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Opening Round
It's Sunday! You know what that means!

It's time for SFAEW Season 36!

Kicking off the season:


U2tigers and The Filth Wizard meet in a bout of Titans!​

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Hate accompanies The Filth Wizard to the ring.
They lock up.
U2Tigers uses an armdrag takedown on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers hits a vertical suplex on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers takes The Filth Wizard down with a bodyslam.
U2Tigers throws The Filth Wizard out of the ring.
U2Tigers goes through the ropes.
U2Tigers performs a powerslam against The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
U2Tigers tries an enzuigiri, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard gets back into the ring.
U2Tigers follows him back in.
The Filth Wizard catches U2Tigers in an abdominal stretch.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
The Filth Wizard performs a low blow against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a kick.
U2Tigers uses a jumping DDT on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers takes The Filth Wizard down with a jumping DDT.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers goes for a sleeper slam, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a go-behind.
The Filth Wizard locks U2Tigers in an abdominal stretch.
U2Tigers breaks the hold after 10 seconds.
U2Tigers hits a spinning leg lariat on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers executes a back suplex against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers attempts a dropkick, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard tries a facebuster onto the knee, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers attempts an arm triangle, but The Filth Wizard blocks it.
The Filth Wizard attempts to place U2Tigers on the turnbuckle, but U2Tigers blocks it.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard misses with a clothesline.
U2Tigers hits a swinging neckbreaker on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
U2Tigers goes for a powerslam, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a lariat.
In turn, U2Tigers counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
The Filth Wizard is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Filth Wizard manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers locks The Filth Wizard in an arm triangle.
The Filth Wizard breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard performs a high knee against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard does a crotch chop.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard uses a short clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard does a crotch chop.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers tries a bodyslam, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard attempts to place U2Tigers on the turnbuckle, but U2Tigers blocks it.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard kicks U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard punches U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a vertical suplex on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard tries a kick to the midsection, but U2Tigers counters it with a legsweep.
U2Tigers goes for a Russian legsweep, but The Filth Wizard counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a backbreaker.
The Filth Wizard does a crotch chop.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
U2Tigers nails The Filth Wizard with a swinging neckbreaker.
U2Tigers attempts to place The Filth Wizard on the turnbuckle, but The Filth Wizard blocks it.
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes, but The Filth Wizard reverses it.
The Filth Wizard performs a clothesline against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a short clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits a low blow on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard performs a vertical suplex against U2Tigers.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard punches U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard punches U2Tigers.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard misses with an elbow.
The Filth Wizard hits a clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a kneebreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with an elbow.
U2Tigers performs a Russian legsweep against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers executes a headbutt against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
U2Tigers hits an electric chair facebuster on The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
Hate hits U2Tigers in the back with the ClarkeMoney in the Bank briefcase.
The Filth Wizard goes for the Royal Treatment, but U2Tigers counters it with a backdrop.
U2Tigers tries a sleeper slam, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a go-behind .
The Filth Wizard puts U2Tigers in a sleeperhold.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers reaches the ropes after 7 seconds.
The Filth Wizard uses a kneelift on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard performs a vertical suplex against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard attempts a high knee, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers hits a jumping DDT on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with a clothesline.
U2Tigers falls out of the ring.
The Filth Wizard goes outside.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
The Filth Wizard shoves U2Tigers into the guardrail.
The Filth Wizard attempts a kneebreaker, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers throws The Filth Wizard back into the ring.
U2Tigers goes for a hiptoss, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a lariat.
The Filth Wizard sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
The Filth Wizard performs a superplex against U2Tigers.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard gives the sign for the Royal Treatment.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard puts U2Tigers in a sleeperhold.
U2Tigers manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
The Filth Wizard gets a sleeperhold on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 18 seconds.
The Filth Wizard punches U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard kicks U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a spinebuster slam on U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Filth Wizard performs a kick to the midsection against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Filth Wizard takes U2Tigers down with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a spinebuster slam.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Filth Wizard hits a swinging neckbreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard performs a facebuster onto the knee against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits a short clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with an elbow.
U2Tigers uses a release German suplex on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a superplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with a kick.
The Filth Wizard hits a DDT on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a kneebreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
The Filth Wizard tries a high knee, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers uses a release German suplex on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers executes a fisherman suplex against The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers performs an armdrag takedown against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers uses a powerslam on The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers performs a bulldog against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers executes a backbreaker against The Filth Wizard.
Hate throws The Filth Wizard a fire extinguisher, but U2Tigers intercepts it.
U2Tigers tries to use it, but The Filth Wizard blocks the blow and takes it away from him.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with it and goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Filth Wizard attempts a clothesline, but U2Tigers counters it with a hiptoss.
U2Tigers gets an arm triangle on The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
U2Tigers executes a spinning leg lariat against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers catches The Filth Wizard in an arm triangle.
The Filth Wizard grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
U2Tigers goes for a release German suplex, but The Filth Wizard counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Filth Wizard executes a spinebuster slam against U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard tries a kick to the midsection, but U2Tigers counters it with a dragon screw.
U2Tigers performs an armdrag takedown against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers uses a flying dropkick on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers executes a sleeper slam against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers hits a half nelson bulldog on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers attempts a flapjack, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a lariat.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard goes for a hiptoss, but U2Tigers counters it with a facerake.
U2Tigers gives the sign for the The Edge.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
U2Tigers takes The Filth Wizard down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a backdrop.
U2Tigers is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
U2Tigers hits a Frankensteiner on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers catches The Filth Wizard in a scorpion deathlock.
The Filth Wizard is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Filth Wizard makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
U2Tigers nails The Filth Wizard with a bulldog.
U2Tigers is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
U2Tigers hits a kick to the head on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers tries a spinning leg lariat, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard executes a reverse neckbreaker against U2Tigers.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard goes for an inverted atomic drop, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes a headbutt against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers attempts a hiptoss, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a facerake.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers misses with a clothesline.
The Filth Wizard uses a swinging neckbreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard goes for a clothesline, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers goes for a flying dropkick, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a kick.
U2Tigers uses a Frankensteiner on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers covers The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
U2Tigers sets up The Filth Wizard on the turnbuckle.
U2Tigers performs a superplex against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers hits a headbutt on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers performs a spinning leg lariat against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers locks The Filth Wizard in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
Mike Uppet asks The Filth Wizard if he should stop the fight.
The Filth Wizard shakes his head.
serial_thrilla comes to ringside.
Mike Uppet tells The Filth Wizard to respond or he'll stop the fight.
The Filth Wizard nods.
serial_thrilla lines up U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet checks The Filth Wizard's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
serial_thrilla nearly takes off U2Tigers's head with the SFAEW Hardcore Championship.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
serial_thrilla takes off his jacket to reveal an NWO t-shirt underneath it.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.

