The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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For those that can be bothered. How can we possibly believe any of these people. And the Republicans are the same.

No Dude. They are seriously not the same. The publicans are orders of magnitude worse than the worst dem.

Your clip shows dems supporting stronger borders. Thats right, they do support stronger borders, but not illegal deportations. And you do know it was the trump toadying pubs who shot down extra border funding just this year. It had a chance to fix the problem. Pubs didnt want the problem fixed. They wanted to campaign on it.

I keep saying to the rednecks where I live who think its fun to support trump - Its a binary choice. The choice is - A convicted sex offender, fraud, multiple bankrupt who lies more often than he breathes, a narcissist whos only interested in himself and his own interests, a man who still hasnt conceded that he lost in 2020 and incited a riot to try to steal an election, or ..... EVERYBODY ELSE IS BETTER.
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I read JD Vance is the “new normal” by our Trump camp sycophants .
fighting for people’s rights blah blah blah

This the Same bloke that said pregnancy through rape an incest was just “ inconvenient for society “ so against any termination.

I am a grand father to 4 grand daughters, and to support this despicable right wing nut job is a disgrace.
He fits n well with the new Trump party ( it’s no longer the GOP )

Quite frankly he is sick and those that support this also need to take good hard look at themselves.
I read JD Vance is the “new normal” by our Trump camp sycophants .
fighting for people’s rights blah blah blah

This the Same bloke that said pregnancy through rape an incest was just “ inconvenient for society “ so against any termination.

I am a grand father to 4 grand daughters, and to support this despicable right wing nut job is a disgrace.
He fits n well with the new Trump party ( it’s no longer the GOP )

Quite frankly he is sick and those that support this also need to take good hard look at themselves.
Please get an education. Capitals after full stop. Grandfather not grand father. You just libelled a bloke. Given you dislike free speech and other people's opinions, I'm aghast.

By the way it's "cue" not "queue" (from one of your other diatribes). Toe the line, not tow the line. Etcetera.

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Abortion is obviously a bigger political issue in America than here. But will never be solved by demonising those you disagree with. Most of us here would like to think we’re in the the sweet spot philosophically about it, but any issue where there is obvious competing rights, and in some instances one of those competing doesn’t even get to live, is always going to be tough to solve. Easy even to call those zealots at each end of the spectrum but even they feel they’re supporting someone’s liberty.
Bill Clinton seemed to sum up how id like to think about it “safe, legal and rare” but there’s people on both sides that don’t even like this.
Please get an education. Capitals after full stop. Grandfather not grand father. You just libelled a bloke. Given you dislike free speech and other people's opinions, I'm aghast.

By the way it's "cue" not "queue" (from one of your other diatribes). Toe the line, not tow the line. Etcetera.

Ah , you are an idiot .🤣 not really interested in addressing the subject ?
I will take more care in the future with my grammar while pointing out the absurdity you and your Trump fan club spew on this thread.

By the way , trawled back on this thread and found your “ evidence “ the last election was stolen.
When you do the due diligence, the presentation was put together by some far right wing organisation.
Ha , you would have to one of the most gullible people I have ever come across .

What happened to “ I’m done with you “ ? Is your brain that fried ?
Please get an education. Capitals after full stop. Grandfather not grand father. You just libelled a bloke. Given you dislike free speech and other people's opinions, I'm aghast.

By the way it's "cue" not "queue" (from one of your other diatribes). Toe the line, not tow the line. Etcetera.

wayniac with the take down.

You can tell he watches a lot of tv and movies.
His whole world view has been shaped by Hollywood movies.
Freshwater - give us your thoughts on the late, great Hannibal Lecter?

wayniac- this all make sense to you mate? Could you fit Lecter him into the Secretary for Defence?
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Freshwater - give us your thoughts on the late, great Hannibal Lecter?

wayniac- this all make sense to you mate? Could you fit Lecter him into the Secretary for Defence?
I like movies and old movies but I’ve never seen Silence of the Lambs and not that keen either. I don’t think I’d enjoy the same movies as Donald. I don’t think I’d enjoy his company either. I’ve admitted a hundred times on here, the guy’s nutters.
I reckon I would enjoy talking to JD Vance. Enjoy a beer and hear his story. I reckon he’s not necessarily ready for VP, and with a 78 year old potentially starting a 4 year term, he could well end up a young president? He doesn’t yet know fully what he really believes in yet.

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I just feel like I'm having and out of body experience when I hear the lines 'the late great Hannibal Lecter' and 'he (a fictional cannibal murderer Lecter) was a good guy' being uttered by an actual 78 year old Presidential candidate. Just those words alone should be enough to have him committed.

