Opinion Can Dustin Martin be the GOAT? (Answer: no)

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dangerfield 4 votes behind in coaches votes
dangerfield 3 votes behind in brownlow

in both instances he played 1 less game - could've easily won/drawn. I personally have dangerfield ahead of him - faster, better mark and more consistent, many others will agree.

as for the rest of your comment - grow up.

I see Dangerfield more as an athlete first footballer 2nd where Dusty is footballer first athlete 2nd

They have contrasting styles of play compared to each other with Danger being better in the air and weaving through traffic
But Dusty has him covered with brute force and footy iq personally I think they are neck and neck
dangerfield 4 votes behind in coaches votes
dangerfield 3 votes behind in brownlow

in both instances he played 1 less game - could've easily won/drawn. I personally have dangerfield ahead of him - faster, better mark and more consistent, many others will agree.

as for the rest of your comment - grow up.

sorry champ, but there are always some people that are outliers, that believe strange things, usually there are part of a psychological coping mechanism the brain creates to protect itself from being hurt further, you my friend are exhibit A.

For you to say that he was not convincingly the best player in the league in 2017, well it just means you are on your own. This is because I would back the players, the umpires, the coaches, and the footy media over your opinion, especially an opinion so dripped in regret and envy.

Let it go dude, he didn't want to come to Nth, move and enjoy Martin for the GOAT that he is.
Great right now, but has hit his straps far too late to be considered a GOAT candidate. It wasn't that long ago he was being put in comparisons with Hartlett and Ziebell on Bigfooty, and that says enough.
Using a BF poll AA a measuring stick isn't a very good way to collect proof.
He won't be the GOAT, but those two were never on his level.

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sorry champ, but there are always some people that are outliers, that believe strange things, usually there are part of a psychological coping mechanism the brain creates to protect itself from being hurt further, you my friend are exhibit A.

For you to say that he was not convincingly the best player in the league in 2017, well it just means you are on your own. This is because I would back the players, the umpires, the coaches, and the footy media over your opinion, especially an opinion so dripped in regret and envy.

Let it go dude, he didn't want to come to Nth, move and enjoy Martin for the GOAT that he is.
I often wonder how people like yourself live day to day life not being able to handle opinions that differ from your own. What a horrible existence that must be for you.
I often wonder how people like yourself live day to day life not being able to handle opinions that differ from your own. What a horrible existence that must be for you.

Life is awesome .I can handle it all brother.

But I call it how it is, you seem to have an issue with the truth.

That's on you brother, not me .
Life is awesome .I can handle it all brother.

But I call it how it is, you seem to have an issue with the truth.

That's on you brother, not me .
opinion's aren't 'truths'...brother.

how about instead of singling me out with your delusional rants, you go and respond to the posts below that are only just within the last few pages of this thread....some are even richmond supports :eek:

He is arguably one of the best 2 players at 'this' time in 2017. The GOAT is seriously expanding on just one season.

Like Ablett Dusty is different, he does things others can't, but he also has things he cannot do well, Danger is an overhead and pack mark but does not have the don't argue.

We love him and will always value what he has brought to Richmond and whatever he may bring in the next 7 years.

If he wins 2 more brownlows maybe I will think about him as a GOAT candidate, but not now, not by a long way.

No, I just think Dangerfield is the better player. If Danger played the same amount of games as Dusty he would've won the brownlow and coaches award. Both are incredible players I just have Danger slightly ahead.

Already better than Ablett? Lost me there. He’s about on par with Dangerfield both of who have a lot of territory to cover to come anywhere near GAJ.

To think, Ablett Senior and Ablett Junior will go down as two of the GOAT in AFL

How far ahead of Dangerfield was he in each of those awards? The point, I believe, is that he's not clearly better than Dangerfield, which is not an unfair point. They were pretty much neck and neck all year.

That said, it seems like umpires and award judges are becoming more star struck with each passing year. New records are constantly being set, which means either today's stars are substantially better than in the past or everyone else is worse. Neither of which I think are true. I thought Martin was Richmond's second or third best player in the grand final, but they still handed over the Norm Smith.

I see Dangerfield more as an athlete first footballer 2nd where Dusty is footballer first athlete 2nd

They have contrasting styles of play compared to each other with Danger being better in the air and weaving through traffic
But Dusty has him covered with brute force and footy iq personally I think they are neck and neck
Life is awesome .I can handle it all brother.

But I call it how it is, you seem to have an issue with the truth.

That's on you brother, not me .

Do you know what convincingly means brother? I do not think you do. People have already pointed out that danger could have won or drew with Martin on several of the awards if he had played the same amount of games.

That doesn't illustrate a player who is convincingly the best in the league. It illustrates a player that could be very well argued to be the best player in 2017 but valid arguments could be made for danger and thinking one is convincingly better than the other is pretty ridiculous.

But hey, I'm just calling it as it is, brother. If you can't see that then that's on you, brother.
sorry champ, but there are always some people that are outliers, that believe strange things, usually there are part of a psychological coping mechanism the brain creates to protect itself from being hurt further, you my friend are exhibit A.