The winner is The Filth Wizard. Time of match: 0:18:44
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

The Filth Wizard embraces serial_thrilla.
Hate hands The Filth Wizard a microphone.

TFW: Well...I said the NWO were expanding, didn't I? Ha!

The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.

TFW: Thrilla, care to explain your logic?

The Filth Wizards hands the mic to serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing serial_thrilla.

ST: Filth, you know I've always had the utmost respect for your wrestling, your ability to control the masses...we even held the tag belts for a week a few seasons ago! You, more than anyone else here, are my equal...

...and let's be honest, I'll take any and all chances to keep spitting on Bono!

The decibel level in this building is unbelieveable.

TFW: Wanna put him out of commission for good?

ST: ...Ok, maybe not that far...


pantskyle and brahj come to ringside.

Hate hits U2Tigers with the ClarkeMoney in the Bank briefcase.
The Filth Wizard throws U2Tigers out of the ring.
Pantskyle and Brahj rip the protective matting off the floor.
Pantskyle and Brahj hit a double chokeslam on U2Tigers onto the concrete.
The Filth Wizard hands serial_thrilla a steel chair.
Pantskyle and Brahj hold up U2Tigers.
serial_thrilla hesitates...


...serial_thrilla hits a vicious chairshot on U2Tigers's head.
U2Tigers is out cold.
The NWO celebrate in the ring while U2Tigers is stretchered out of the arena.
They lock up.
Kennedy Parker executes a bodyslam against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker goes for a flying dropkick, but Tonga Bob steps out of the way.
Tonga Bob attempts a vertical suplex, but Kennedy Parker slides down his back.
Kennedy Parker executes a belly-to-back suplex against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker performs a bodyslam against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker hits an enzuigiri on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Kennedy Parker uses a spinning leg lariat on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker uses a flying dropkick on Tonga Bob.
The chants for Kennedy Parker are deafening.
Kennedy Parker hits an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle on Tonga Bob.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Kennedy Parker attempts a vertical suplex, but Tonga Bob reverses it.
Tonga Bob takes Kennedy Parker down with a back suplex.
Tonga Bob works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Tonga Bob as target practice.
Tonga Bob hits an elbowsmash on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob nails Kennedy Parker with a spinebuster slam.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Tonga Bob executes a DDT against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker attempts a clothesline, but Tonga Bob counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Tonga Bob uses a Hotshot on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob hits Kennedy Parker with a kick.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker misses with a clothesline.
Tonga Bob uses a spinning leg lariat on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker hits Tonga Bob with a shoulderblock.
Kennedy Parker whips Tonga Bob into the ropes, but Tonga Bob reverses it.
Tonga Bob nails Kennedy Parker with a roundhouse kick.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Tonga Bob uses a fallaway slam on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob hits a kick to the chest on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob executes a lariat against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob uses a spinning leg lariat on Kennedy Parker.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Tonga Bob tries a Russian legsweep, but Kennedy Parker counters it with an elbowsmash.
Kennedy Parker takes Tonga Bob down with a double underhook suplex.
Kennedy Parker covers Tonga Bob.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
Kennedy Parker locks Tonga Bob in an abdominal stretch.
Tonga Bob inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Kennedy Parker runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker uses a clothesline on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Kennedy Parker goes for an enzuigiri, but Tonga Bob steps out of the way.
The crowd is vociferously booing Tonga Bob.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker hits Tonga Bob with a kick.
Kennedy Parker takes Tonga Bob down with a snap suplex.
Kennedy Parker attempts an enzuigiri, but Tonga Bob steps out of the way.
Tonga Bob throws Kennedy Parker into the turnbuckle.
Tonga Bob throws Kennedy Parker out of the ring.
Kennedy Parker hangs on to the top rope for dear life.
Kennedy Parker slides back in under the bottom rope.
Kennedy Parker whips Tonga Bob into the ropes.
Tonga Bob executes a spinning leg lariat against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the ropes, but Kennedy Parker reverses it.
Kennedy Parker and Tonga Bob get hit with a double clothesline.
Kennedy Parker nails Tonga Bob with a double underhook suplex.
Kennedy Parker runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker executes a spinning leg lariat against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker whips Tonga Bob into the ropes, but Tonga Bob reverses it.
Tonga Bob hits Kennedy Parker with an elbow.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the ropes.
Tonga Bob hits Kennedy Parker with a kick.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker executes a spinning heel kick against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker attempts an enzuigiri, but Tonga Bob steps out of the way.
