Round 3: Changes Vs St Kilda

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Height wasn't an issue from my viewing. Just a midfield that got massively outworked. GC midfield spread harder and faster for 4 qtrs.

Out: Schultz, Banfield
In: Switta, Logue

Get Cerra out the backline and move him into the mid rotations.

Logue - Hamling - Ryan
Wilson - APearce - Hughes
Langdon - Mundy - BHill
Walters - Hogan - McCarthy
Switta - Taberner - Lobb

Darcy - Fyfe - Tucker

Cerra - Brayshaw - Conca - Coyler

Absolutely nailed it at the start. Height was no issue at all. The only difference was Ballantyne for Hogan.
Ballantyne last week had 0 tackles and 0 one %.

For me
Out - Shultz
In - Swita

Banfield is a plodder but I think he stays until Ballaz/Hilk/Blakely are ready
Despite having 4 tall forwards, the number of times the target inside 50 ended up being Walters or Banfield was ridiculous. And it was the same all over the field - as our team folded into the back half to try and stem the bleeding (luckily GC were inaccurate).

we didn't have deep enough entries the ball never got to the talls

I'm not sure if our players weren't mentally prepared or our fitness isn't up to scratch but you're pushing **** up hill when the players aren't conditioned ready for a game. Because of that Ross and the coaches became too defensive, just to try and eke out a win (which we almost did).

disagree with this. we essentially started with a spare man in defense the moment the ball was bounced Tucker moved into the backline.

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Banfield is a plodder but I think he stays until Ballaz/Hilk/Blakely/Valente/North/Switkowski are ready
One of the things that seemed to happen against GCSs is Walters did play more forward, but for now I'm not sure we can afford that without either another mid in, or we need a replacement small forward and Walters more mid.

I think there will be a push for Valente early as well, and surely North sooner than later too. They aren't forwards, but neither is Banfield really. Would love Swit in asap, and would sacrifice Banfield if needed. Schultz didn't have a good game, but that is his first away game. He did seem to struggle for fitness, so he will be discussed.
Feel bad for Andy, his form isn’t great since returning from injury. Some of his kicks yesterday were deplorable. Hopefully he gains some confidence soon.
Amazing how forgetful this board is . What was it 6 or so months ago that Brayshaw had that horrific facial injury from a cowards punch while playing a great game against tough opposition
One poor game amongst a lot of poor performances and he is copping unwarranted criticism.
Who would want to pull on the Freo jumper with some of the supporters we have.
I personally think a lot of you aren't giving the GC anywhere near enough credit.

Schultz I think should make way for Switta (we need the speed) but Matera is more likely. I was right behind he chances yesterday and he scrubbed them. That's the stuff he needs to sort out in the WAFL.

Definitely think we were too tall forward but unless we drop one of our high priced recruits we have to persist since Tabs and Cam were the better of the 4.

Hughes may make mistakes but if he isn't there yesterday they kick 1-3 extra goals.

Also if you are the leading tackler on the ground, you get some leeway with other aspects, especially if your team is getting belted around the contest.
Are we gunning for a premiership this year? No

Darcy stays in, learns to be a #1 AFL ruck and gains match fitness.

Brayshaw stays in and learns to bounce back from a poor game.

Need to lose a tall for either Switta or Giro (My choice is still Tabs, although Ill get gunned down on here for that).

Hogan to the forward line, **** it all of Hogan, Lobb and McCarthy to the forwardline instead of our targets being ****ing Walters and Colyer.
Are we gunning for a premiership this year? No

Darcy stays in, learns to be a #1 AFL ruck and gains match fitness.

Brayshaw stays in and learns to bounce back from a poor game.

Need to lose a tall for either Switta or Giro (My choice is still Tabs, although Ill get gunned down on here for that).

Hogan to the forward line, **** it all of Hogan, Lobb and McCarthy to the forwardline instead of our targets being ****ing Walters and Colyer.

This! ^^^^

So much this!

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Are we gunning for a premiership this year? No

Darcy stays in, learns to be a #1 AFL ruck and gains match fitness.

Brayshaw stays in and learns to bounce back from a poor game.

Need to lose a tall for either Switta or Giro (My choice is still Tabs, although Ill get gunned down on here for that).

