Usage for hash tag: ListerTheory

  1. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    Raz just sold the farm! #ListerTheory
  2. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    It would help if someone started making lists. #ListerTheory
  3. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    In return, you and tell me why my hashtags don’t work. #L#ListerTheory
  4. Nothing

    Werewolf Gralin's good old fashioned home cooked Werewolf - Mafia Wins!

    Without 3KZ we have nobody to point out #ListerTheory So if someone seers as villager, there is a 42% chance they are night immune. Running out of places for GF, alpha and SK to hide.
  5. 3KZ is Football

    Boncers Normal Werewolf - Twisted to troll Dank420_

  6. Frederico_WA

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    Nothing BEaston :padlock: #ListerTheory
  7. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

  8. Frederico_WA

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    The days of The Bonce are over. Its time for #ListerTheory
  9. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    Last day at work. Festivities 🥳 I’m sticking with Nothing based on #List#ListerTheory
  10. MC Bad Genius

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    It's irrelevant now. But just so you know, I'll be voting for you tomorrow. 3kz is Football and his #ListerTheory might actually have some merit.
  11. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    #ListerTheory #It’sScientific
  12. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

    #LurkerIndexReading #LurkingInPlainSight #ListerTheory
  13. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

    I am confused. #ListerTheory says Gralin should be the vote today and the #LurkerIndexReading says it should be Dingster and por_please_ya is OUTED EVIL. I don't get why we are not killing porps, but there seems to be a consensus - which takes me back to Gralin - those lists were massive and...
  14. Grand Uncle Horace

    Werewolf Wheel of Time Werewolf # 1 (Shadow, the Dragon Reborn and Padan Fain win!)

    #ListerTheory you know it makes sense. I miss 3KZ is Football and his views on ww science. thankfully he is not a phrenologist.
  15. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Normal Werewolf - Gralin - Mafia Wins!

    The science indicates Chipmunk is evil, if you employ #ListerTheory #It’sScientificThanks Gralin
  16. Greenery


    You're suss #ListerTheory
  17. 3KZ is Football


    #ListerTheory is a thing too you know.
  18. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Basic Werewolf - Time for Chilli - VILLAGE WINS

  19. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Basic Werewolf - Time for Chilli - VILLAGE WINS

  20. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Basic Werewolf - Time for Chilli - VILLAGE WINS

    ...way that my recognition of #roleflu#rolefluidity the lives of many and made games more fun. Then you have #TheEwok#TheEwokSyndromesterT#ListerTheorye brought so much! In this game I am developing a new theory that will be unveiled shortly. For those who can’t wait, I can reveal that the...
  21. Greenery

    Werewolf Boncer's Bi*ch Basic Werewolf - Day 25

    SaintBilly #ListerTheory Official vote ClarkeM
  22. 3KZ is Football


    Voting for Grand Uncle Horace. #ListerTheory #It’sScientific
  23. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Blindwolf Pt.3 - Village Win!

    #ListerTheory I thought the same. I am happy to throw one on later if nothing else comes up. The only thing I ask in this game is that people #RememberTheScience
  24. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023

    I can only vote for one at a time. I was also ready to move on, but BEaston was ‘edgy’ immediately. As a student of the game you might have heard of #Lis#ListerTheorym not rusted on to BEAston, but I put their name out there and others jumped on. Go figure
  25. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Traditional Werewolf 2

  26. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf ICE CREAM WEREWOLF - sign up or miss out on another dank420_ classic.

    #LurkerIndexReading #TheLurkerPrinciple #LurkingInPlainSightTheory #ListerTheory #It’sScientific #KentuckyFriedChickenTheory
  27. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    #ListerTheory might just become #TheListerPrinciple tonight.