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    Patrick Smith caught out again

    :eek: What a complete load of Crap. I have no sympathy for some drug addled fool that does him or herself some damage. Yet, because they do not have the mental strength or will power to be part of society then we are supposed to make allowances for them while the rest of us struggle on to make a...
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    Patrick Smith caught out again

    :mad: You are a complete and utter sanctamoneous flowering d*ckhead carrying on like you are. Why don't you get a life. Visy, not DP (although it is accepted that DP is Visy) accepted that there had been some wrong doing, got landed with a penalty, paid the fine and moved on. Life moves on...
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    Memo all Blues Supporters....

    :cool: Memo all Blues Supporters don't bother listening to Gollum Gollum's (K Bartlett) progam on SEN tomorrow morning. Because all you will get is that vindictive, blustering blowhard bag of wind otherwise known as that Essendon loving Pr*ck Patrick Smith carrying on about Dick Pratt and trying...
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    Judd gawn!!!! *Old title, don't panic*

    Re: Judd gawn!!!! :):) They are nearly as bad as Collingwood as non-achievers, plus they have got that useless loudmouth Wallace as their make believe Coach. What will their excuse be this year when they fall over again. Why don't you just get over the fact that Judd chose the Blues over...
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    Judd gawn!!!! *Old title, don't panic*

    Re: Judd gawn!!!! :cool: Why don't you just flower off d*ckhead. When we need a useless and inane ( I hope you know what "inane" actually means, if you don't get a dictionary and get someone to read itfor you) comment from a useless piece of crap like you we will ring a bell. The only thing...
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    Goose bumps over the 1970 GF

    :) Just watched the Fox replay of the 1970 Grand Final. Gave me goose bumps to watch Carlton give it to the Filth again. Also brought back memories of being a National Serviceman on leave just before going to Vietnam and being in a Pub in Richmond drinking with some footy mates. One...
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    "So, how have you coped?"

    :cool::cool: Any time any of these muppets (particularly the Filth and Saints supporters) have tried to have a go at me, I have one simple answer to them - I have seen my beloved Blues win 8 flags in my life time, how many have you seen that useless non-achieving mob of yours win. One...
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    New recruit Judd has put success on Princes Park menu:The Age

    ;) Why don't you wake up and get a life - d*ckhead. Judd is doing exactly what he did when he was with that Mob of yours. He is providing a thoroughly professional example that is permeating through the Club. We will only be better for it. If you don't like the idea of Judd leading us...
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    Pratt confirms his role as President for 2008

    :cool: I think he means that Fatprick was probably lead character as one of the dopey male Gorillas. The only thing is that he was probably out of his depth as the real Gorilla was more intelligent!:cool:
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    Walker and Ackland have shoulder surgery

    :confused::confused: Why do people keep forgetting or ignoring Aisake? I think by this time next year everyone will be saying " boy can this bloke play and where have Carlton been hiding him!". I think he is just about ready to explode.:):thumbsu:
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    ;) I see you stopped dragging your knuckles on the ground and probably got someone to type your comment for you as you probably don't know how to switch on a computer or operate a keyboard. Why don't you just drag your half brained a*se back under the rock you crawled out from under and stop...
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    Chris Judd Sympathy Thread

    :cool:Who gives a flowing rat's tosser. When the Flag comes up it will say Carlton Premiers 2008 and nothing else. It will be just one more to our collection. Please let us know when Colloingwood actually look like winning another flag rather than just making up the numbers on Grand Final...
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    $70 million for Price Fixing

    :mad: Why don't you just flower off and go and hide back under that rock you just crawled out from under you useless excuse for a t*rd. Dick Pratt has done more for this community than you or that useless mob you follow could ever hope to achieve, If you can't come onto this Board with...
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    Blues Irish Fling!

    :) This is good news, particularly if Quigley can make it. I just had a look at the Filth's Board and boy, are they whinging and moaning like a bunch of stuck pigs. But what else would you expect from a group that follows a serial non achiever. With Shields coming over and now Quigley and...
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    Judd on SEN?

