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Interesting article today.

Who would you rather be - Scott Watters or Brendan McCartney?

Gerard Whateley Herald Sun May 24, 2013 10:00PM

HOPE is the stock in trade of football clubs. If not in a period of success, a club needs to be credibly planning for it.
While that task of list building is delicate enough, the balance between dispensing reality and extinguishing hope compounds it.
Melbourne's slogan of "rebuilding a rebuild" is the most dispiriting low.
In the recent past St Kilda and the Western Bulldogs met as combatants in consecutive preliminaries finals.
Today they reconvene with three wins between them from eight rounds.
Their time has passed.
While their team demographics contain the similar split between the ageing and the young, their policies are disparate.
The Western Bulldogs are committed to the long game, resigned to the short-term pain that necessitates.
St Kilda is resisting the ramifications of the full rebuild.

He goes on to say that because of the approach we're taking, even if we win the battle today, we may be hurting our ability to win the war in the long term.

I'm not sure how I feel about the article. Thoughts?
Interesting article today.

He goes on to say that because of the approach we're taking, even if we win the battle today, we may be hurting our ability to win the war in the long term.

I'm not sure how I feel about the article. Thoughts?

Dont let the journo's name distract you from the fact that its still from the Hun... It's irrelevant dribble

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Sure, we lose Hayes, Roo, Dal etc but we now have a middle tier that will soften the blow. Guys like Macca, Bob, Geary, Armo, Steven, Saad.

When the Dogs lose Boyd, Cross, Morris, Murphy etc they will be banking on 21-22 year olds to carry their team. Players that are hype/unknown.

We are dropping but Im fairly confident we wont be down for as long as they will be.
Interesting article today.

He goes on to say that because of the approach we're taking, even if we win the battle today, we may be hurting our ability to win the war in the long term.

I'm not sure how I feel about the article. Thoughts?

I very much respect Whateley, but I'm not sure I agree about this. I'm not quite as despondent about St Kilda's future as Gerard seems to be, nor am I going to castrate Watters for not playing Murdoch, Saunders or Lee this weekend. We still have a number of 'future players' playing, and all of those mentioned in the article have played this season. Neither we nor the Bulldogs are in a good place at the moment, but I'm confident that the culture that we have built in the last 13ish years in particular will hold us in very good stead for the future.
Saints fans will need to watch Sandringham this weekend to see Josh Saunders, Brodie Murdoch and Tom Lee.

:eek: where are Sandringham playing, I didnt know they were playing this weekend!!! :rolleyes:
What the _uck was that?

"Their policies are disparate?" The Dogs have a 29 year old rookie, and have brought in mature (but still young) players to bolster the list - Stevens, Lower, Young, Dickson, Markovic, Veszpremi (and any I've missed).

No shit he hasn't done any research.

"The Western Bulldogs are committed to the long game" How so given the above, and what does that even mean?

McCartney ... "there's no spin and no exaggeration" ... Watters "spoke of the club as a future juggernaut" This again??? HE'S TALKING ABOUT THE SUPPORTER BASE YOU TWIT!!!

"Judgement still sits in the win/loss column. It has created the impression that St Kilda is having trouble getting a handle on where St Kilda is at" That's typical Whateley twatdribble. Just because media writers are clueless, they assume that the club is at the same place?

"Unavoidably things are going to get significantly worse" What the hell are you talking about twatdribbler - significantly worse than 15th?

The Sandringham reference shows him to be unresearched as well as a tool.

"The Saints will likely prevail today and feel the instant gratification. But on the path both are compelled to walk, the Bulldogs might leave better off."

That's a whole load of WTF.

No mention of Steven, Ross, Newnes, Wright, Roberton, Siposs, Hickey, Stanley and Webster.

Yeah, that's journalism worth paying for. :rolleyes:
Wow that was really poor.

Just having a rough look over the 2 selected teams, these guys were prominent in the two respective teams "top" years

Riewoldt, Lenny, Gwilt, Dempster, Fisher, Dal, Milne, Montagna, Ray


Gia, Boyd, Griffen, Murphy, Morris, Picken, Minson, Addison

Why is there an assumption out there that they're further along/doing it better? Because they've been uncompetitive for longer? Because they've had higher selections? Melbourne and Richmond would be smashing this competition to pieces while Geelong and Sydney would be laughing stocks if this was the case. Sure, from that list above, those names feature regularly in our best, but NEWSFLASH! So do there's.

And because we show integrity at selection we're not embracing a full rebuild (whatever that is)? Riewoldt, Montagna, Lenny, Dal, Fisher and Dempster and Gwilt are in the team not because we have no one to displace them, but because they still pump out top games. Ray and Milne are the only 2 that you would classify as "on the brink" who could be replaced with kids, but again, just look at Melbourne.

