Trades Round 12 Trades...dedicated to Dots

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Just create the thread mate - other posters will just have to live with it

It's your thread, it's your rules!
It's your Complete stamp, it's yours to stamp!

BTW - I may not have a complete team :eek:

Since Jiska has borrowed my "complete stamp" and included mid-pricers in his complete team whilst having no rookies on-field thus meeting the criteria I set last year, perhaps he should start the Completed Teams thread this year?

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Flynn - > CCJ
Scott - > Bianco

Leaves 340k and 14 trades. All going well, should next week be able to go
Koschitzke - > Whitfield
RCD -> Hawkins
McCreery - > Reeves via CCJ

Dependent on RCD going up to around 257k though. Needs to get a game and needs 60 ish.

My question would be if I just trade out Brockman to a 117-123k rookie this week which would mean I can do it next week no questions asked. After next week that would leave me with 10 trades.
I'm slipping in the ranks so trying to get a team complete through the byes. Next weeks trades would leave me with 2 rookies on field and no mid pricers, 1 being Jones in def and 1 being Poulter so not bad at all.
If I keep Brockman I risk not getting Hawkins and Whitfield, but have 11 trades with 2 upgrades to go.
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Breakeven of 97 so he's not gonna go up much, isn't it worth waiting until after his bye?
Yeah, I know. Just gotta remember this game is a marathon, not a sprint. Bianco, Reeves and CCJ can all literally wait until next week while the remaining rookies still make cash.

Yeah, no trades.
Flynn > Reeves
Warner > Bianco
Highmore > Whitfield

Leaves me with a team like this:
Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 9.46.05 am.png

9 trades remaining with 3 upgrades left (350k in the bank).

That 350k can get me an upgrade (most likely Bont as the last mid spot) with one trade. Assume 8 trades left with 2 upgrades remaining.

Last two forward spots for Zorko/Dale and Dangerfield.

Assume one up one down to make those trades happen 2 * 2 = 4 trades.

Completed team with 4 trades remaining for injuries.
Flynn > Reeves
Warner > Bianco
Highmore > Whitfield

Leaves me with a team like this:
View attachment 1142160

9 trades remaining with 3 upgrades left (350k in the bank).

That 350k can get me an upgrade (most likely Bont as the last mid spot) with one trade. Assume 8 trades left with 2 upgrades remaining.

Last two forward spots for Zorko/Dale and Dangerfield.

Assume one up one down to make those trades happen 2 * 2 = 4 trades.

Completed team with 4 trades remaining for injuries.
Stay away from Whitfield.
Not gonna lie, this is the first time I've even thought about the byes. Now having a look it's fair to say I need some bodies this week.


Given I have all of 11 trades left, I'm probably looking for "value"at this point. Thinking Flyn, CJ and Phillips (finally ) can all go. Heeney an obvious one, possibly roughie back Super Sexy Patty C who seems to be able to actually bend down now. Anyone seeing anything glaringly obvious here?
Whitfield is almost a must have after his bye, have you seen his fixture for the second half of the season? Comes back from the bye playing Norf, Carlton and Hawthorn. Wouldn't surprise me if he goes 115+ for the rest of the season
Thats why I traded him in last week!

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Why not Reeves? Two game sample size compared to one for CCJ

6 weeks for Lynch gives enough confidence he sticks around. Has St Kilda, GC, Pies probably before Lynch comes back so some opportunity.
I don't believe that the possibility of an injury is a good enough reason to not trade someone in after 1 game - anyone you ever trade in could get hurt.
6 weeks for Lynch gives enough confidence he sticks around. Has St Kilda, GC, Pies probably before Lynch comes back so some opportunity.
I don't believe that the possibility of an injury is a good enough reason to not trade someone in after 1 game - anyone you ever trade in could get hurt.
Didn’t realise Lynch was OUT for that long. Will be getting CCJ IN, just leaning towards waiting. I will consider him if Grundy is OUT.
Good week last week considering had Grundy as Captain.

If Grundy is all ok thinking of going

Flynn to Reeves
Rowe to Heeney

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks
I did, in the OP and about a dozen subsequent posts. Completed = No rookies on-field under the criteria I set as thread starter. So Heeney, May, Daniel, Jiath, Atkins, Cripps, etc who currently have sub 90 averages would qualify to be a part of a completed team where as a first year rookie doesn't, even if they're currently averaging higher due to small size sample. Eg: CCJ 112 after 1 game, Reeves 86 average after 2 game this year and Riccardi something similar after 2 games last year as a comparison. This is where we have an impasse as some want a cut-off point in season averages say 90+ but that doesn't work as averages are still fluid at the half way mark and a 70 average player might be averaging 100+ whilst in your team and a 100+ season average might be averaging 70 since you traded them in. To me complete has always meant no rookies on-field with common sense exceptions where a non-rookie that's a complete spud who is averaging 40 does not count towards complete just because he's not a rookie. But that requires a group consensus of agreed facts, something that's not always possible on a SC forum.
I'm never going to complete my team at this rate.

giphy (15).gif
Should be no trades for me this week pending what happens with Grundy. If he misses I might be tempted to get CCJ in a week early as an extra warm body

Probably bring in Whitfield next week (moving Laird to the mids for a while). Can then asses either keeping Laird m8 or trading May to a SP mid.

Bont and Neale the targets, with Danger the final forward.
Not gonna lie, this is the first time I've even thought about the byes. Now having a look it's fair to say I need some bodies this week.

View attachment 1142163

Given I have all of 11 trades left, I'm probably looking for "value"at this point. Thinking Flyn, CJ and Phillips (finally ) can all go. Heeney an obvious one, possibly roughie back Super Sexy Patty C who seems to be able to actually bend down now. Anyone seeing anything glaringly obvious here?

Flynn > Reeves
Phillips > Heeney
CJ > Super Sexy Patty C
leaves about 115k

I need a rookie that isn't Bianco, CCJ or Reeves to make my plans work please kentlemen.

Holmes? Rosas?

Who should I be taking?
Think I can come up with a viable plan to add Steele, Whitfield, Stewart and Bolton over the byes. Need an extra rookie (beyond Bianco, CCJ, Reeves) to present themselves. Will probably spend the rest of the year from there trying to afford Bont.

Round 14 is gonna be tiiiiight to get 18 playing bodies.
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