Universal Love TRTT Part 8: Random thoughts also sack Hinkley

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Hi I'm on Etsy, please consider this piece of unfinished particle board and a cheap couch cushion which I've fused together thereby massively reducing the utility of each individual element, and pay me $80 for it.

View attachment 705302
I have some distressed planks of wood in the grudge I reckon I'll attach some smelly old cushions and sell em' to some bearded wonder.. sips double expresso.
Hi I'm on Etsy, please consider this piece of unfinished particle board and a cheap couch cushion which I've fused together thereby massively reducing the utility of each individual element, and pay me $80 for it.

View attachment 705302

i have an old faded pallet out back, sell it for $200 as "industrial chic".

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Here is my recent poo story as we seem to be sharing.

The dunny on the first floor of my work has no windows and very occasionally if you go for a quick piss first thing in the morning and you open the first set of doors as you open the second set it goes from complete black to light as the sensor kicks in.

Anyway had a rumbly rumbly the other week so went to do some posting on big footy as part of the usual work paid poo.

Was a bit longer than usual and no one else in the other stall so relaxed and put the phone on the dispenser to wipe when snap the light goes off.

I am sitting pants down pre wipe in complete blackness can't see a thing and can't feel where I put my phone.

Faaark I think what do I do.

Bright idea number one I wave my hands in the air . No luck. The sensor must he up a bit higher.

Hmmmm. What next may be the sensor is above stall height. So I stand pants down and wave my hands in the air.

No luck.

So my choice now is feel along the wall for my phone on the dispenser or open the
stall door.

Now if I had my time again I go for the phone but on this occasion I managed to find the lock turn it and slide my pants filled ankle out of the stall.

Right that very second snap the lights come on just I hear the outer door opening...

Faaark. I panic and slam the door shut. Loudly.

I wait 10 seconds and then finish my business making as much noise as possible with the dispenser etc.

Now my visitor was only in for a piss so I think I will avoid embarrassment and wait them out as I am sure they think I fell asleep on the sHittitter or soething dodgy is going on as they think they are walking into an empty room that was dark before they opened the door.

I wait 30 seconds after they wash and they haven't left, so I wait another 30 still there.

They are waiting me out. Bastard.

30 seconds more still no movement and it is starting to get awkward... No one has said anything but I can't stay in all day.

I wait another 10 seconds or so and meekly open the door head down to the taps quickly looking up but not making eye contact.....

Oh hi Mr General Manager I say as he opens the door and walks out......
After all the twisting and turning i do, i have to pull a muscle in my back getting out of my car. :rolleyes:

Sucks because i cannot find a comfortable position.

Interesting LukeSA
Speaking of simulation theory, isn’t is convenient that it’s brought up on the board in the last couple of days and now it has hit mainstream news. Almost like the simulation is trying to tell us something...

Simulation theory isnt anywhere near as much of a mind**** as basic physics of light

Everything we see with our eyes arrives to us UPSIDE DOWN and then our brains turn it the right way round.

****ing what
Simulation theory isnt anywhere near as much of a mindfu** as basic physics of light

Everything we see with our eyes arrives to us UPSIDE DOWN and then our brains turn it the right way round.

******* what

When you live at the bottom of a four dimensional gravity well hurtling through the universe and everything you perceive is based on waves bouncing off of other matter, the only interesting thing about simulation theory is why anyone would think it makes the slightest difference one way or the other how many layers of unreality there are.
When you live at the bottom of a four dimensional gravity well hurtling through the universe and everything you perceive is based on waves bouncing off of other matter, the only interesting thing about simulation theory is why anyone would think it makes the slightest difference one way or the other how many layers of unreality there are.
If anything simulation theory is the opposite of what that article claimd. Its not humbling, its hypothesizing that we’re important enough for another being to simulate.

Its a plea to exist outside meaningless randomness aka its another shitty religion

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Simulation theory isnt anywhere near as much of a mindfu** as basic physics of light

Everything we see with our eyes arrives to us UPSIDE DOWN and then our brains turn it the right way round.

******* what

We can pretty much conclude that we don't live in a simulation by the fact that pi exists, not pi exactly but irrational numbers that have an infinite amount of decimal places.

That and quantum physics, why simulate that light can be both a wave and particle at the same time where only one would be the most efficient for the computer.
We can pretty much conclude that we don't live in a simulation by the fact that pi exists, not pi exactly but irrational numbers that have an infinite amount of decimal places.

That and quantum physics, why simulate that light can be both a wave and particle at the same time where only one would be the most efficient for the computer.

Decimal numbers are a construct based on the metric system. 355/113 is incredibly close to pi, within a third of a millionth of the exact value.

Phi is based around the Fibonacci sequence.

As for light - What if the program didn’t simulate that at all, and instead gave a variable parameter that was based on user input? That is, if people wanted to prove light was a wave...they would because that’s what they are looking for...and if they wanted to prove it was a particle...they would because again, that’s what they were looking for?
If this is all just a big simulation, then unplug me, let me do a deal with the machines, then plug me back in like the guy from The Matrix.
The City of Fremantle is banning balloons. Killjoys.

And if it is all a simulation why would there be things like a bon Jovi cover band? It just doesn't make sense

That's the type of thing I'd expect to see in a simulation. Degenerative replication.
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