It shits me Watters and co don't get any credit for the talent that have been developed since Lyon packed it.
Uh, Squizz, I actually put that article in the match thread, and not the media thread, deliberately. :)
I figured, given we've been arguing so much between ourselves (mea culpa), it might be nice for us to shift the aggression in that thread to a crappy Hun article, instead. ;)
Uh, Squizz, I actually put that article in the match thread, and not the media thread, deliberately. :)
I figured, given we've been arguing so much between ourselves (mea culpa), it might be nice for us to shift the aggression in that thread to a crappy Hun article, instead. ;)

The fact that the two teams are playing each other was pretty much an aside in that article. It had to go "straight to the pool room" as "the vibe" stunk.

FFS "Saints coach Scott Watters goes where the votes are." GTFO.


The match thread has already got 300+ posts in it without a debate on whether Whateley twatdribbles. But you did make me laugh with the "diversionary tactic" comment. :thumbsu:

Sep 2010:

It was a result that contained inescapable conclusions.

Geelong's time has ended. There is no shame in that. Everything ends.

The group that saved football ... can do no more.

As surely as time swallowed up the dinosaurs, evolution got Geelong.

The future is challenging. No one should pretend the decisions for Geelong are easy. For they are not. There is loyalty felt to the warriors. But without renewal an empire will further erode.

When next we see it, Geelong won't and can't be the same side as today.

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You remember posts and articles from 3 years ago, I don't even remember what i had for lunch.

I remember how many goals Plugger kicked in 1987, but can't remember where I left my keys.

When someone's said something stupid about the Saints, they go into the Plugger category.

McGuire's fury was captured on television cameras and he said he was infuriated by hearing "borderline racial abuse".

"We've gone past that situation where we allow people to do that."

"There are still idiots at the football who do this at all clubs. So we just have to make sure it's a zero tolerance."

... oh, whoops - sorry guys. That was in 2011. My mistake. Here you go (complete with family photo FFS and a skank of a mother who still doesn't get it. Cop it on any one of your 3 chins, you fool):
Collingwood fan Julia Surowka, 13, abused Goodes (and) her mother, Joanne Looney, 43, agreed to speak about the incident.

McGuire says Julia will be welcomed back to Collingwood matches.

The Magpies president (said) that "evolution, not revolution" was vital in alleviating future racism.

"We've organised counselling services ... for her, her friends and family and we won't be abandoning her."

"We want her to know it's side by side we stick together. You made a blue, but we all do. We're a forgiving club."

Ms Looney is upset by the treatment her daughter had received from MCG security "It was ridiculous that she was in there for so long. For two hours they interviewed her over her saying, 'You're an ape'."

"I hope it's done and dusted. I think it was blown out, for a 13 year old, it was blown out of proportion."


Racism is intolerable. But it's OK to yell hurtful abuse at the top of your lungs towards a player? This looney (pun intended) is not special. She is just joining in with the other garden variety morons who are still allowed to scream "_UCKING RAPIST!!!" at the football. Eddie remains a hypocrite of the highest order.
You know kids at highschool do stuff that's not accepted.
When I went to school it was sying stuff like F*&^ which seems to be now accepted in the mainstram.

So now days there are plenty of kids using homophobic slurs. "do my homework, Oh that is so gay dad " and racial slurs. The stuff they cant do on tv.
Racism is intolerable. But it's OK to yell hurtful abuse at the top of your lungs towards a player? This looney (pun intended) is not special. She is just joining in with the other garden variety morons who are still allowed to scream "_UCKING RAPIST!!!" at the football. Eddie remains a hypocrite of the highest order.

Yeah but Pies supporters aren't the brightest around. For example when we played them a few weeks back people in the crowd kept yelling out 'No means no', even though I had repeatedly informed them that Dayne Beams wasn't even playing so the message would be lost.
Dont let the journo's name distract you from the fact that its still from the Hun... It's irrelevant dribble

Gerard Whateley may be a good commentator but he is a card-carrying member of the "St Kilda Haters" club.
The hypocrisy of Eddie at the half time break in the Saints game was obvious to all. The moralising, chest beating, spin and "look at me, look at me", elements were sickening.

Even the praising of Goodes positive and mature approach, was used to put Collingwood in a good light. His linking of Goodes fine character, to paper over the filthy one of Collingwood was disgusting.

No coincidence that 20 years on from the Victoria Park stand taken by Winmar, the worst offenders are still the bogans at Collingwood. Note that reports of a second offender racially vilifying Goodes is also from Collingwood.

No surprise that this happens, as they have a vile, hateful culture on match days. From Malthouse calling Milne a rapist, to the recent incident, with the Collingwood female screaming at Milne as he took a shot for goal.

And no matter what Eddie says, or what counselling he has arranged for her, her family, friends, neighbours, school mates, bus driver and dog, deep down they haven't changed at all, from one generation to the next.

