No Oppo Supporters St.Kilda sack Brett Ratten

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You make the call.

He is coming home.

gringo2011 can you go down to Moorabbin and check the Feng Shui of the place. I reckon a plant might grow now.

bird_man can you gubby88 wolfpac13 organise the shin dig. I don’t want grand final parade. But I want more “party” than Brownlow medal count.
Couple of Jason Grams supplied by Ross’ ol mate Sammy Fish.

They really were the good old days.

Probably fighting over who gets to sniff her seat first amongst other things.

I shouldn’t laugh… especially given his history but this was funny.

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RTB has a questionable track record in development. We cant overlook his latter years at Freo. He was derided over there for his lack of ability to develop young players - Cox, Darcy, Brayshaw, logue, landon, pearce, taberner, collins, dyl robbo :) , menegola and others. They were all fringe players under ross, who went on to be solid players after he left, or after they left to another club. Our list is not ready to contend. RTB's development history is a worry to me. He takes contending sides and makes them better, he is unproven in development. Maybe he has learned that lesson and can bring in appropriate assistants etc to help. Id like to see him speak directly to this point if he is our next coach.
Freo weren’t a contender by any stretch. Neither were we to be fair.

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Given Ross's history I'm not sure even that will be enough.

But if the deal was done why spend 4 hours talking to him?

Ross, do you want the job? Yes OK done deal. OK we'll talk with you and your agent to sort out terms.

But in the meantime, can you do us a favour and hang around for a few hours to make it look like we're still thinking about it and haven't lied about how, when and why we got rid of Ratten.
Your last comments were pretty much what probably happened haha. Came around and had some lunch over a few glasses of red and started planning for next year.

That took about 2 hours, the rest of the time they had each other in fits over how long they could leave the human rat Tom Browne out in the cold for, like mob bosses toying with FBI surveillance.
Those posters who sent me PMs telling me they were mates with Hunter Clark.

Best tell him to start hitting the gym and to wear his big boy pants for the first day of pre season.
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