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  1. P

    players who have won brownlows, nabs, afl grandfinals

    Malcolm Blight...... Coleman 1982, Brownlow 1978, Premierships 75,77. Tony Lockett is not the only player to win both these awards, and was not even the first, and Malcolm added a couple of premierships. Corey McKernan Rising Star *( suspended inelligible)...
  2. P

    CW on Laidley's position

    As much as I like John Longmire and think he will probably be a good coach, for some time I am also S***scared that anyone from Sydney would get their hands on our club. I think the time of the Paul Roos game plan is passing at lightening speed. It has been worked out and surpassed with a...
  3. P

    Hutchy vs Clarkson!

    I don't care how Alister Clarkson conducts himself, but his reaction tells me that the comment is very close to the truth. The Hawthorn team has now left Richie Vandenburg behind and he cannot add to the team by his inclusion. McGlynn etc will take the Hawks to the next level. It is tough for...
  4. P

    Heath Black - Freo's Best Weapon

    At the time he was traded back to the Dockers I thought the saints had made a huge mistake. He left a hole that they haven't been able to fill, their midfield is pedestrian. He is a very dangerous player. A good proportion of his possessions lead to scoring opportunities
  5. P

    Key difference between Roos and Crows

    The crows also broke out of numerous tackles. So many of our tackles just didn't stick. They have very strong bodies. And they have several players who can run straight and hard through congested play and are rarely caught with the ball.
  6. P

    Your Sentimental Memories of Arden St

    I only saw one game at Arden St. In 1978 I was at Uni in Sydney and I visited my brother who was at College in Ballarat. We caught the train to see North play Carlton at Arden street and stood at the Western end. Arnie Briedis took a screamer in the first 5 minutes and we were going well. After...
  7. P

    Wayne Carey the story so far

    I watch it a couple of times a year. Could be more highlights, I agree. The mark and long goal against the Dogs at the Western Oval shows that this guy could play like no one else could. It turned a clearing kick out of defense into a goal in under ten seconds .. the most valuable thing in...
  8. P

    Aaron Davey v Daniel Wells

    Wells obviously. I have a feeling, and I could very well be wrong, that Davey might have played his best footy already, and that the recruiters were right. Not to say that the Demons haven't had a good return in taking a punt on him even if he doesn't play again. Although not the same type of...
  9. P

    Robert Harvey V Nathan Buckley

    Buckley gets my vote. Harvey is a brilliant player, looks good, gets lots of the footy, it's just a pity he gets most of them in the wrong position and then disposes of it to the wrong position. Malcolm Blight said it one day after Harvey had 40 touches against the Crows..... some thing like...
  10. P

    Congrats to Bush

    "Oh, newsflash! Hungary announced today that they, too, will be withdrawing their 360 soldiers from Iraq in March next year. The US, Britain and Australia are becoming increasingly marginalised over there. " oh well, it's all over then, how can the Americans possibly continue now? Did...
  11. P

    Congrats to Bush

    Hoss, I actually vote conservate for many well thought out reasons and always have. The purpose of the post was point out the self rightous clap trap spouted by many who think more radically than me.
  12. P

    Congrats to Bush

    Do you know why you keep losing elections?? It's because you all come across as such sanctimonious w@nkers!! You think only you know best and every one who doesn't vote the way you do are ******ed, uncaring, racist,selfish, imperialist etc etc etc. I voted for Howard, and would have voted...
  13. P

    P*ss off PETA

    "Some of these PETA hippies are 30 years old" 30 is still young
  14. P

    P*ss off PETA

    In time, Abercrombie and Finch will quietly sell Australian wool products again, but without fanfare. I guess they have decided it is better to go along with a ban now and have the publicity over quickly. These PETA d*ck heads will move on to something else, grow up, get a job, or go completely...
  15. P

    Craig Stevens: I'll step aside

    Do I know they are good mates? Yes, I know his mother. Do I know for sure that Thorpe will win? No Do I know that Craig Stevens wouldn't make the final? Yes Then why have the selection event ? beats me, I don't run swimming, didn't ban Dawn Fraser when she was a chance to win a...
  16. P

    Craig Stevens: I'll step aside

    Back to the Brisbane scenario. A better analogy would be training on thursday night before the grand final. M. Voss gets outmarked once by Joe Bloggs because he slips over, and because Leigh Matthews has a totally whacked selection policy that says whoever takes the next mark is in, Voss sits...
  17. P

    Kangaroos are at it again

    Why would you buy another clubs membership? To you Swans supporters here is some news. Like all my friends who live in Sydney and go to the footy we are Swans members so we get a good seat at the game and to support the only team in town.. But we are NOT Swans fans. We barrack first and...
  18. P

    What was so special about Hookes?

    My favourite David Hookes story. He had his hotel room broken into on one occasion and had his wallet stolen. He said he was going to get his credit cards cancelled, but noticed that the thieves were spending less than his wife, so it was better to let them keep them. Not politically...
  19. P

    Adrian McAdam article - McAdam still the magician

    I have followed the Roos since 1963 and the end to our 93 season was the most devastating of them all. Losing Grand finals was obviously bad, but it took months for me to get over 93. I thought about it every day for months. We had the team to win, at our best there was daylight second. The loss...
  20. P

    Best sledge?

    Playing county cricket, Viv Richards played and missed several times. The unknown bowler sledged " it is small, round and red". Next ball he is hit out of the ground. Viv says " you know what it looks like, go fetch it"
  21. P

    Hawthorn's "leaked" document

    From what I have read, Damien Barrett should have known it wasn't an official Hawthorn document. When was the last time anything made as much sense coming from Hawthorn. The Hawks should put him in charge!
  22. P

    What if Hawks delist Rawlings?

    Have the Hawks and Dogs been too clever? As reported in the Age, Rawlings has asked the Hawks to delist him. If there was no collusion, this won't be a problem for them. They say they are going to try and resign him. If either of these things happen, the Dogs have effectively traded Brown and...
  23. P

    Our offer to Hawthorn...

    I agree as well. Hawthorn rated Rawlings more than we did. For a trade one of us had to lose. They were already losers because their player was walking out. We had no one who wanted to leave or who we wanted to flick. Best to be happy with the return of McKernan. Our young players will be better...
  24. P

    Can the Roos still get Rawlings

    good for team harmony - Rawlings collecting a million cash and asking to be traded at the end of the year.
  25. P

    Can the Roos still get Rawlings

    what if he nominated a one year contract and then renegotiated again in a years time?
  26. P

    Can the Roos still get Rawlings

    This theory is being developed by Roos fans. Kangaroos are at 92.5% of the salary cap, so could get Rawlings to nominate his going rate plus the last 7.5% of the cap, and then agree he would agree to forego the large extra payment. This amount could not be accommadated under most clubs salary...
  27. P

    Let's still get Rawlings...for FREE!

    We are at 92.5% or the salary cap. so we would have room for Rawlings to nominate a huge amount, with an agreement to pay only his going rate. Some clubs wouldn't have room to accommadate him, and the Bulldogs who are in our position wouldn't be in a position to cough up the cash. IT JUST MIGHT...
  28. P

    Hook disgraceful on FoxFooty

    In all trades to this time Clubs have been able to get their disgruntled players safely traded to a club that the player has been happy with - maybe not their first choice, but certainly not one thet definitely didn't want to go to. The Hawks have turned new ground, ground that I hopre my club...
  29. P

    Oh, no!!! an "investigation"!

    The question is being vindictive to a player actually going to have a detrimental effect on morale in the long term? Does it prevent players from wanting to leave? Or does it foster a distrust between administration and players? Is Jacobs the equal of rawlings and Veale? Time will tell
  30. P

    Kangas should trade Harrington

    Trade week isn't the be all and end all. A few decent players come up each year, divided by 16 clubs. If you get a good deal every few years you are doing OK. In the years when things aren't going your way (like this year) you don't lose your head and cause damage. Rawlings would have been good...