Changes v Sydney Rd 5

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Been good to see grant give maximum effort over the first month. Shown us that it's not just his effort that's off, it's that he just makes too many mistakes and can't find the footy enough, to be a quality afl footballer.

Seems a good fella and I'm happy to see him get some more games later in the year if he continues with the effort, but I've seen enough, and I'd comfortably see him off the list at the end of the year without those lingering doubts. I no longer question what he'd be like if he really put in. We've seen it now, and it's just a bit "meh".
I see Cordy in the same boat
Been good to see grant give maximum effort over the first month. Shown us that it's not just his effort that's off, it's that he just makes too many mistakes and can't find the footy enough, to be a quality afl footballer.

Seems a good fella and I'm happy to see him get some more games later in the year if he continues with the effort, but I've seen enough, and I'd comfortably see him off the list at the end of the year without those lingering doubts. I no longer question what he'd be like if he really put in. We've seen it now, and it's just a bit "meh".
Wash your mouth out with soap

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I'm far from Grant's biggest fan, but I'm not sure about this. Consistency of effort has been there, and the conditions will suit him more so than others.

That said, I'm stoked Sid is getting a go.
I'm gutted. I'm sure it's a mistake, and if we lose, it's entirely the MC's fault and nothing to do the weather nor the opposition.
I'm gutted. I'm sure it's a mistake, and if we lose, it's entirely the MC's fault and nothing to do the weather nor the opposition.
Which year is this again? I must be back in 2014. :p

I suspect that he'll play anyway.
Said we'd beat Adelaide. Can't see us winning this under any circumstances, numerous injuries aside. Will be pleasantly surprised to see us win or even go down narrowly.
Whisper that Stringer will be rested similar to how we did with a Bonti.
...and Grant comes in as the late change, kicks six and makes fools of us all!

TBH I don't care who kicks them, as long as we get the points.
If Stringer gets rested, i'd bring Hunter in as sub or maybe Goodes as these conditions would be perfect for him.

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Been developing for 6 years , he will get smashed on sat and I don't want him to play well overall because I want him delisted that's fair ain't it ?

Well I want him to play well so that our investment in him is not lost and the team benefits. That's fair isn't it?
Give it a rest. Disappointing that you're happy to see a Bulldogs player play poorly. Why don't you try supporting all of our players!
Have given him a chance for 7 years , his time is up I will try not bring his name up anymore though , not trolling just saying how I feel

I think the purpose of Big Footy is to have an opinion on things. Everyone has the right to an opinion. Mine is that I don't think Cordy will make it as a good player for the dogs or anywhere to be honest.

But was I rapt when he kicked the first goal last week after a little bit of grand theft football from Jacobs?

You're damn right I was! I hope like hell he makes me look like a total dickhead and turns into a hell of a player. Wanting a player to fail serves our team absolutely no purpose.

We want all of our players to be the best they can. Serves a few purposes. Creates better competition for spots, and gives us better trade bait, and makes Footscray great to watch.
I think Bev is giving games to players who are on the periphery, swapping them once in a while without the detriment to the whole team, up to them to take the opportunity and for him to be able to assess who goes and who stays.

Exactly. Imagine if we had a situation like last year when Mark Austin was selected week after week.

Team rotations are good for assessing our list & help blokes get through a long season.

Also, we are playing to a system now. Like Fremantle or Hawthorn. The best system since early Eade, maybe before. It's important to see which players can fit into the system and which can't. The system is far more important than any individual player. I hope Bev is as ruthless as Ross Lyon and cuts any player unfit/undisciplined/too slow to play to our plan.
Stern lesson for Hunter, just hasn't been able to find his place since the training late show. Serious pressure on Will. I do like Fletchers inclusion for structure although he probably needed to show something one more week in the twos I would've thought? Think he'll spend some time at CHF. You would assume he starts and Hrovat or Smith sub.
I like they're playing Fletch if only for the development opportunity of getting a run playing on two of the best forwards going around. Franklin and Tippet will be a handful and we need options if they get on top of any one defender.
Also Bev doesn't want to be caught out again for want of soldiers as in the Hawks game.

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