average player might be averaging 100+ whilst in your team and a 100+ season average might be averaging 70 since you traded them in. To me complete has always meant no rookies on-field with common sense exceptions where a non-rookie that's a complete spud who is averaging 40 does not count towards complete just because he's not a rookie. But that requires a group consensus of agreed facts, something that's not always possible on a SC forum.
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Due to family commitments I've missed watching my own team stink it up for the last 2 rounds.

Wondering about Impey's role? Is he doing something different the last few rounds? With Grundy injured (maybe) and Highmore spudding up I might be under pressure to field 18 this week and was wondering if any of my R12 bye premos might be worth sacrificing.
Brodie Smith OUT
Steele IN

Will wait on the rooks as I should be able to field 18 players & knowing my luck if I go early whoever I bring in will go down injured.
Due to family commitments I've missed watching my own team stink it up for the last 2 rounds.

Wondering about Impey's role? Is he doing something different the last few rounds? With Grundy injured (maybe) and Highmore spudding up I might be under pressure to field 18 this week and was wondering if any of my R12 bye premos might be worth sacrificing.
His role has definitely changed, he was thrown around a lot on Saturday, he was on ball for parts, then he played half forward and then he went back to half back later in the game. At this stage I don't think it's worth trading him out but it could definitely work.
I did, in the OP and about a dozen subsequent posts. Completed = No rookies on-field under the criteria I set as thread starter. So Heeney, May, Daniel, Jiath, Atkins, Cripps, etc who currently have sub 90 averages would qualify to be a part of a completed team where as a first year rookie doesn't, even if they're currently averaging higher due to small size sample. Eg: CCJ 112 after 1 game, Reeves 86 average after 2 game this year and Riccardi something similar after 2 games last year as a comparison. This is where we have an impasse as some want a cut-off point in season averages say 90+ but that doesn't work as averages are still fluid at the half way mark and a 70 average player might be averaging 100+ whilst in your team and a 100+ season average might be averaging 70 since you traded them in. To me complete has always meant no rookies on-field with common sense exceptions where a non-rookie that's a complete spud who is averaging 40 does not count towards complete just because he's not a rookie. But that requires a group consensus of agreed facts, something that's not always possible on a SC forum.

Just create the thread mate - other posters will just have to live with it

It's your thread, it's your rules!
It's your Complete stamp, it's yours to stamp!

BTW - I may not have a complete team :eek:
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