Round 3: Changes Vs St Kilda

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Out: Langdon (give this spud a kick up the arse and make him earn his spot back), Hughes(what was that shit?), Wilson (absolute soft ****)

In: North, Duman, Giro


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Out: Hughes, Schultz
In: Logue, Switta

AB has plenty of credits in the bag for one atrocious game.

There are probably three guys in the team (Fyfe, Hill, McCarthor) who didnt have an absolute stinker. The whole team was tripe. That does not mean we go dropping the whole team.

Is it too much to ask for some semblance of sanity around here
Out: Hughes, Darcy and Banfield.

In: Logue, Switkowski and Duman.

Ryan Hamling Logue
Wilson Pearce Duman
B Hill Mundy Langdon
McCarthy Hogan Walters
Schultz Tabs Switkowski

Lobb Fyfe Cerra

Brayshaw Conca Colyer Tucker
Would't mind Valente, Carter or North getting a game next week, We desperately need another midfielder. And, let's not kid ourselves, the rebuild is still a long way off finished.
Hughes would be the only one in the gun. , We could be considering our options with Darcy also

I reckon they would also be thinking they went in too tall with not enough run in the tank - not sure which tall you take out though? Can you take out Darcy for a game maybe and go with just Lobb and Taberner as the rucks?

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Why is everyone potting Hughes, far from our worst I thought
We can't play Tabs, Cam, Lobb and Hogan together again. I don't care if they each played individually OK - which they did. I just watched Harbrow and Bowes and even Hanley do whatever the hell they liked off half back. It didn't help that Banfield whose job it was to try and stop it was ****ing useless
Out One tall (unlucky), in Switta if fit. Banfield and Cerra should be dropped for being squibs but who is knocking down the door to replace them?
Schultz the obvious out.

Did Conca blanket someone? I hope so because otherwise his game was shit and should be dropped.

Lobb and Darcy were killed.

Ryan injured?

Duman, Nyhuis, Giro, Matera the options to come in.
Hughes was the best in a garbage defence. Wilson was woeful, Ryan poor. Hughes on Sexton at least he kept him quiet.

Darcy has to come out. So underdone its riduclous. Lobb to full time ruck.

In: North, Matera
Out: Brayshaw, Darcy

That’ll work out the structures. Lobb can take the ruck, as he was better there all day then Darcy
Hughes was mostly good today. A lot of posters don’t rate defenders unless they run off and get plenty of the ball. If you haven’t played the game, you’ll never understand football defence. Especially if you’ve come from a soccer background and I suspect we have plentry of them on here.
Hughes would be the only one in the gun. , We could be considering our options with Darcy also

Yep, Darcy based on todays effort - but, for who? We aren't gunning for a Grand Final this year, the development will stand him in good stead in future years even if it negatively affects the whole team for the year.

We totally lost this game in the midfield, the defenders with the repeated entries to defense were under huge pressure, I'd give Hughes a free pass on this game as all defenders will occasionally be given a haircut. But it needs to be a one off, it's up to him to do a credible job as a defender in spite of the odds.

A big, quality mid with some defensive nouse would have been handy today - Blakely, stop chatting up the medicos, we need you on the park... Or Cerra's future self if he wouldn't mind stepping in a time machine.
Hughes was mostly good today. A lot of posters don’t rate defenders unless they run off and get plenty of the ball. If you haven’t played the game, you’ll never understand football defence. Especially if you’ve come from a soccer background and I suspect we have plentry of them on here.

Hughes was ok but he is the number 3-4 defender. you need guys playing in hughes position to provide run out of defense.
I reckon they would also be thinking they went in too tall with not enough run in the tank - not sure which tall you take out though? Can you take out Darcy for a game maybe and go with just Lobb and Taberner as the rucks?

Darcy let us down badly around the ground today and I am not one to beat down on him cause Sandi would have been worse - But we Have Lobb and we have Tabs and we have Darcy and we needed more run . The scales can be ugly sometimes but they don't lie especially when the balance isn't right.
Hughes was ok but he is the number 3-4 defender. you need guys playing in hughes position to provide run out of defense.

Any word on if Logue has had a run or are we gonna be screwed by this late WAFL start....

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