For you to say that he was not convincingly the best player in the league in 2017, well it just means you are on your own. This is because I would back the players, the umpires, the coaches, and the footy media over your opinion, especially an opinion so dripped in regret and envy.

Let it go dude, he didn't want to come to Nth, move and enjoy Martin for the GOAT that he is.
There are many people who would say its arguable who the better player is.
Do you know what convincingly means brother? I do not think you do. People have already pointed out that danger could have won or drew with Martin on several of the awards if he had played the same amount of games.

That doesn't illustrate a player who is convincingly the best in the league. It illustrates a player that could be very well argued to be the best player in 2017 but valid arguments could be made for danger and thinking one is convincingly better than the other is pretty ridiculous.

But hey, I'm just calling it as it is, brother. If you can't see that then that's on you, brother.

I am not sure comprehension and understanding of the English language is a strength of yours.

Perhaps look up the meaning of the "convincingly".

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Good luck with that .............................................BROTHER !
This is true .

But not the players, the coaches the umpires or the media.

So what is left? bigfooty posters that hide behind pseudonyms.

Basically nobody whose opinion counts
Dustin Martin won the coaches award by 4 votes and played every game.

Dangerfield was suspended for one game and would have only have to have had an average game by his standards to have received 4 votes for the game.

Your name is suitable as only someone who is blazed would post something as obtuse as what you have.
I am not sure comprehension and understanding of the English language is a strength of yours.

Perhaps look up the meaning of the "convincingly".

I do not think it means what you think it means.

Good luck with that .............................................BROTHER !

Here is the definition on google:
  • in a way that leaves no margin of doubt as to who has won.
    "he convincingly defeated the current champion"

    Please do tell me how Martin was convincingly the best player if danger could have won or drawn several of the awards if he had played the same amount games? Seems there is some doubt as to who would have won if they did play the same amount of games?

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Here is the definition on google:
  • in a way that leaves no margin of doubt as to who has won.
    "he convincingly defeated the current champion"

    Please do tell me how Martin was convincingly the best player if danger could have won or drawn several of the awards if he had played the same amount games? Seems there is some doubt as to who would have won if they did play the same amount of games?

Could have, should have, would have.

This is what Dusty actually did achieve in 2017, and what Danger did not achieve

The brownlow
The norm smith,
The AFLCA player of year in regular season
and the AFLCA finals player of the year
A premiership

This what Dusty won that Danger did not win, what did Danger win that Dusty did not win, just so we can compare ?
Using a BF poll AA a measuring stick isn't a very good way to collect proof.
He won't be the GOAT, but those two were never on his level.

Well, they were. But he's now exceeded them, along with 95% of the comp.
Could have, should have, would have.

This is what Dusty actually did achieve in 2017, and what Danger did not achieve

The brownlow
The norm smith,
The AFLCA player of year in regular season
and the AFLCA finals player of the year
A premiership

This what Dusty won that Danger did not win, what did Danger win that Dusty did not win, just so we can compare ?

You just answered this argument with the start of your post. Danger could have, should have, and probably would have won or shared several of those awards if he played the same amount of games. So please tell me how Martin is convincingly the best player of the year, which, as we have established, means "leaving no margin of doubt", if there is clearly some doubt that he would of won a few of those awards if danger had not been suspended.

I'm not saying you can't say Martin was the better player as he, in my view, was by a slither. But to say that anyone with a different opinion is outright wrong shows either terrible bias or an inability to see others views which kind of defeats the purpose of coming on an afl forum.
How far ahead of Dangerfield was he in each of those awards? The point, I believe, is that he's not clearly better than Dangerfield, which is not an unfair point. They were pretty much neck and neck all year.

That said, it seems like umpires and award judges are becoming more star struck with each passing year. New records are constantly being set, which means either today's stars are substantially better than in the past or everyone else is worse. Neither of which I think are true. I thought Martin was Richmond's second or third best player in the grand final, but they still handed over the Norm Smith.
Your comment about umpires being more star struck each year... Does that also apply to Dangerfield or just Richmond players?
You just answered this argument with the start of your post. Danger could have, should have, and probably would have won or shared several of those awards if he played the same amount of games. So please tell me how Martin is convincingly the best player of the year, which, as we have established, means "leaving no margin of doubt", if there is clearly some doubt that he would of won a few of those awards if danger had not been suspended.

I'm not saying you can't say Martin was the better player as he, in my view, was by a slither. But to say that anyone with a different opinion is outright wrong shows either terrible bias or an inability to see others views which kind of defeats the purpose of coming on an afl forum.

Why won't you answer the question ?
Martin played 1 more game. In that one extra game Dangerfield would have needed a BOG to draw the Brownlow.
The brownlow voting would have looked a lot different if he didnt get suspended. The umpires conveniently ignored him for some massive games after that. Martin was the more consistently better player but dangerfield had the more dominant performances. Hard to split them

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Opinion Can Dustin Martin be the GOAT? (Answer: no)

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