Blows my mind that anyone is taking this dangerous, incompetent clown seriously.
Freshwater - give us your thoughts on the late, great Hannibal Lecter?

wayniac- this all make sense to you mate? Could you fit Lecter him into the Secretary for Defence?
What does fit Lecter him... mean. English is my first and best language. I can do German, French and Bahasa Indonesia but you lost me.

All these multi-thousand post folks on here should chill and read some books or perform some community service. My time is limited by the voluntary work I perform.

Lions are doing a great job worldwide. I would encourage people to join their local club. A lot of members are Biden's age.
If anyone on here does get to sit down with Vance with a beer , can you ask him how he justifies making a 12 yr old rape victim go to term ?

Oh but the abortion issue is complicated over there ?
On this issue it’s very bloody simple for most people.

And the angst because the Hitler tag got thrown around by a few of our posters !
Hyperbolic, crazy and so on !
But the very bloke one of our flock would like to have a beer with once described Trump as “ America’s Hitler “

Deep rabbit holes will deprive your brain of oxygen.
The English philosopher John Gray said - beware not of Trump, but the one after him. He will be more plausible & seemingly more filled with reason. However, this plausibility will allow him to put forward more dangerous ideas, behind a benign exterior and folksy tongue.

Vance isn't an idiot. He's articulate and Yale educated. Beware.

Meanwhile, lovely Harris who can talk to anyone presided over ever-longer jail sentences as a prosecutor. Inmates can expertly sew uniforms for McDonalds at a pittance as they while away their days.

That's America !
The English philosopher John Gray said - beware not of Trump, but the one after him. He will be more plausible & seemingly more filled with reason. However, this plausibility will allow him to put forward more dangerous ideas, behind a benign exterior and folksy tongue.

Vance isn't an idiot. He's articulate and Yale educated. Beware.

Meanwhile, lovely Harris who can talk to anyone presided over ever-longer jail sentences as a prosecutor. Inmates can expertly sew uniforms for McDonalds at a pittance as they while away their days.

That's America !

Yeah , that’s fair enough, I agree with that sentiment.
Trump’s an idiot, but I suspect the next “Trump “ will not be.

As for “ lovely Harris “ you would have thought Trump supporters would love a prosecutor that locked up black people and threw away the key ?

As for Vance he has drunk the Trump cool aid , which immediately makes you sound ridiculous.
But his stance on abortion is going to cause him a lot of grief going forward.
That’s one issue there is overwhelming agreement on ,going by recent polling.
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As for “ lovely Harris “ you would have thought Trump supporters would love a prosecutor that locked up black people and threw away the key ?

They should, but elections are more about shallow image & stories than evidence.
What does fit Lecter him... mean. English is my first and best language. I can do German, French and Bahasa Indonesia but you lost me.

All these multi-thousand post folks on here should chill and read some books or perform some community service. My time is limited by the voluntary work I perform.

Lions are doing a great job worldwide. I would encourage people to join their local club. A lot of members are Biden's age.
What type of arrogance or sense of superiority makes you think we don't do community work? I have been doing such things all my life.
What type of arrogance or sense of superiority makes you think we don't do community work? I have been doing such things all my life.
In fairness to him dw, he is multilingual and a stickler for correct grammar.
Now we learn he does his bit for the community, all to be commended .👍

Just a shame that he can’t recognise a criminal, even if it popped up out of his Wheaties wearing a balaclava
and saying stick ‘ em up !

PS , can someone check all my spelling and grammar please
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What type of arrogance or sense of superiority makes you think we don't do community work? I have been doing such things all my life.

Same here dw, but I don't feel the urge to trumpet (Trump-it?! 🤔) it on a footy forum. I also read quite a number of books per year - admittedly not as many as I used to, but that's because I'm scanning BF in every spare minute noting spelling and grammatical errors... and I'm keeping tabs! One day I might publish that spreadsheet! 😄
Same here dw, but I don't feel the urge to trumpet (Trump-it?! 🤔) it on a footy forum. I also read quite a number of books per year - admittedly not as many as I used to, but that's because I'm scanning BF in every spare minute noting spelling and grammatical errors... and I'm keeping tabs! One day I might publish that spreadsheet! 😄
Well I’ve fired in a lawsuit against Uni High ,
I want my parents money back !
I've done plenty of community work in life.

Well, it was that or prison said the judge

But I have done plenty by choice.

Though if my car breaks down in America. I'd back a Trump supporter over a Dem to fix my alternator .
What type of arrogance or sense of superiority makes you think we don't do community work? I have been doing such things all my life.
Why do you waste so much time on here if you are doing such good work? I guess you clowns don't sleep.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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