    :) They interviewed Richard Hadley I think.
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    Ben Cousins sacked

    Just seen on Fox News Ben Cousins has been sacked by West Coast. The reasons for Judd wanting to get out are becoming more clear every day. My question is why is everyone putting the full blame on Cousins - what about the role Chick played? He seems to have been involved in a big way. Why is he...
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    :confused::confused: Have you been living in a cave or something, Aisake was all set to be promoted last year until he got OP. He was put away to have an op and will be added to the full list in the near future. I believe he is 202cm, about 101 kg and runs like the wind. I think He will be the...
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    Winner are grinners

    :cool:We are definitely back in town, if you judge by the amount of other team's hate mail and venom that we are getting, Isn't it wonderful and how the wheel has turned. The old Carlton is back and won't we be loving it! The journalists are now starting to talk about it. John Ralph's...
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    Judd trade may fall over.

    :p Healy is full of sh*t. When will He and WC realise or admit that no deal can be done unless Judd (whose contract is still in force until the end of November) agrees to it. He has stated he will not go to Richmond. WC can talk to Richmond all they like, but unless Judd agrees it is a complete...
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    The Eagles could be flowered

    Instead of polluting our board with your rubbish, why don't you just concentate on what you will be doing next time the drug testers rockup to Waverley Park. If they do their job properly you may not have a team to field. Worry about that instead of annoying us with your drivel.:p:p
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    The Eagles could be flowered

    :cool::cool: I will forgive you but please get into this century, "Flowered" is a very polite word for being bent over and f*cked. As Bon Jovi sing - have a nice day.;);)
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    The Eagles could be flowered

    :) The Eagles could be flowered if the David Reed article "Blake tip for Tigers" in today's HSUN is accurate. In the article Reed indicates that Mark Blake has a big case of the sh*ts with the Cats and is looking to move on to the Tigers probably via the PSD. Richmond are very interested and...
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    Kevin 'The Weazle' Bartlett

    :mad: I used to quite like listening to Bartlett but now all I feel like doing is throwing up or kicking the crap out of the radio. It seems as though now that he has finally got over getting the boot for being a crap coach, the prune faced little toe rag has decided to become Richmond's prime...
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    I know we are all worrying, but it is Win/Win

    :p You're in la la land if you think Judd will finish up at the hovel you call Punt Rd. He will be in navy blue next year and you and your mob can only dream of what might have been.:D:D
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    Official 'Take That' Thread

    :) At least we had a reason for finishing near the bottom. What was yours? You are a bunch of duds coached by a bigger dud sounds like a good reason to me. Have a nice day and enjoy your wooden spoon.:D:D
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    Swanny on SEN

    :D Also said on 3AW that Fev is not on the table - was most definite that he is a required player. Can you smell flag no. 17 just around the corner.:):)
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    Our facilities at MC labour park

    :thumbsu: :) The ground surface is the best in Melbourne and Carlton has use of the state of the art gym facilities and pool at Melbourne Uni. This keeps us in the game until our redevelopment is finished. We have to be better than even money to get Judd if we really want him.:thumbsu::thumbsu:
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    Judd to PIES

    :confused::confused: It's 6.39pm now d*ckhead has the conference been held in secret because otherwise I and the rest of Melbourne must have missed it. You had better get your hand out of your toolshed and stop stroking yourself. It won't happen because you do not have the draft picks and I...
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    Judd to dees - J.Frawley to saints for pick 9 and picks 4, 9 and 21 to West Coast

    :thumbsd: What a load of absolute crap! Where are Melbourne going to get pick 9 from and why would they trade Frawley. Also, how happy would Frawley be to go to the Weagles Another thing, the so-called odds for Judd going to Melbourne - $2.30 how much has this to do with with some muppet...
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    If we don't get Judd....

    :) There is a bit of a rumor around that Judd's Mother works for Visy and has just received a very big ($**000) pay rise. I wonder if this has anything to do with last Thursday's meeting at Raheen and Judd coming to Carlton. Watch this space it could be interesting.:thumbsu::thumbsu: