Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

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Its quite interesting that a few months ago after the Russian Kharkiv offensive, Russia was going to conduct a second offensive into the Sumy area from the Kursk oblast. However due to the failure of the Kharkiv attack and to not be shown as weak and withdraw, Putin and his genius minds decided to double down and pull the brigades from the Sumy offensive into the Kharkiv attack leaving that area exposed.

And here we are today with that same Kursk oblast under the control of Ukraine. The land occupied is more than last years Ukraine offensive, and also more than what Russia currently control in Vovchansk/Kharkiv.

Interesting titbit. Wonder if this Russian soldiers will then question whether to fight in Russia if this is the case.

Once Ukraine got ATACMS and started training on F16s, the amount of AA they started targeting sky rocketed.
Makes sense. F-16s in air to surface combat have a decades long tradition in 'Wild Weasel" style threat neutralisation of surface to air capability, using less technologically advance aircraft to deliver the munitions under direction.

Just one F-16 adds a huge amount of capacity to even a 4th gen force. They're not stand-alone airframes, they're real force multipliers. There's a reason Zelensky pushed so hard for them.

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Incredible that Ukraine have helicopters flying over Russian territory. It sounds like even the most rudimentary Russian surface to air capacity has been seriously degraded if those reports are correct.

I think most military watchers would have expected that ongoing Ukrainian resistance would have been under the cover of Russian air superiority, that has all but disappeared.
I read a comment somewhere yesterday that the Iranian Regime is trying to get more air defenses out of Russia, obviously worried about a US retaliation if they escalate against Israel. Not sure they have them spare the iranian cretins.
I read a comment somewhere yesterday that the Iranian Regime is trying to get more air defenses out of Russia, obviously worried about a US retaliation if they escalate against Israel. Not sure they have them spare the iranian cretins.
Russia is squeezing as much shit as they can out of Nth Korea.

They have nothing to spare for their own army, let alone anyone else.
This doesn't change my point at all

Yes yes, I know they'll collapse, tomorrow probably

They don't control the supply, it's just a transport control hub, if they wanted to stop it they could have done it at any time. How does this change anything?

Sure, shame most of the black sea is under Russian occupation
Lucky for Ukraine, their grain doesn't need to go through most of the Black sea.

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Little bit of info for anyone unfamiliar with Russian language - if you see references to the column set ablaze near Rylsk, you might see a shop next to location called "Super Magazin". One thing I always find interesting was how in Russian, "Magazin" is actually the word for our English "store". So the shop there is actually called "Super Store". Just in case it ever comes in useful when trying to understand what some of these weird terms refer to!

At least we now know what that footage was of the huge fire in the Oktyabrskoye area that was doing the rounds yesterday.

Lots of destroyed vehicles and dead bodies (of which families wont receive compensation). Pretty well targeted too with minimal scorch marks around the burnt out vehicles suggesting it was not artillery but missiles of some sort.

These images are reminiscent of the early days of the VDV columns being destroyed around Kyiv.

But all good. They found the guy who filmed this and will sentence him to life in prison with a feeble made up reason for showing the world just how shit the Russian army is defending their own land.

Ukraine only doing what Russia would do. They should be close to holding a referendum to annex Kursk.

Man I love Darth with his zingers.

Seems that the counter offensive by the Russians is underway. The presence of the Chechen tik tok brigade who have only run away the whole war at the first sign of trouble leading the charge will invariably instil confidence in the Russian people. Much like the confidence Collingwood fans have in Lachie Schultz expecting him to win a game of football for them.


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Correct, glad you agree that Russian gas revenue is now directly under the control of Ukraine. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what the next demand will be from Ukraine does it?
It always was you dumb campaigner, ffs read
Again, Ukraine now controls the entry of Russian gas into Ukranian gas transfer infrastructure.
Jesus christ, so what changed?
Considering the low ball prices Adolf Putin has to sell it at to China / India it is in Russia's interests to do a deal here and keep revenues going for the remaining business they get from Europe which of course has been decimated directly due to Putin's failed invasion. This strategic failure by Putin is going to cost Russia trillions of dollars of income and has lead to European nations permanently weaning themselves off Russian gas. Think of how much better off you would be if Putin never invaded. You should be pissed.
Are you slow?
Sure it is. That's why Russia has evacuated Sevastopol. Interestingly enough Russia would have had unfettered access to Sevastopol if Putin could not be a fascist and respect Ukraine's sovereignty as he agreed himself directly in 2003.
They do now
Here's a reminder just how well it is going

Turkey also will not allow any Russian military ships into the Black Sea that are not normally based there. Ukraine doesn't even have a proper navy and it now freely controls the Black Sea up until Crimea. Grain shipments run freely after Putin's failed attempt to threaten them.

FFS, this is what I've been saying for months. Turkey controls the black sea, Ukraine's jet ski drones have been cool
Makes sense. F-16s in air to surface combat have a decades long tradition in 'Wild Weasel" style threat neutralisation of surface to air capability, using less technologically advance aircraft to deliver the munitions under direction.

