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  1. T

    QLD Floods

    Very uplifting & great to hear such positive stories and attitudes you guys have towards these massive floods, BluePride & Haggis. :thumbsu: As for the looters, well, scum of the earth jumps to mind :thumbsd:
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    Thanks wick, just rang the 1800 219 028 and got through with no wait
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    QLD Floods

    Thanks for the info Haggies, no doubt every penny helps
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    QLD Floods

    Second that :thumbsu: Bluebear, you still got that Bushfire account left open? Perhaps change it to a Qld flood account and see how much we can raise for Queensland
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    Queensland Floods

    We're getting pretty scary media down south Hope you Brisbane bigfooty people - and your families - are out of harm's way
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    Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 5

    What's women's rights got to do with it? All I'm saying it that the story isn't finished, and there's more to come out. I'm not siding with either party. Yep, perhaps the 27 year old shouldn't have taken her to the nightclub, in fact she shouldn't have, but i don't see how that exonerates...
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    Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 5

    Simmer champ, take some more valium
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    Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 5

    That was what the whole injunction case was about last year - her having photos and videos. Check out the judgment. She handed the photos over to the judge voluntarily, thankfully At the time she released the two other photos, she had access to the photos that she handed to the court but...
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    Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 5

    Why, did she (allegedly) get KD pregnant? Holding my judgment on this one, see how it pans out. Seems there's lies flowing from both sides. KD's are well documented. With the Saints, if Gilbert met her at Frankston High (or whatever school it was), and this hasn't been denied, how could he...
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    Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 4

    And let her verbally publicise more of what went on in a Court of law, including perhaps what was contained in the additional photos & videos? There's two sides to every story. In any event I don't see how the Saints would get a restraining order against her for a few protest signs. They're...
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    *urgent* bushfire appeal monies due!!

    Just wondering if there was any $ left over from this, even if it's only $50, $100, or $200 If so, then perhaps we could send it up to the Queensland flood victims? Every penny helps
  12. T

    Carlton Forums Training Thread

    Certainly added something to our midfield in the second half of the year Although playing midfield, he isn't competing with Murph, Judd, Scotland etc for a position, he's competing with the "in and unders," like McLean for a midfield position. If he's the only one capable of releasing...
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    R1: Carlton vs Richmond

    But Murph doesn't have his own website, like the Cotch has right here ;) ps - at age 20 and with a history of injuries, far too early to close the door as to how Cotchin might develop as a footballer.
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    Past Chris Yarran

    Nice work Sin :) Great to see the improvement. Be interesting to see where Yaz plays this year. Think there was word they working towards Yaz playing off half back this year. Eventually, be great to see him as a mid, but given he's been in and out of the side, would much prefer to see...
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    Carlton Forums Training Thread

    Great Photos BB25 much appreciated
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    Carlton Forums Training Thread

    Thanx for the reports everyone :thumbsu: Did anyone see Andy Lee in the stands with a snipper gun?
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    Carlton Forums Training Thread

    Training Report 6th January (comprehensive): Boys ran some laps, did some skillful stuff with a football
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    Fevola on the cheap?

    You've just won the premiership with a youngish list Why get the temperamental Fev?
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    Fev arrested

    Problem Brown Dog is that he has already sworn to stay off alcohol till the end of his football career. It was about 18 months ago He is one of those blokes you want to see him going well, playing great footy, says he has to change his ways, does for a bit ... then does something stupid. In...
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    Carlton Forums Training Thread

    Yep, first day back The link on carltonfc about training is here. Will probably be dropping in before work to see how they're adjusting to the new year, and will post what I see. There, a New Year's gift for Harks
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    Fevola Arrested?

    It would be poor form if Blues' management was laughing over this, but as far as morality goes Voss knew what he was getting. Everyone knew that Fev had a chequered past, hence the Blues wanting to get rid of him and Voss being the only real bidder. Voss was even asked at the press conference at...
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    Fevola Arrested?

    Can't actually sack an employee while on sick leave, well not until they've been on unpaid sick leave for 3 months in any given year. Even then one has to be cautious As to Fev, you'd have to be a harsh man to hope he doesn't sort himself out, and it would be great if he ends up having a gun...
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    Board discussion

    Bigger question is what is the difference between a constructive opinion and a negative opinion? That's often a subjective answer and not really an objective one, ie. someone will write a constructive opinion which will be viewed by many as negative because it's questioning the club, albeit a...
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    Board discussion

    Yeah, must admit i didn't mind it either Liked the concept, and Dennis Hopper is always a win Would've been better without Kevin Costner acting in it, though.
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    Who is the best side in the comp on their day?

    Which is the best side in the comp on their day will surely change throughout the season, depending on which team is playing the best at that period. It's rare that a club plays awesome football for a full season Clearly, this was Collingwood in the last part of the season. Everything was...
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    Junping the immigration Queue

    GJ, you've quoted my post so to clarify, are you saying it's fine to arrive as an English backpacker who probably came from a good home and is definitely not fleeing political asylum who then overstays their visa, compared to someone who arrives by boat from war-torn Afghanistan, Iraq & Sri...
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    Junping the immigration Queue

    Yeah, you're forgetting about those who overstay their visa who arrive by plane (ie. English backpackers). As at June 2009: "The immigration department told a Senate hearing in Canberra today that as of June 30, a total of 48,456 people had overstayed their visa." Click here . For the record...
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    Junping the immigration Queue

    Seeking asylum has nothing to do with economics. It's about seeking political asylum from persecution in the country you live. As for the state of the camps, where people are "left to rot," then what is the solution to stop this "rotting?" On the one hand, it's acknowledged that...
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    Junping the immigration Queue

    Perhaps if we didn't spend so much Government money on trying to develop world champions in sport, or on Government spin machines & advertising (Labor & Liberal are guilty of this), then we can spend more money on hospitals?
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    New Year, same Fev...

    Don't think Fev is necessarily a nasty person, but he certainly knows how to hurt others (including football clubs) on a regular basis, even if he doesn't mean it. Yes he does acts of charity and the like and is a nice bloke to meet, and means well most of the time, but at day's end he also...