"Ms Looney is upset by the treatment her daughter had received from MCG security "It was ridiculous that she was in there for so long. For two hours they interviewed her over her saying, 'You're an ape'."
Oh ... my ... god (can anyone else hear the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped?) Apologies that I felt the need to expose you guys to this arseclown.

2011 "Daily Filth columnist Andrew Bolt has lost an action brought in the Federal Court in which the columnist was accused of breaching the Racial Discrimination Act. There were cheers and applause in the court when Justice Mordecai Bromberg read out his verdict. Bolt (in his best impersonation of a guy with a little moustache) "This is a terrible day for freedom of speech in this country.''

2013 :

I detest racists (obviously except when it's him). But the monstering of the Collingwood fan who shouted at Sydney footballer Adam Goodes is shameful.

Collingwood was being thrashed (???) and when the bearded Goodes (!!!!) took another possession in front of her, she shouted "ape".

Goodes heard the abuse, and pointed her out to security. A bit over the top, since she's so young, but Goodes has Aboriginal ancestry and no doubt understandably feels such insults more keenly than I think reasonable. o_O

Still, he's widely admired, has been showered with almost every prize in footy, and was playing in the Indigenous Round honouring players of his background. What should one girl's abuse matter against all that?

I suspect the Indigenous Round also encouraged them to see the girl as a white racist caricature instead of just one very young teenager. So security marched her off, without even her Nan for support.

Police then grilled her for nearly two hours - two hours! - even though she was immediately repentant. Bravely, she offered to apologise personally to Goodes.

Goodes even said he felt like he was being bullied at school.

Excuse me, but in this confrontation - with Goodes, police, the media, the social media and the AFL on one side, and a 13-year-old girl on the other - it wasn't the girl who seemed the bully.
The Looney family opens it's big ugly mouth again.

"It's not as if she swore at him." Joanne told 3AW. "She had no idea that that was what he was called at high school, so that’s a big part of it I think as well. I think Adam still has a few problems about what’s happened in his childhood."

2008 "The peak group representing Indian Australians says it is surprised the term "monkey" directed at Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds has been viewed as racist."

2009 "Channel Nine is investigating complaints that controversial star Sam Newman made a racist slur on the AFL Footy Show. Newman held up a photo of a 107-year-old Malaysian woman on The Footy Show last week and called her new husband a monkey. After panellist Brendan Fevola tried to rein Newman in, saying "You can't call him a monkey", the former ruckman reiterated his comments, saying the man was "not long out of the forest". ABC show Media Watch yesterday labelled Newman's comments as "pure racism".
2010 "UEFA is waiting for match reports from the officials for Liverpool's Europa League qualifying game against FK Rabotnicki, where there were claims of racist chants from the Macedonian fans. It emerged that the Rabotnicki fans appeared to be directing their "monkey taunts" at Liverpool players, such as Ngog and teenager David Amoo."
2011 "A top California Tea Party and GOP leader refuses to quit after sending a racist email with a photo depicting Obama as a monkey in a family portrait. Marilyn Davenport has described her racist email with the above photo as “just an Internet joke,” saying, “Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people—mostly people I didn’t think would be upset by it.”

2012 "Liverpool supporter Phillip Gannon was filmed directing racist taunts toward Manchester United defender Patrice Evra during an FA Cup clash in January and will be sentenced on Friday. TV footage captured on the father of five, who hails from Barmouth, Wales, impersonating a monkey in the direction of the Old Trafford left-back. Gannon claimed he was impersonating a Neanderthal and pleaded not guilty. However, after a two-day trial at Liverpool Magistrates Court, he was convicted of the offence. Rob Girvan, prosecuting “It was clearly a racist gesture.”
2013 (a couple of weeks ago) "Galatasaray striker Didier Drogba has criticised racist Fenerbahce fans who bombarded him and fellow Ivorian Emmanuel Eboue with monkey chants when the two sides met last weekend. Drogba and Eboue were whistled at by sections of the Fenerbahce fans, some of whom also waved bananas in the penultimate match of the Turkish league."
The sooner we all decouple our love of football with the expectation that those who promote and market and comment on it for a living will do so from an unbiased and balanced position, without short term sensationalism, the better.

For me, the extent that my beloved game is in my life is watching on TV or live and reading big footy/ discussing with mates. If I could turn onto ABC radio instead of TV commentary I would.

Footy talks to me on no other level and I can't identify with the 'personalities' that surround the game and their attitude to a great many things. It is a shame for the country, a shame for their families and a shame for media coverage that, supported by each other, they have generally not been required to mature as people. The poor public has very little in choice as to which bunch of Neanderthal they get subjected to. My response has been to turn off as much as possible.

Strange but true - I enjoyed being an AFL supporter more in my 10 years in the UK than I do here. Then, it was simply watch the match and not hear any more self promoting tool, in desperate need of attention, dissecte the game for their own personal gain - ably supported by the other idiots - a perpetual self inflation of each others egos. Not for me thanks.

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