Just one F-16 adds a huge amount of capacity to even a 4th gen force. They're not stand-alone airframes, they're real force multipliers. There's a reason Zelensky pushed so hard for them.
Not sure they have the capability for wild weasel manoeuvres, this is pretty high level integration. We'll see I guess
Article from FP suggesting the Ukrainian invasion of Russia may be a step towards peace negotiations, by giving Ukraine something to trade. I guess we will see if they try to hold it, perhaps they will grab a Crimea size piece. Certainly with the risk of a Putin fan boi becoming US President again, Ukraine may be looking to strengthen it's hand in the coming months.
Read the article here.

In case you've ever doubted Russia is taking the piss ... [ASTRA]

Kadyrov became a Nobel Prize laureate. But on the Russian side

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Akhmatov, was awarded the Ludwig Nobel Prize (not Alfred). It was awarded for Kadyrov's contribution to military activities. The prize was handed over by the former wife of oligarch Alisher Usmanov, Irina Viner, head of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics.

The Ludwig Nobel Prize is awarded to "significant contemporary personalities for outstanding professional achievements and unconditional services to humanity."
Night vision footage of the attack on the column near Rylsk:

Video of Ukrainian strike on Russian military convoy near Rylsk appears. The Ukrainian strike took place at night, when the column was not moving. According to the video, four strikes were carried out.

(video edited to compress within Bigfooty upload limits)
View attachment kolonnabezaudio.mp4
And the explosions at Lipetsk airfield have produced some before and after photos:

Photos of the Lipetsk military airfield before and after the night raid by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The airfield's storage facilities are reported to be completely destroyed. Two craters are also visible on the ground, which could be the result of missiles or drones used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out the strikes. The downed planes are not visible in the photo, presumably because they were removed in advance. [ASTRA]

photo_2024-08-10_03-11-15.jpg photo_2024-08-10_03-11-16.jpg
I am literally inundated with shareable articles within 20 minutes and I've only looked at ONE channel. Includes some candidates for my new "Irina Viner" award, for potential performances in All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics.

I'll throw a couple in but there's too many to do the lot:

1. A bloke who said the TikTok brigade were hiding behind conscripts, made a statement pretending he actually said they were the only ones not hiding behind conscripts. [ASTRA TG]
A pro-government Chechen Telegram channel published a video of an apology from a Russian military man who had previously said that the Chechen "Akhmat" was hiding behind conscripts

"I wanted to explain the situation with Kursk and about Akhmat. What I said. Akhmat is the only one who is now with the conscripts, there are no contract soldiers there, the conscripts complain that they are alone and only Akhmat helps them. I apologize for the misunderstanding, my words were misunderstood," says the Russian soldier in the video, which was recorded against the background of a flag with the image of Akhmat Kadyrov.

Earlier, the young man stated that the Chechen unit did not engage in combat with the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region; conscripts had to stop the Ukrainians.

Earlier, the commander of the Akhmat special forces, Apti Alaudinov, said that the Chechens did not engage in combat with the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region because the Ukrainians had bypassed their positions. Today, the head of Chechnya, Razmzan Kadyrov, promised "good results" in the Kursk region "within two or three days."

Some Health minister decides to fabricate a hospital story clearly inspired by the actual war crimes perpetrated by the Russians in Ukraine. [ASTRA TG]
There are 55 victims of the shelling in hospitals in the Kursk region, including eight children, said Health Minister Mikhail Murashko.

Pro-Russians using a naughty word in the wrong place at the wrong time*. [ASTRA TG]
* This word is banned from use in this forum on Bigfooty.

In Moscow, bus passengers beat up and handed over to police an 87-year-old man. It is alleged that he called the Wagner PMC mercenaries murderers [ASTRA TG]
On a Moscow bus, two men attacked an 87-year-old pensioner because he allegedly spoke negatively about the Wagnerites.

"Get out, grandpa. Get out! Get out, bitch! You ****ing fascist. Come out, bitch! We're going to f**k this bitch right now," one of the pensioner's attackers shouted.

The old man's arms were twisted and he was "taken to the police" after being taken off the bus.

The men took Grinchiy to the traffic police officer on duty and wrote a statement against the pensioner. According to Oskar Cherdzhiev, a lawyer from OVD-Info, Dmitry also wrote a statement about the attack in response. The police released him without a report.

It turned out that the pensioner was Dmitry Grinchiya. His father Pavel Grinchiya was executed in 1938 on charges of spying for Japan. Pavel was rehabilitated only in 1966.

No arrests? Of course no arrests. In Russia, that's a ****ing compliment! [ASTRA TG]
A solo picket took place in St. Petersburg. The activist came out with a poster reading "Putinism is the restoration of Stalinism." There were no arrests.
1. A bloke who said the TikTok brigade were hiding behind conscripts, made a statement pretending he actually said they were the only ones not hiding behind conscripts. [ASTRA TG]
So he is saying they let the Ukranian soldiers drive right past them while they hid in their Bunkers? Yeah, that is a lot less weak and cowardly.

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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