Tonga Bob performs a kick to the chest against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker hits Tonga Bob with a clothesline.
Tonga Bob falls out of the ring.
Kennedy Parker goes through the ropes.
Kennedy Parker performs a DDT against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker throws Tonga Bob into the guardrail.
Kennedy Parker goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
Tonga Bob throws Kennedy Parker into the guardrail.
Tonga Bob performs a Vader attack against Kennedy Parker.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tonga Bob attempts a kick to the head, but Kennedy Parker counters it with a capture suplex.
Kennedy Parker knocks Tonga Bob into the ringsteps.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tonga Bob tries an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Kennedy Parker blocks it.
Kennedy Parker tries a hiptoss, but Tonga Bob counters it with a cradle suplex.
Tonga Bob is being booed out of the building.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Kennedy Parker hits a belly-to-back suplex on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker goes for a Russian legsweep, but Tonga Bob counters it with an elbowsmash.
Tonga Bob attempts a spinning leg lariat, but Kennedy Parker steps out of the way.
Kennedy Parker goes for an enzuigiri, but Tonga Bob steps out of the way.
Tonga Bob shoves Kennedy Parker into the guardrail.
Tonga Bob uses a kneelift on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob climbs back into the ring.
Kennedy Parker follows him back in.
Tonga Bob nails Kennedy Parker with a short clothesline.
Tonga Bob performs a lariat against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob is being booed out of the building.
Tonga Bob hits a savate kick on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob works the crowd.
Tonga Bob nails Kennedy Parker with a Hotshot.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob executes a lariat against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob works the crowd.
Tonga Bob is being booed out of the building.
Tonga Bob attempts a flapjack, but Kennedy Parker counters it with a Thesz press.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Kennedy Parker runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob hits Kennedy Parker with a clothesline.
Tonga Bob whips Kennedy Parker into the turnbuckle.
Tonga Bob charges in with an avalanche.
Tonga Bob nails Kennedy Parker with a lariat.
Tonga Bob hits a savate kick on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob is going for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Tonga Bob executes the Game Over on Kennedy Parker.
Kennedy Parker grabs the ropes after 11 seconds.
Tonga Bob throws Kennedy Parker into the turnbuckle, but Kennedy Parker reverses it.
Kennedy Parker chops Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker chops Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker throws Tonga Bob out of the ring.
Kennedy Parker rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tonga Bob attempts a swinging side slam, but Kennedy Parker counters it with an elbowsmash.
Kennedy Parker performs a hiptoss against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker throws Tonga Bob back into the ring.
Kennedy Parker whips Tonga Bob into the ropes, but Tonga Bob reverses it.
Tonga Bob executes a savate kick against Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Kennedy Parker performs a spinning leg lariat against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker executes a snap suplex against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker performs a Russian legsweep against Tonga Bob.
The crowd is behind Kennedy Parker all the way.
Kennedy Parker goes for a Russian legsweep, but Tonga Bob counters it with an elbowsmash.
Tonga Bob takes Kennedy Parker down with a gutwrench suplex.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Tonga Bob attempts a DDT, but Kennedy Parker counters it with a Northern Lights suplex.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
The crowd is behind Kennedy Parker all the way.
Kennedy Parker performs a hiptoss against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker uses a DDT on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker hits a vertical suplex on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker nails Tonga Bob with a flying dropkick.
Kennedy Parker executes the Admin Driver on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Kennedy Parker goes for a hiptoss, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
Tonga Bob uses a spinning leg lariat on Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob hits Kennedy Parker with a clothesline.
Tonga Bob throws Kennedy Parker into the turnbuckle.
Tonga Bob runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Kennedy Parker lifts his knee.
Kennedy Parker chops Tonga Bob.
The chants for Kennedy Parker are deafening.
Tonga Bob chops Kennedy Parker.
Tonga Bob is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Kennedy Parker punches Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker chops Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker chops Tonga Bob.
The crowd is behind Kennedy Parker all the way.
Kennedy Parker performs a belly-to-back suplex against Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker gives the sign for the Admin Driver.
Kennedy Parker executes the Admin Driver on Tonga Bob.
Kennedy Parker goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Kennedy Parker. Time of match: 0:16:35
Sim Rating: ****

