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- #9,501
I love these little lists because they sound good on paperI know you love a bit of both-sidesism, 'they're all as bad as each other', but this government has not been as terrible as the one the came before. It might be disappointing that they haven't done more but it's certainly better than an alternative government that would have done worse. Here's the list of what the government says it has achieved, I know you can run it down line by line and say it coulda woulda shoulda been more, but I'll still take incremental change over the shit the previous government was handing down.
do we actually have cheaper childcare or did the government subsidise center profits?Cheaper childcare and pay rise for child care workers
hows that working out for people?Tripling the bulk billing incentive
and a bunch of other meds got more expensive and or removed from pbsReduction in price for PBS subsidised meds and extension of dispensing meds to 60 days
how does that work in real terms, who can access it, does it helpPaid domestic carers leave
most announcements like this 90% of people are not eligible for and the kind of people who you think would be eligible largely are not
meaning?Largest increase in cancer nurses
cool and how much have fees gone up by and how much HELP debt do people have?180,000 fee free TAFE places
and they've done what again58 new urgent care clinics
the health systems nationally are absolutely screwed
people are paying more out of pocket than ever to get medical care
cool i have noticed zero improvement in my working conditions and I am far from alone in thisImproved worker conditions (same job, same pay and right to disconnect)
headlines are great, announcements are great
but outcomes are all that really matter
doesnt impact most votersRestoring trade to China and ending tariffs on products
two budgets where they have left people behind to get a surplusTwo surpluses.
honestly the only people that crow about this are people that are well off or stupid
in a cost of living and housing crisis the government saved billions that could have been spent on supporting people
yeah such a win
that they never should have implementedTweaked the stage three tax cuts
they're still bad just less bad, its not a win
they've not done anythingI didn't include the Robodebt Royal Commission and anti-corruption commission because you could absolutely argue they have done nothing, or the NDIS changes because while managing costs is essential, it's effectively been a cut for many people.
in fact Services Australia has gotten worse under labor
government services are failing but hey we got a surplus or two yeah
cant get your baby on your medicare card for 6+ months and have massive out of pocket medical expenses etc
if you are arguing they haven't slashed government services then I can only assume you a) don't use any b) don't know anyone who does and c) don't read anything at all about the issuesYou can also argue that they have brought inflation down without slashing government services, something the Liberals almost certainly would have done. Now, they could have done more, but that would have also blown out debts, turned the surplus into a deficit, and probably also cost them the election as 'bad money managers'. I'm happy to pressure the government to do more and their initial pledges for the upcoming election suggest they know they have to use this foundation to address the fact that many people are worse off before because of cost of living, but it's not they have done nothing, it's just you don't think it's enough. I still think it's better than the only practical alternative and would tell others so.
but the very bottom line is the real issue
the fact is that more people are worse off now than they were 4 years ago
your list means nothing to these people
all that matters is they are worse off
and who was in power while they were worse off
all your list does is piss those people off thats it
and then you will blame them for not voting for who you want, when who you want hasn't done jack shit to be worth voting for
we vote governments out in this country, Labor are well on their way to being voted out
because for the majority of people life is not better, the majority of policy labor has announced has been ineffective or bad or both
its all about headlines with no substance, no real change, tinkering around the edges to be seen to do something
great but when most voters dont see the benefit they call bullshit on your policy
thats the thing you aren't getting
I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about what has happened everywhere and is going to happen here next year
the incumbent is going to be punished by the voters for how those voters lives are going and labor has done nothing to change that
people saying how can you vote for Dutton he's worse are missing the point entirely of how the majority will vote and why