Hogan to the forward line, **** it all of Hogan, Lobb and McCarthy to the forwardline instead of our targets being ****ing Walters and Colyer.
Agree with this except Darcy who had a compression bandage on his leg and didn’t train during the week struggled. Was labouring and I saw him wince in pain a number of times and look to the bench.

Brayshaw wasn’t great but he had a dip. He seems to have lost some confidence with his kicking. There was an out on the full in the fwd pocket at one point and he ran away when the Ump wasn’t looking (even tho he was closest) and left BHill to take the kick and all BHill do was centre to the goal square. Just needs to forget about goals and go out there and hit a few teammates. If he continues to struggle with this then maybe a spell with Peel will do him the world of good.

Cerra had 15 possessions and again looked composed. There was a passage of play where everyone of our players was fumbling - step in Cerra clean pick up spin before delivering nicely to a player just outside 50.

Whilst our midfield were beaten in the centre clearance work the big issues were not bombs into 50 but bombs out of 50. It was just stupid football and kept handing the ball back to them. Using RTB language we lost out on weight of numbers due to turnovers coming out of the 50 and that incl. Pearce, Ryan, Wilson, Hughes etc.

I thought Conca was quite good.
we didn't have deep enough entries the ball never got to the talls
We had 4 tall forwards! Were all of them deep i50 were they? 46 inside 50s. How many were to a tall target? With 4 talls you'd expect some of those to be playing half forward, and not all deep. They smashed us across half back with intercepts because we kept kicking to small players forward of centre.
disagree with this. we essentially started with a spare man in defense the moment the ball was bounced Tucker moved into the backline.
Did we? I might have to check but my perception, and Dal Santo mentioned it as well, was that we pushed our winger back in a defensive position - I don't think that was from the opening bounce. So Tucker was playing on ball and then leaving his mid to drop back to defence? That makes no sense. Either way, point still stands, we played too defensively. Need to hold better structure, take the risk and then attack aggressively knowing we've got numbers down field to make contests without massive outnumbers. Not sure why we expected we'd win 1v3 or 1v2 contests.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mundy is managed this week, wasn't on the ground much and didn't look good when he was
Feel bad for Andy, his form isn’t great since returning from injury. Some of his kicks yesterday were deplorable. Hopefully he gains some confidence soon.

His kicking was bad but his fumbles were significantly worse.
is Valente fit for a debut yet ? would love to see a kid with some class out there, he could bring the much needed smart football brain to the side

He will play WAFL this weekend.
No panic stations please people. The players looked flat on Sunday. Is it a Jason Weber thing?

Anyway, the side is young with a significant influx of new faces. Some days they will gel and others they will not. Get used to the inconsistency for the time being.

As regards this next game I would consider looking at Darcy. He does not look fully fit to me. Lobb and Tabs could handle the ruck work for one game. Also Cerra needs a kick up the bum - either that or play him in his proper position, the midfield.

Switta and Logue need to come back via magoos.

Out: Darcy
In: Probably Matera but I would like to see what North has gor.
Brayshaw should stay in IMO, but be played forward where his strength, attack on the ball & tackling will create pressure.
I reckon Banfield goes back into the midfield to play a tagging role as that is where he has done well.
Cerra & Conca rotate through midfield.
Langdon could play mid/half back, with his run adding to our clearance from defense.
Lobb to play more minutes in the ruck, allowing Darcy to go harder, for shorter bursts.
I'd back the current team to turn it around, so no ins, or outs, merely internal changes to the side.
I'd also like to see more attacking kicking with 45 degree kicks & fast switches to allow for a more attacking game.
Schulz for a small forward doesn't seem to have the bag of tricks that the small forward needs. He lacks pace so he really needs to amp up the defensive pressure and show a few tricks. It's only his second game but he should have learnt a lot in the VFL. If he is retained this week he needs to improve a hell of a lot.
Schulz for a small forward doesn't seem to have the bag of tricks that the small forward needs. He lacks pace so he really needs to amp up the defensive pressure and show a few tricks. It's only his second game but he should have learnt a lot in the VFL. If he is retained this week he needs to improve a hell of a lot.
Those shitty little dribble kicks will alone get him dropped.

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