A big win to the admin!
The Filth Wizard uses a kneelift on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard performs a vertical suplex against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard attempts a high knee, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers hits a jumping DDT on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with a clothesline.
U2Tigers falls out of the ring.
The Filth Wizard goes outside.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
The Filth Wizard shoves U2Tigers into the guardrail.
The Filth Wizard attempts a kneebreaker, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers throws The Filth Wizard back into the ring.
U2Tigers goes for a hiptoss, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a lariat.
The Filth Wizard sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
The Filth Wizard performs a superplex against U2Tigers.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard gives the sign for the Royal Treatment.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard puts U2Tigers in a sleeperhold.
U2Tigers manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
The Filth Wizard gets a sleeperhold on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers gets ahold of the ropes after 18 seconds.
The Filth Wizard punches U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard kicks U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a spinebuster slam on U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Filth Wizard performs a kick to the midsection against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Filth Wizard takes U2Tigers down with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a spinebuster slam.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
The Filth Wizard hits a swinging neckbreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard performs a facebuster onto the knee against U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard hits a short clothesline on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with an elbow.
U2Tigers uses a release German suplex on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard sets up U2Tigers on the turnbuckle.
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a superplex.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with a kick.
The Filth Wizard hits a DDT on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard uses a kneebreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard whips U2Tigers into the ropes, but U2Tigers reverses it.
The Filth Wizard tries a high knee, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers uses a release German suplex on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers executes a fisherman suplex against The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers performs an armdrag takedown against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a shoulderblock.
U2Tigers uses a powerslam on The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers performs a bulldog against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers executes a backbreaker against The Filth Wizard.
Hate throws The Filth Wizard a fire extinguisher, but U2Tigers intercepts it.
U2Tigers tries to use it, but The Filth Wizard blocks the blow and takes it away from him.
The Filth Wizard hits U2Tigers with it and goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Filth Wizard attempts a clothesline, but U2Tigers counters it with a hiptoss.
U2Tigers gets an arm triangle on The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
U2Tigers executes a spinning leg lariat against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers catches The Filth Wizard in an arm triangle.
The Filth Wizard grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
U2Tigers goes for a release German suplex, but The Filth Wizard counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Filth Wizard executes a spinebuster slam against U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Filth Wizard nails U2Tigers with a DDT.
The Filth Wizard tries a kick to the midsection, but U2Tigers counters it with a dragon screw.
U2Tigers performs an armdrag takedown against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers uses a flying dropkick on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers executes a sleeper slam against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers hits a half nelson bulldog on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers attempts a flapjack, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a lariat.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard executes the Royal Treatment on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Filth Wizard goes for a hiptoss, but U2Tigers counters it with a facerake.
U2Tigers gives the sign for the The Edge.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
U2Tigers takes The Filth Wizard down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
U2Tigers whips The Filth Wizard into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a backdrop.
U2Tigers is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
U2Tigers hits a Frankensteiner on The Filth Wizard.
The crowd erupts.
U2Tigers catches The Filth Wizard in a scorpion deathlock.
The Filth Wizard is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Filth Wizard makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
U2Tigers nails The Filth Wizard with a bulldog.
U2Tigers is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
U2Tigers hits a kick to the head on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers tries a spinning leg lariat, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard executes a reverse neckbreaker against U2Tigers.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
The Filth Wizard goes for an inverted atomic drop, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers executes a headbutt against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers attempts a hiptoss, but The Filth Wizard counters it with a facerake.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers misses with a clothesline.
The Filth Wizard uses a swinging neckbreaker on U2Tigers.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
The Filth Wizard goes for a clothesline, but U2Tigers ducks out of the way.
U2Tigers goes for a flying dropkick, but The Filth Wizard steps out of the way.
The Filth Wizard is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
The Filth Wizard runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers hits The Filth Wizard with a kick.
U2Tigers uses a Frankensteiner on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers covers The Filth Wizard.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
U2Tigers sets up The Filth Wizard on the turnbuckle.
U2Tigers performs a superplex against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers hits a headbutt on The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers performs a spinning leg lariat against The Filth Wizard.
U2Tigers locks The Filth Wizard in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
Mike Uppet asks The Filth Wizard if he should stop the fight.
The Filth Wizard shakes his head.
serial_thrilla comes to ringside.
Mike Uppet tells The Filth Wizard to respond or he'll stop the fight.
The Filth Wizard nods.
serial_thrilla lines up U2Tigers.
Mike Uppet checks The Filth Wizard's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
serial_thrilla nearly takes off U2Tigers's head with the SFAEW Hardcore Championship.
The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.
serial_thrilla takes off his jacket to reveal an NWO t-shirt underneath it.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Filth Wizard goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, three.

The winner is The Filth Wizard. Time of match: 0:18:44
Sim Rating: **** 3/4

The Filth Wizard embraces serial_thrilla.
Hate hands The Filth Wizard a microphone.

TFW: Well...I said the NWO were expanding, didn't I? Ha!

The crowd is vociferously booing The Filth Wizard.

TFW: Thrilla, care to explain your logic?

The Filth Wizards hands the mic to serial_thrilla.
The crowd is vociferously booing serial_thrilla.

ST: Filth, you know I've always had the utmost respect for your wrestling, your ability to control the masses...we even held the tag belts for a week a few seasons ago! You, more than anyone else here, are my equal...

...and let's be honest, I'll take any and all chances to keep spitting on Bono!

The decibel level in this building is unbelieveable.

TFW: Wanna put him out of commission for good?

ST: ...Ok, maybe not that far...


pantskyle and brahj come to ringside.

Hate hits U2Tigers with the ClarkeMoney in the Bank briefcase.
The Filth Wizard throws U2Tigers out of the ring.
Pantskyle and Brahj rip the protective matting off the floor.
Pantskyle and Brahj hit a double chokeslam on U2Tigers onto the concrete.
The Filth Wizard hands serial_thrilla a steel chair.
Pantskyle and Brahj hold up U2Tigers.
serial_thrilla hesitates...


