Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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I wanted him sacked. But then he cried and I changed my mind.

For me it was the constant abuse from Victorian media buffoons that made me see the error of my ways.

Hail Hinkley. Hail the great man.

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On a forum. If you started yelling abuse to him about his wife and son while he's standing on the sidelines at the football, you'd be an arseh*le. You'd also be playing directly into Whateley, Kane, Caro, Barrett etc's hands.

Fest living the Creed and making the community proud
I'll start going back to games when they start playing for the jumper
I don't expect to win every game by any means but I expect effort every game week in week out
They get paid massive money to represent our club
I work hard for my pay checks and I'm not going to travel 4 hours around, pay for fuel, food, merch, parking etc for a half arsed effort
Boy, looking at the draw…

Round 20, Carlton at Marvel Friday night, Round 21 Sydney at Home Saturday night, Round 22 Melbourne at the MCG Saturday night… Round 23 Adelaide at Adelaide Oval Saturday night…

If Warren doesn’t get his way in the next 2 weeks, this month will be a catastrophe for the club.
I know they’d be terrified of falling membership & crowds. Boo = white-noise to management.

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Management will be forced to make a statement supporting Kenny or the fans.

Their answer will piss off either the Port or Ken supporters so keep the booing coming.

As for falling membership or crowds? That will come from worse product, which is guaranteed now that the team had imploded.

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Greetings from Chambery, France, where the riders are about to pass through on Stage 5 of TdF 2024.

Sadly I couldn’t get a big SACK HINKLEY banner done for the event ;) bit of a badly sprained ankle on Mt Blanc the other day has slowed me down somewhat.

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Even AI knows I'm a Port fan rather than "outside noise".
Not attending is great and I fully encourage people who have had enough to stay away. Low crowds matter.

Booing is also excellent. This is a club who held a national day of mourning over a sticker and who regularly pots its own supporters. If you don't think they'll care about booing, watch what happens over the next few weeks. They are physically incapable of rising above being held accountable. Booing reveals that we ****ing hate them in a way they can't control or spin and they ****ing hate it. They've already got their attack dogs out in full force.

A two pronged attack can absolutely be successful and it's going to happen regardless. We're getting a sub 30k crowd this week and those who do attend are going to boo and it's gonna be great.
I'm probably in the no boo camp unless we are getting flogged too.

We're getting flogged. The scoreboard is ugly, ugly reading. 250+ games without a grand final. It's all time record flogging of the fans.

Not many teams would boo their coach before the opening bounce but hey, we're in completely unprecedented territory with no other mechanism to make the board act aside from trying to kill the club financially.

Booing isn't just justified, at this point we're dutybound as Port Adelaide supporters to do it.
GC: I wonder what Geelong's record is, I wonder what Carlton's record is in that regard?? !!!!

Who f***ing cares.......how about Carlton's trajectory since sacking the previous coach!!......how about the Geelong coach being a 2 time premiership winner!!!??

What a muppet!

Against Top-4?

I have it somewhere.
Not attending is great and I fully encourage people who have had enough to stay away. Low crowds matter.

Booing is also excellent. This is a club who held a national day of mourning over a sticker and who regularly pots its own supporters. If you don't think they'll care about booing, watch what happens over the next few weeks. They are physically incapable of rising above being held accountable. Booing reveals that we ****ing hate them in a way they can't control or spin and they ****ing hate it. They've already got their attack dogs out in full force.

A two pronged attack can absolutely be successful and it's going to happen regardless. We're getting a sub 30k crowd this week and those who do attend are going to boo and it's gonna be great.

The irony is that if the choice was between an empty stadium and 45,000 fans booing Hinkley, Koch would choose the latter.

It’s a false choice. They go together.

Even the most present supporters eventually begin to protest with their feet, if their voices aren’t heard.

El Zorro knows it. The Argentines protest going to the “canchas”, but their patience isn’t limitless. Eventually, if the crisis lingers on, the stadia start to get empty.

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