No Oppo Supporters Non Bulldog Footy Talk - Bulldogs only - Part 4

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So, to summarise:

-There is no problem with racism at Collingwood, or indeed Australian society. Any allegations of racism are the result of biased, left-wing media campaigns, political correctness and know-all woke cliques. A secret clique actually operates within this board. That is the reality and if anyone says any different they are left/liberal sheep and deserve to be condemned with maximum derision and sneering sarcasm.
There are more lies told in here daily than Trump could ever hope to match.

- Dunkley told the coaches he refused to play with Stringer

- Dunkley was at training yesterday with the rest of the boys.

- Treloar won’t start training till after Christmas.

We could probably start with these I reckon.
This thing is lighting up, seems the clique have shown up.

Enjoy lying to space ladies

No idea what you're talking about to be honest but here is my mate's post:

Cancelled my Collingwood Football Club membership today. Being a rusted on fan is hard enough when they do some of the crazy stuff they do. But actually giving them money for them to sit and spew out the garbage they did at their presser is another thing altogether. Think about it. The president likened Adam Goodes (the most admirable player and human) to an ape. Heretier Lumumba (another great human and fan favourite) was called "chimp" at the club. This is just the recent stuff. A report is commissioned which told them explicitly that there is
“Systemic racism within the Collingwood Football Club that must be addressed if things are to change”
“There is a gap between what Collingwood Football Club says it stands for and what it does."
So they call a presser an announce this as a proud day for the club and shower us with corporate-speak to try and convince us that they want to lead on the issue of racism?
LEAD?!? If equality and respect was a game we're down 26 goals at three quarter time...
Collingwood is not alone. Neither is the AFL. Nor any professional or amateur sport.
But the way the club reacted today - the delusion, the defensiveness, the downright disrespect to innocent people who have been hurt by this club for nothing other than the colour of their skin - I can't give money to that.

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Unfortunately racism is very rampant in society in general. Some people are in denial about and don't believe there's any link between casual and systemic racism and some don't see it because they have a good group of friends/family and don't leave their comfort zone often, but you don't have to go very far to see and hear some toxic stuff.
Extremely predictable that you would come out and defend them. The review was independent and found fault
I tend to agree that it's not a Collingwood problem as much as a societal problem. Hell, half the people I see virtue signalling on social media or in the mainstream media, I've also heard making inappropriate statements and jokes beyond closed doors. Hypocrisy thy name is society.
Unfortunately racism is very rampant in society in general. Some people are in denial about and don't believe there's any link between casual and systemic racism and some don't see it because they have a good group of friends/family and don't leave their comfort zone often, but you don't have to go very far to see and hear some toxic stuff.

Very rampant? Really?

Its a wonder why anyone from another country would bother coming here seeing we are just awful racist humans apparently.

No one will deny racism exists in Oz but in my experience we are no worse than other countries and that isn’t to diminish it here.

Unfortunately in melting pots like Australia with a vast mix of races you are going to have more incidents of them mixing and therefore racism can and will at time result. That isn’t an excuse or a defence itself a reality of humans.

I’m defending Australian people in general and saying we aren’t as bad as some make us out to be. I also argue the premise that only white people can and are racist in this country but I will end that there because that will cause uproar for date defending white people in anything.

I tend to agree that it's not a Collingwood problem as much as a societal problem. Hell, half the people I see virtue signalling on social media or in the mainstream media, I've also heard making inappropriate statements and jokes beyond closed doors. Hypocrisy thy name is society.

Exactly, Collingwood will now be the lighting rod but they are part of society as you said so will have the same issues.

its comparable to people thinking clubs don’t have the same illicit substance problems and the wider population.

We had 20000 people at the SCG who behaved but the press was all about the 2 imaginary people that didn’t. That’s the problem. We focus on the negative traits in the media and bang on and on and on. That’s doesn’t help.
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So, to summarise:

-There is no problem with racism at Collingwood, or indeed Australian society. Any allegations of racism are the result of biased, left-wing media campaigns, political correctness and know-all woke cliques. A secret clique actually operates within this board. That is the reality and if anyone says any different they are left/liberal sheep and deserve to be condemned with maximum derision and sneering sarcasm.

Don’t forget that it’s no big deal cos everybody does it.
I think why some get so triggered by the reality of racism still being a problem in sports, politics or society in general is that it serves as a reality check that perhaps their own views and opinions are being left behind by a significant portion of humankind.

Just for some examples, if one were the type to insinuate that a certain non-white AFL player was being kept on a certain team's list due to marketing reasons, or calling a now vice-president a "dangerous black female", or to a) downplay this Collingwood report by insisting everywhere is like that so it's no big deal and b) put forth a belief that it's again no big deal because it's just 'PC left' being placated, or to quite obviously deliberately misspell names of people like Lumumba or Kamala Harris...You know, if one were to repeatedly make such posts on a forum (hypothetically speaking of course), then one might be the type to get upset at a report like this.