...serial_thrilla hits a vicious chairshot on U2Tigers's head.
U2Tigers is out cold.
The NWO celebrate in the ring while U2Tigers is stretchered out of the arena.
I was a little upset that I wasn't on the card...but this day actually turned out swimmingly. 🤠

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They lock up.
Sarahsmiles hits Brenton Davy.
The crowd is really behind Sarahsmiles.
Brenton Davy kicks Sarahsmiles.
A small "Brenton Davy" chant is being started.
Brenton Davy hits Sarahsmiles.
Grand Uncle Horace enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Brenton Davy and Grand Uncle Horace hit Sarahsmiles with a double fist to the midsection.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a high kick on Sarahsmiles.
Brenton Davy takes Sarahsmiles down with a back suplex.
Grand Uncle Horace leaves the ring.
Brenton Davy executes a release German suplex against Sarahsmiles.
Brenton Davy tags out to Grand Uncle Horace.
Grand Uncle Horace and Brenton Davy whip Sarahsmiles into the ropes.
They hit Sarahsmiles with a double kick to the midsection.
Brenton Davy leaves the ring.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a kick to the head, but Sarahsmiles blocks it.
Grand Uncle Horace begs off.
Sarahsmiles tries a side kick to the midsection, but Grand Uncle Horace blocks it.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a punch on Sarahsmiles.
Grand Uncle Horace uses a punch on Sarahsmiles.
Grand Uncle Horace attempts a hammerlock, but Sarahsmiles reverses it.
Grand Uncle Horace breaks the hold after 9 seconds.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a kick to the head, but Sarahsmiles ducks out of the way.
Sarahsmiles punches Grand Uncle Horace.
There are lots of chants for Sarahsmiles.
Sarahsmiles chops Grand Uncle Horace.
Sarahsmiles kicks Grand Uncle Horace.
Sarahsmiles tags out to Cadsky.
Brenton Davy hits a low blow on Grand Uncle Horace.
Brenton Davy pushes JT_The_Man off the ring apron.
Cadsky places Grand Uncle Horace on the turnbuckle.
Cadsky hits a superplex on Grand Uncle Horace.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Cadsky.
Cadsky sets up Grand Uncle Horace on the turnbuckle.
Cadsky executes the Blackout on Grand Uncle Horace.
Cadsky goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.
The cheers for Cadsky are drowning out the boos.

The winners are Cadsky, nahnah and SarahSmiles. Time of match: 0:01:50
Sim Rating: * 3/4

And NNNNEEEEEEWWWWWWW SFAEW Trios Champions...the Royals! They need it after their loss today...

It also seems that Brenton's made his alliances clear! Horry's been backstabbed!
Senor M accompanies SuperSuns to the ring.
They lock up.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an overhead snap belly-to-belly suplex into the turnbuckles.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns uses a running Frankensteiner on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
SuperSuns goes for a running front dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a frog splash, but SuperSuns moves out of the way.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a diving Meteora.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
SuperSuns attempts a Falcon Arrow, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a rolling elbowsmash against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a snap mare against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a legdrop, but SuperSuns rolls out of the way.
SuperSuns goes for a running Frankensteiner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a power bomb.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a half Boston, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns executes an elevated power bomb against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
SuperSuns uses a facerake on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns executes an open-handed chop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
SuperSuns chops Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns attempts to place Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
SuperSuns performs a running Frankensteiner against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns performs a dropkick from the second rope against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
SuperSuns hits a basement dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns tries a sliding forearm smash, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan rolls out of the way.
Senor M throws SuperSuns Beez Trophy.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with it and goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a bodyslam, but SuperSuns counters it with a small package.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
SuperSuns uses a facerake on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns goes for a superkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a flying knee strike on SuperSuns.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a standing shooting star press against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a running single-leg dropkick, but SuperSuns steps out of the way.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a flying headbutt.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns uses an utsuri goshi into a side slam backbreaker on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a side kick to the midsection against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the DuggWalker, but SuperSuns counters it with a side step.
SuperSuns uses a dragon screw on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a kick.
SuperSuns misses with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a flying knee strike against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a chop on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a high knee, but SuperSuns ducks out of the way.
SuperSuns tries a facerake, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes an armdrag takedown against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the Pedigree against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes SuperSuns down with a lifting inverted DDT.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails SuperSuns with a short-arm high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a Falcon Arrow on SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Falcon Arrow against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes, but SuperSuns reverses it.
SuperSuns misses with an elbow.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
SuperSuns executes the Monster Bomb on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Senor M trips Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns hits a superkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns executes a diving flip piledriver against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind SuperSuns.
SuperSuns sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
SuperSuns hits a top-rope wheelbarrow Victory Roll on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a clothesline.
SuperSuns uses a superkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns performs a sliding forearm smash against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails him in the stomach.
SuperSuns falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a top-rope Frankensteiner against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a superkick on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses the Pedigree on SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Manangatang into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Manangatang with an enzuigiri.
Manangatang is out cold.
Manangatang slowly gets up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a kick to the head on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
SuperSuns tries a running front dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails SuperSuns with a high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a legdrop against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a soccer kick on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan seemingly enjoys the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws SuperSuns into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a snap mare, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns executes the Monster Bomb on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns goes for a back suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan flips over.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a back suplex on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a kick to the head against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes SuperSuns down with a snap suplex.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a side kick to the midsection on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

The winner is ShaunDuggan. Time of match: 0:10:55
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

SuperSuns and Senor M argue at ringside.
Senor M shoves SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits Senor M with a lariat.
SuperSuns sets Senor M up on the announce table.
SuperSuns executes a Monster Bomb on Senor M through the announce table.
The table is broken in half.
Senor M is out cold.
SuperSuns storms out of the arena.

