MRP / Trib. 2024 MRP Lotto thread II

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I hope Heaney plays. I hope Parker & Mills come straight back in. I love beating teams at full strength. It's like my quest to hold 5 KOM's on Strava simultaneously.

Let me tell you a story:

A lot of you on here would know I'm a rapid cyclist. I was planning to transition in an attempt to hold 5 QOM's, but it goes against everything I stand for. So after several heated discussions with my surgeon (he's the guy who did Strawberry O'Dwyer's knee reco), it looks like we may be going down the pacemaker path. The beauty is, the pacemaker can be linked to the Strava app so that when I'm entering a segment, the app automatically gives the pacemaker a little jolt to get the heart rate up. Some may call it cheating, I call it science. The only hoop we've gotta jump is whether the procedure is considered "elective". Personally, I think it's an essential procedure & so Medicare should be footing the bill. As I stated to the young lass at Medicare today, "I've been paying tax all my life, and now it's time to cash in. Ca ching." She pretended to ignore me, so I proceeded to shadow box at the counter while humming the Rocky theme song. She's then proceeded to call security who escorted me from the premises. I made it very clear to the security guard this is no way to treat a 30 year member of Medicare. I'll be taking this to the Medicare ombudsman - if I don't get a satisfactory answer, I'll be cancelling my membership. We'll see how they like that!!!!

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I hope Heaney plays. I hope Parker & Mills come straight back in. I love beating teams at full strength. It's like my quest to hold 5 KOM's on Strava simultaneously.

Let me tell you a story:

A lot of you on here would know I'm a rapid cyclist. I was planning to transition in an attempt to hold 5 QOM's, but it goes against everything I stand for. So after several heated discussions with my surgeon (he's the guy who did Strawberry O'Dwyer's knee reco), it looks like we may be going down the pacemaker path. The beauty is, the pacemaker can be linked to the Strava app so that when I'm entering a segment, the app automatically gives the pacemaker a little jolt to get the heart rate up. Some may call it cheating, I call it science. The only hoop we've gotta jump is whether the procedure is considered "elective". Personally, I think it's an essential procedure & so Medicare should be footing the bill. As I stated to the young lass at Medicare today, "I've been paying tax all my life, and now it's time to cash in. Ca ching." She pretended to ignore me, so I proceeded to shadow box at the counter while humming the Rocky theme song. She's then proceeded to call security who escorted me from the premises. I made it very clear to the security guard this is no way to treat a 30 year member of Medicare. I'll be taking this to the Medicare ombudsman - if I don't get a satisfactory answer, I'll be cancelling my membership. We'll see how they like that!!!!
Deary me 😂😂

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they'll downgrade it to careless, nothing surer

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MRP / Trib. 2024 MRP Lotto thread II

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