Review Good, Bad, Keeping shape, keeping shat - Crows V Bombers

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Dawson was elite.
Our defensive grouping is going to be huge for the next 5 years. Max, Worrell, Keane were all fantastic. Throw in a healthy Murray - 18 months on from his ACL and we enter 2025 with a young and versatile backline.


We really missed Crouch tonight.
Laird is really in purgatory. Nicks just doesn't know what to do with him.

Keeping Shape:

McHenry sucks.

Keeping Shat:

Rachele Squib. Too talented to drop. Hopefully the club highlights it and then throws him into the middle against North for some redemption.
Nicks - He is terrible. Cannot coach. 1-5 dead man walking.
Lets look at this week and last week

Yes we did indeed play a much ''movinger '' game last week. The movement was mostly forward

And we kicked so accurately. 16.4 we miss just one of those and we lose. So yes movement ok scoring elite helped us win

So this week we also benefited by scoring - I jumped onto the TAB site and noticed Essendon were paying $7 for 25+ very generous I said as I whacked on $10 - then proceed to watch them butcher the ball in front of goal so much so at one stage it was 9.18

So I'm not actually sure we can take anything from a 4 point win and a 3 point loss

To be fair best result looks like 20 point loss margins

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I hate just about everything about his game tbh. He's not taking enough marks but he's also a slow, unskilled hack with a penchant for tapping it straight to oppo players.
I was more confused about his centre work

Is he injured and didnt want to run face on? His positioning was shit
Who thought it was a good idea to play a Brodie Smith that could barely move or run or kick
Who thought it was a good idea to play a Brodie Smith that could barely move or run or kick
Burgess - according to some

He also sent Tex out

Whats the common denominator?

''You try telling ( insert long term player) they cant play because of a bad back''
Just re watched the last quarter and the thing that was heartening to see is that the Crows boys really care. They gave it everything and if one of those frkn points in the last 5 minutes was a goal we win. Tex and Rankine looked livid.
Remove Laird and McHenry and we are a much better team. Don't sub Berry, sub these 2 spuds.
Berry was subbed due to an ankle injury, so we couldn't sub out those two. With any luck, they'll be omitted next week... but I doubt it.

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We were only in the game because Essendon couldn't finish in front of goal.

The score flattered us, Essendon outplayed us for most of the game and Nicks was resoundly beaten tactically.

Blame the umps all you like, but the reality is that if we can't even outplay Essendon on our home deck then we're not going to win too many games this year.

There are worlds where we win; there are no worlds where Essendon weren’t clearly and deservedly the far better team
Soligo, Dawson Good

Cook, Nankervis Poor

Smith has lost it

Laird gets the ball but does nothing with it.

Berry too fumbly and slow, sub at best. Missed Crouch's clean hands and ball winning ability.

Jones did well in patches but goes missing for big chunks of time.

Hinge OK, Tex still one of our best decision makers with ball in hand. Played OK.

Young defenders held up well considering the Essendon inside 50's

Fogarty gone backwards Gollant gives nothing. Who's next Himmleburg?

Rachelle will be embarrassed by a couple of efforts and so he should be. Selfish prick too.

Seasons shot and the harsh reality is we've got no depth.

Umpiring a joke, I knew early they were favouring Essendon and we were gonna get reamed. We got a couple of iffy frees but missed out on plenty. Essendon never missed out on many though.

We Fly As One

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