Seems the Nou Camp Combat Club has dissolved for good!
Senor M accompanies SuperSuns to the ring.
They lock up.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an overhead snap belly-to-belly suplex into the turnbuckles.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns uses a running Frankensteiner on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
SuperSuns goes for a running front dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a frog splash, but SuperSuns moves out of the way.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a diving Meteora.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
SuperSuns attempts a Falcon Arrow, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a rolling elbowsmash against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a snap mare against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a legdrop, but SuperSuns rolls out of the way.
SuperSuns goes for a running Frankensteiner, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a power bomb.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a half Boston, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns executes an elevated power bomb against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
SuperSuns uses a facerake on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns executes an open-handed chop against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
SuperSuns chops Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns attempts to place Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
SuperSuns performs a running Frankensteiner against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns performs a dropkick from the second rope against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
SuperSuns hits a basement dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns tries a sliding forearm smash, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan rolls out of the way.
Senor M throws SuperSuns Beez Trophy.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with it and goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a bodyslam, but SuperSuns counters it with a small package.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
SuperSuns uses a facerake on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns goes for a superkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan ducks out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a flying knee strike on SuperSuns.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a standing shooting star press against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a running single-leg dropkick, but SuperSuns steps out of the way.
SuperSuns nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a flying headbutt.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns uses an utsuri goshi into a side slam backbreaker on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a side kick to the midsection against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the DuggWalker, but SuperSuns counters it with a side step.
SuperSuns uses a dragon screw on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a kick.
SuperSuns misses with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a flying knee strike against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a chop on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a high knee, but SuperSuns ducks out of the way.
SuperSuns tries a facerake, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes an armdrag takedown against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the Pedigree against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes SuperSuns down with a lifting inverted DDT.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails SuperSuns with a short-arm high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a shoulderblock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a Falcon Arrow on SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Falcon Arrow against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes, but SuperSuns reverses it.
SuperSuns misses with an elbow.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
SuperSuns executes the Monster Bomb on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
SuperSuns whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Senor M trips Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns hits a superkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns executes a diving flip piledriver against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind SuperSuns.
SuperSuns sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
SuperSuns hits a top-rope wheelbarrow Victory Roll on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a clothesline.
SuperSuns uses a superkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns performs a sliding forearm smash against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails him in the stomach.
SuperSuns falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a top-rope Frankensteiner against SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a superkick on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses the Pedigree on SuperSuns.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips Manangatang into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits Manangatang with an enzuigiri.
Manangatang is out cold.
Manangatang slowly gets up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The cheers for SuperSuns are drowning out the boos.
SuperSuns punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a kick to the head on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
SuperSuns tries a running front dropkick, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips SuperSuns into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails SuperSuns with a high knee.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a legdrop against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a soccer kick on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan seemingly enjoys the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws SuperSuns into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a snap mare, but SuperSuns blocks it.
SuperSuns executes the Monster Bomb on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
SuperSuns goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
SuperSuns goes for a back suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan flips over.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a back suplex on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
The cheers for Shaun Freakin' Duggan are drowning out the boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a kick to the head against SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes SuperSuns down with a snap suplex.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a side kick to the midsection on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on SuperSuns.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.

The winner is ShaunDuggan. Time of match: 0:10:55
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

SuperSuns and Senor M argue at ringside.
Senor M shoves SuperSuns.
SuperSuns hits Senor M with a lariat.
SuperSuns sets Senor M up on the announce table.
SuperSuns executes a Monster Bomb on Senor M through the announce table.
The table is broken in half.
Senor M is out cold.
SuperSuns storms out of the arena.

