The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Yes you are all in for Trump, just like Freshwater.

No doubt you love Elon Musk too (do yourself a favour - listen to that interview. OMG).

You have boarded the Titanic and are now attempting to retreat with whimsical references to the American Constitution - which is clearly out dated, free speech, blah blah blah.

Freshwater - give me something non committal, yet clearly slanted to the majority on this thread the right and the magnificence of free speech. Without free speech we all die folks, we burst into flames!
Are you ok?

Please don't tell me who I'm all in for.
Again. I was talking about Biden's racism and none of you arguing me have condemned it

Speaks volumes.

Again. Good luck to you and your world view.
Despite all we throw at you re Trump, the best you could come up with is “ I’m not for Trump”

Speaks volumes

See how it works ?

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To me me, free speech is stimulus and response. There is the stimulus (free speech)...and there is the response (outrage, agreement, whatevs).

In the time that elapses between stimulus and response what is the process? What influences the response? That's where it's at for me.
I don't agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Who said this?

Donald J. Trump. Or Voltaire.

Im not sure cos' its easy to mix up two or lifes great orators and philosophers.
It's not the Democrats burning books in Florida.
"Moms for Liberty"
And in a further coincidence the following popped up recently too*

Whenever books are burned men also in the end are burned. -Heinrich Heine

* I get a daily feed about language and it always has a quote for the day from somebody whose birthday is on that day - so it's quite a random mix of thinkers, writers etc.
And in a further coincidence the following popped up recently too*

Whenever books are burned men also in the end are burned. -Heinrich Heine

* I get a daily feed about language and it always has a quote for the day from somebody whose birthday is on that day - so it's quite a random mix of thinkers, writers etc.
Got a link to this daily feed my good man?
Bidens comments are racist and really bad. He was not a good candidate, I'm glad he is gone.

He was though a much better candidate than Trump and the choice for America was binary, it was between those 2. Trump makes racist comments on a weekly basis, even about the wives of other republicans. Much of his platform is aimed at appealing to the prejudices of people and unfortunately it works. He talks about the countries south of America clearing out their jails and mental asylums and sending them to America more than anything else (except maybe his weird obsession with numbers at rallies). He has also questioned the race of both Obama and Harris.

Fortunately Harris is a better candidate than Biden and an infinitely better candidate than Trump.

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Got a link to this daily feed my good man?
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If you like words and what goes on in the English language it's great. And free. I've been getting a word a day for 25 years. You can trawl back through all 30 years worth of words if you have the inclination. And the time.

Its incredible how this dumb mother****er was and could again be the President of the United States.

Whenever he begins or injects one of his word salad stories with "Ive heard" or "Sir..." or some such. You know that he's talking out of his arse. It's quite the tell.

The man is a legitimate imbecile.

That was amusingly idiotic.

This not so much.

Saying that the woman who has finically underpinned his campaigns service to the nation is greater than the sacrifice of a MoH winner is just demented. he really does consider those who served to be suckers.

This alone should sink his campaign. But the media is way too invested in his stupidity to do much more than shrug and move on gleefully to the next dumb thing he says.

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Its incredible how this dumb mother****er was and could again be the President of the United States.

Whenever he begins or injects one of his word salad stories with "Ive heard" or "Sir..." or some such. You know that he's talking out of his arse. It's quite the tell.

The man is a legitimate imbecile.

In the UK 3.5 million jobs were created, however, of that number only 920,000 jobs went to non-migrants.

The UK is heading down the same path as the USA, expand GDP by importing low cost migrants.

Smaller is better, Singapore shows how it's done.
The UK is heading down the same path as the USA, expand GDP by importing low cost migrants.
It's what every country is doing. White people don't make enough babies. Walmart, Kmart, McDonalds don't care if you're 'high cost' or 'low cost.' Our job is to consume, and the monster that is 'growth' hungrily demands more consumers by the hour.

There's increasing competition to attract young people, and Africa is the growth hotspot for humans.

Don't believe what the politicians and media say about immigration. Big business doesn't care if the immigrants arrive hidden in a lorry or first class on a jet. They just need to be buy shiny things.

If Australia only allows in the 'brightest and the best' why does the person cleaning your car or serving you coffee have English as a second language?

Immigration is an easy blame, when the real problem is an uneasy disaffection with modern society. We know something's wrong but we cant see a fix. We work too hard, eat bad food, don't sleep enough, hate our jobs Etc Etc. But let's blame the brown skinned ones.

I used to work in Cragieburn a bit. It's huge, and a new mini suburb springs up every day. Increasingly, the builders putting up the houses are from China. A new servo gets built, the workers are from India. A childcare centre gets built. Young women from India and China increasingly run the place. An aged care facility is staffed with Filipinos. Many of the residents are from Iraq and India, but it's an incredibly multicultural suburb.

This is human growth, this is consumption growth. This is how the economy works. The pizza shop made 100 pizzas a week, now it makes 500 after they built all those houses.
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In the UK 3.5 million jobs were created, however, of that number only 920,000 jobs went to non-migrants.
The UK is heading down the same path as the USA, expand GDP by importing low cost migrants

Hasn't the UK always done this?

Colonies weren't only about looting them of their natural resources. They were seen as a source of cheap labour in post industrial revolution factories at home and a very handy pool of men for maintaining the stability of the colonies that they were pillaging. Resources that all came in very handy during the darkest days of WWII When Britain stood alone.

Migration has been a part of British society since before the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the arrival of Anglo-Saxons. They were followed by the Vikings who were followed by the Normans who were followed by...the rest is a 1000+ years of migrational history from the continent and beyond.

More recent examples include the Windrush generation from the Caribbean, West African and South Asian migrants who were needed to help rebuild cities and industry after the devastation of WWII. The quid pro quo of this arrangement was that they could settle in the UK. Many of these people especially those from South Asia would go on to form the backbone of a once thriving textile industry.

That was until neo-conservative government policy of the 1980's and corporations decided that it was better to outsource those jobs to countries that offered cheaper labour. So as to switch the economy to one for the most party focused on service industries. Industries which not coincidentally rely on a steady stream of cheap labour. Its the cycle of modern economic life.

Like most culture war issues. It's not the migration. It's the people and companies making windfall profits off its back. They couldn't give a single shit about the people that are left behind or the communities that their policies destroy.

Smaller is better, Singapore shows how it's done.

Im not sure how Singapore and the UK are in anyway analogous beyond the geographic closeness they each have to the worlds second and third largest economies. Something that the tiny Singaporean city state takes full advantage of and something that the UK in all its hubristically haughty wisdom turned its back on.
You have to remember that the introduction of migrants also creates jobs. All of those migrants who are coming to the US or Australia are also consumers, which creates more demand in the economy and creates more jobs.
They also do the majority of jobs that the American public are not willing to do. Cleaning toilets etc.
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If you like words and what goes on in the English language it's great. And free. I've been getting a word a day for 25 years. You can trawl back through all 30 years worth of words if you have the inclination. And the time.

:think:But I always imagined you as a sprightly 21 year old

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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