Seems the Nou Camp Combat Club has dissolved for good!
They lock up.
TigerTurbulance whips TheWizardMelon into the ropes, but TheWizardMelon reverses it.
TheWizardMelon hits TigerTurbulance with a kick.
TheWizardMelon tries a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
TigerTurbulance goes for a release German suplex, but TheWizardMelon flips over.
TheWizardMelon tries a dropkick to the knee, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
TigerTurbulance gets an armlock hammerlock submission on TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon is struggling to reach the ropes.
TheWizardMelon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
TheWizardMelon is inching his way towards the ropes.
TheWizardMelon grabs the ropes after holding out for 38 seconds.
TigerTurbulance nails TheWizardMelon with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on TheWizardMelon.
TigerTurbulance executes a mounted punch against TheWizardMelon.
TigerTurbulance performs a forearm to the back against TheWizardMelon.
TigerTurbulance is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits a lariat on TheWizardMelon.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance whips TheWizardMelon into the ropes, but TheWizardMelon reverses it.
TheWizardMelon performs a slap against TigerTurbulance.
TheWizardMelon hits a springboard cross body press on TigerTurbulance.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
TheWizardMelon tags out to JoshWoodenSpoon.
TheWizardMelon attempts a dropkick, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
TheWizardMelon leaves the ring.
TigerTurbulance takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance performs a knee strike against JoshWoodenSpoon.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
TigerTurbulance goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
TheWizardMelon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon whip TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
They hit TigerTurbulance with a double fist to the midsection.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TheWizardMelon whip TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
They attempt to hit TigerTurbulance with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
TigerTurbulance hits them with a double clothesline.
TheWizardMelon leaves the ring.
Pantskyle executes a bodyslam against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Pantskyle tags out to Brahj.
Pantskyle nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a side suplex.
Brahj attempts a flying somersault splash, but JoshWoodenSpoon rolls out of the way.
Pantskyle leaves the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a vertical suplex on Brahj.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
Brahj hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a shoulderblock.
Brahj tags out to Pantskyle.
TheWizardMelon enters the ring and lays out Brahj.
The crowd is behind TheWizardMelon all the way.
TheWizardMelon performs a dropkick against Pantskyle.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Pantskyle steps out of the way.
Pantskyle and Brahj whip JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
They hit JoshWoodenSpoon with a double clothesline.
TheWizardMelon leaves the ring.
Pantskyle takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a bodyslam.
TigerTurbulance takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a vertical suplex.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance misses with a shoulderblock.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a belly-to-belly suplex against TigerTurbulance.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon and TigerTurbulance get hit with a double clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon tags out to TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon and JoshWoodenSpoon whip TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
They hit TigerTurbulance with a double backdrop.
Mrs Turbo enters the ring and throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
Mrs Turbo further incites the crowd.
TigerTurbulance and Mrs Turbo whip TheWizardMelon into the ropes.
They hit TheWizardMelon with a double kick to the midsection.
Mrs Turbo leaves the ring.
TigerTurbulance locks TheWizardMelon in a guillotine choke.
TheWizardMelon is valiantly trying to break the hold.
TheWizardMelon grabs the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance puts TheWizardMelon in a guillotine choke.
TheWizardMelon is struggling to reach the ropes.
TheWizardMelon is inching his way towards the ropes.
TheWizardMelon makes it to the ropes after 22 seconds.
TigerTurbulance punches TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon kicks TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance kicks TheWizardMelon.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
TigerTurbulance chops TheWizardMelon.
TheWizardMelon punches TigerTurbulance.
The chants for TheWizardMelon are deafening.
TheWizardMelon kicks TigerTurbulance.
Pantskyle attempts a clothesline, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a crucifix.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance executes a lariat against Pantskyle.
TigerTurbulance is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance gives him a lariat, but Pantskyle only stares at him.
HARPSichord gives him a dropkick, but Pantskyle doesn't sell it and yells at him.
Pantskyle executes a backbreaker against HARPSichord.
The cheers for Pantskyle are drowning out the boos.
Pantskyle is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance performs a knee strike against HARPSichord.
TigerTurbulance whips HARPSichord into the ropes.
HARPSichord hits TigerTurbulance with an elbow.
HARPSichord tags out to Damicky.
HARPSichord hits an Ace Crusher on TigerTurbulance.
The cheers for HARPSichord are drowning out the boos.
Damicky attempts a flying bulldog, but TigerTurbulance steps out of the way.
HARPSichord leaves the ring.
TigerTurbulance goes for a lariat, but Damicky blocks it.
Damicky executes a clothesline against TigerTurbulance.
Damicky executes an elbowsmash against TigerTurbulance.
Damicky gives him a sleeperhold, but TigerTurbulance no-sells it.
Damicky gives him a sleeperhold, but TigerTurbulance doesn't sell it.
Damicky gives him a sleeperhold, but TigerTurbulance doesn't budge.
TigerTurbulance tries a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
Damicky hits a choke slam on TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is going crazy.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
Damicky misses with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance nails Damicky with a lariat.
Pantskyle hits a DDT on Damicky.
Numerous fans are using Pantskyle as target practice.
Pantskyle whips Damicky into the ropes.
Pantskyle nails Damicky with an enzuigiri.
Pantskyle tags out to Brahj.
HARPSichord enters the ring and lays out Pantskyle.
Damicky and HARPSichord whip Brahj into the ropes.
They hit Brahj with a double clothesline.
HARPSichord leaves the ring.
Damicky performs an elbowsmash against Brahj.
Damicky punches Brahj.
The crowd is going crazy.
Brahj hits Damicky.
The crowd is going crazy.
Brahj hits Damicky.
Brahj throws Damicky out of the ring.
Brahj goes for a tope con hilo, but Damicky moves out of the way.
The crowd is going crazy.
HARPSichord comes over to make it two-on-one.
HARPSichord attempts a kick to the head, but Brahj blocks it.
Pantskyle executes an enzuigiri against HARPSichord.
Pantskyle whips HARPSichord into the guardrail.
Brahj comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky comes over and lays out Brahj.
Damicky hits a clothesline on Pantskyle.
HARPSichord goes for a back suplex, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but HARPSichord counters it with a backslide.
Damicky comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky attempts a bulldog, but Pantskyle counters it with the torture rack.
Numerous fans are using Pantskyle as target practice.
Pantskyle throws HARPSichord into the guardrail.
Pantskyle tries a back suplex, but HARPSichord turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Damicky comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky executes the Discus Punch against Pantskyle.
HARPSichord goes for an inside cradle, but Pantskyle blocks it.
Pantskyle sets up a table.
Pantskyle throws HARPSichord into the guardrail.
Pantskyle tries a bodyslam, but HARPSichord counters it with an elbowsmash.
Damicky comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky goes for a clothesline, but Pantskyle ducks out of the way.
Pantskyle throws HARPSichord into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
HARPSichord hits a reverse neckbreaker on Pantskyle.
HARPSichord reenters the ring.
Pantskyle follows him back in.
Damicky enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Brahj enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Damicky performs a powerslam against Pantskyle.
HARPSichord tries an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Pantskyle moves out of the way.
Damicky leaves the ring.
TigerTurbulance uses a knee strike on HARPSichord.
TigerTurbulance is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance whips HARPSichord into the ropes, but HARPSichord reverses it.
HARPSichord hits TigerTurbulance with an elbow.
HARPSichord gives him a hiptoss, but TigerTurbulance doesn't sell it.
HARPSichord tags out to Damicky.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance uses a lariat on Damicky.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance uses a knee strike on Damicky.
TigerTurbulance tags out to Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo uses a slap on Damicky.
Mrs Turbo throws Damicky into the turnbuckle.
Mrs Turbo charges into the corner.
Mrs Turbo runs into the ropes.
Damicky executes a slap against Mrs Turbo.
Damicky is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Damicky executes a roundhouse right against Mrs Turbo.
Damicky runs into the ropes.
Mrs Turbo tries a spinebuster slam, but Damicky counters it with a lariat.
Damicky has the crowd going wild.
In turn, Mrs Turbo counters it with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Numerous fans are using Mrs Turbo as target practice.
Mrs Turbo tags out to TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance executes a lariat against Damicky.
TigerTurbulance tags out to Mrs Turbo.
Mrs Turbo and TigerTurbulance hit Damicky with a double kneelift.
TigerTurbulance leaves the ring.
Mrs Turbo hits a forearm to the back on Damicky.
Mrs Turbo is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mrs Turbo tags out to TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance whips Damicky into the ropes.
Damicky hits TigerTurbulance with a clothesline.
TigerTurbulance falls out of the ring.
Damicky rolls out under the bottom rope.
HARPSichord comes over to make it two-on-one.
Mrs Turbo comes over, but gets cut off.
HARPSichord tries a kick to the head, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
Mrs Turbo hits a back suplex on HARPSichord.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mrs Turbo hits a jumping front kick on HARPSichord.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Mrs Turbo.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
TigerTurbulance nails HARPSichord with a lariat.
Mrs Turbo attempts a release German suplex, but HARPSichord counters it with a go-behind.
HARPSichord uses a kneebreaker on Mrs Turbo.
Damicky comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky uses the Discus Punch on Mrs Turbo.
HARPSichord uses an inside cradle on Mrs Turbo.
Damicky executes a vertical suplex against Mrs Turbo.
HARPSichord attempts an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Mrs Turbo rolls out of the way.
The cheers for Mrs Turbo are drowning out the boos.
Mrs Turbo throws HARPSichord into the guardrail.
Mrs Turbo runs HARPSichord into the ringsteps.
Mrs Turbo shoves HARPSichord into the guardrail.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
Mrs Turbo and TigerTurbulance hit HARPSichord with a double kneelift.
Mrs Turbo throws HARPSichord into the guardrail.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky comes over, but gets cut off.
Mrs Turbo and TigerTurbulance hit HARPSichord with a double kneelift.
Damicky gets back up and lays out TigerTurbulance.
Smart Mark Sterling comes from behind and distracts HARPSichord.
Mrs Turbo sets up HARPSichord on the table.
Mrs Turbo tries to drive HARPSichord through the table with the Ophidian-5 but he blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
HARPSichord attempts a back suplex, but Mrs Turbo blocks it.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
Damicky comes over and lays out TigerTurbulance.
HARPSichord hits a hiptoss on Mrs Turbo.
HARPSichord throws Mrs Turbo into the ringsteps.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind HARPSichord.
Smart Mark Sterling comes from behind, but HARPSichord nails Smart Mark Sterling.
Mrs Turbo whips HARPSichord into the guardrail.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
Mrs Turbo and TigerTurbulance hit HARPSichord with a double vertical suplex.
Mrs Turbo uses a release German suplex on HARPSichord.
TigerTurbulance comes over to make it two-on-one.
TigerTurbulance attempts a lariat, but HARPSichord blocks it.
Damicky puts TigerTurbulance in a sleeperhold.
Damicky executes a clothesline against TigerTurbulance.
HARPSichord comes over to make it two-on-one.
HARPSichord tries a kick to the head, but TigerTurbulance ducks out of the way.
TigerTurbulance executes a vertical suplex against Damicky.
TigerTurbulance gets back into the ring.
Damicky climbs back into the ring.
TigerTurbulance hits a forearm to the back on Damicky.
TigerTurbulance kicks Damicky.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
TigerTurbulance hits Damicky.
Damicky kicks TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance chops Damicky.
TigerTurbulance is being booed out of the building.
TigerTurbulance goes for a vertical suplex, but Damicky reverses it.
Frothies Mcveigh comes to ringside.
Frothies McVeigh pulls Damicky out of the ring.
Frothies McVeigh executes a reverse swinging STO on Damicky into the guardrail.
HARPSichord attacks Frothies McVeigh from behind.
HARPSichord and Frothies McVeigh brawl into the crowd.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
Pantskyle hits TigerTurbulance with a shoulderblock.
Pantskyle runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits Pantskyle with a kick.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on Pantskyle.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, three.

The winners are Mrs Turbo and Tigerturbulance. Time of match: 0:15:49
Sim Rating: ***

And still SFAEW Tag Team Champions...Holy Matrimony! The Turbos have weathered the storm to come out on top!
And in your main event of the evening:


TheInjuryFactory makes his first defence of the SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship, and it's against Elton Johns Wig!​

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