If findings like that delivered in the report on Collingwood make you feel targeted, then some introspection is probably needed.
It's a very reasonable report that outlines some very real flaws with Collingwood, without demanding that everyone get sacked. This is not a case of cancel culture gone mad. Maybe Collingwood are the norm in the AFL, maybe they aren't. Maybe one way to find out is if every club did a similar report on how they're faring in this regard. And if this is the norm in AFL clubs? That doesn't mean it's all of a sudden ok. All the more reason for clubs to continue to try and better themselves.
Yep, and that's clear to everyone... apart from those that need it.

It’s the other way ‘round. Collingwood is like most other organisations in Victoria. Holmes’ article isn’t the Report. She uses vague generalities and subjective conclusions, I hope the Report is much better

…Citing widespread evidence on the public record, and conversations with staff, players, ex-players and supporters, the review found Collingwood's response to racist incidents was "at best ineffective, or at worst exacerbated the impact of the racist incidents"

From those interviewed for the review, there emerged a sense that "dealing with racism was something that could be done when other things had been taken care of"

That could be said of just about any organisation in Victoria.
She's actually quoting from the report (unless you're suggesting she's making stuff up).

The Tracey Holmes article states "The ABC has obtained a copy of the report, which the Collingwood board received more than a month ago."

She then goes on to quote parts of the report using the quotation marks you've reproduced above.


To call the pies out like they are the only organisation that has these issues is laughable and then to expect any result other than what was achieved in this instance is also laughable.

No one is defending the pies but I think it’s only fair we measure every club by the same standard and I’d bet they aren’t alone in the AFL or for that matter throughout Oz.
Holmes' article (the one I posted a bit earlier) actually says Collingwood is NOT unique and in effect says that the situation at Collingwood (and at the cricket) is simply a reflection of Australian society.

So broadly speaking she's in agreement with you, and you with her. Did you read the article?

In case you didn't read it, you'll be pleased to know that she also says
"Of course, just as cricket isn't the only sport with a problem, sport isn't the only industry with a problem. And Australia is far from alone.
I mentioned in an interview I did with Indian TV channel NDTV last night that every country has issues with racism."

She then goes on to say
"But as Australians, we don't need to compare ourselves to the lowest common denominator, or any common denominator for that matter. As Australians, we should want to uphold the highest standards as a benchmark for others to aspire to. "

You might remember I made a similar comment last week (though not quite as eloquently as Tracey Holmes).

It's worth a read.
She's actually quoting from the report (unless you're suggesting she's making stuff up).

She includes clauses within inverted commas, presumably from the Report, twice in the extracted parts, but the bulk of both the extracted parts and the rest of the article are not within inverted commas. I haven’t read the Report so I’m not commenting on either it or the accuracy of Holmes’ description of it. The extracted parts illustrate generalisation and subjectivity. No, I’m not suggesting she’s making anything up. On the contrary, I assume she’s not. To justify a headline including the word ‘Racist’, about the most damning epithet possible, these days, about C’wood, it’s not too much to ask that the accusation be based on better than generalisation and subjectivity. That’s why I hope that the Report is better than the article. Most posters here uncritically accept Collingwood’s alleged racism as a fact, without having read the Report, probably without having read Holmes’ article either. It’s fair to say that many in, possibly most of, the football community will do the same. ABC journalists should be writing articles that inform, that foster critical thought or debate, not that sensationally accuse, when it comes to use of the word ‘racism’.
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So many virtuous people in here that have never said a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or derogatory comment in their lives.

Its amazing that we are such an awful nation of humans with genuinely perfect people like the ones that signal their “wokeness” in here day after day.
What is this clique and who are the PC warriors you are talking about? Weird self focussed rant MD.

Your only actual points of substance were that this won’t effect Collingwood negatively (a problem) and other clubs likely have issues with racism too. If you didn’t book end it with these other comments i don’t think this heavy derail would have occurred as those points are completely uncontroversial and most people would agree.

Almost like you intended to make the discussion focus on you and your crackpot fringe views.
What is this clique and who are the PC warriors you are talking about? Weird self focussed rant MD.

Your only actual points of substance were that this won’t effect Collingwood negatively (a problem) and other clubs likely have issues with racism too. If you didn’t book end it with these other comments i don’t think this heavy derail would have occurred as those points are completely uncontroversial and most people would agree.

Almost like you intended to make the discussion focus on you and your crackpot fringe views.

Crackpot fringe view? Please tell me what opinion I made with Collingwood that is so called crackpot

I made one comment about the issue and the same 4-5 hero’s that constantly control every thread did what they always do. But somehow it’s me is it?

And then a sly little dox this morning far enough away from the truth for the mods to ignore again.

When you are defending your own country And the vast majority of people in it but still are “crackpot” it’s pretty clear why the joint is a mess.
Enjoy your day
Crackpot fringe view? Please tell me what opinion I made with Collingwood that is so called crackpot

I made one comment about the issue and the same 4-5 hero’s that constantly control every thread did what they always do. But somehow it’s me is it?

And then a sly little dox this morning far enough away from the truth for the mods to ignore again.

When you are defending your own country And the vast majority of people in it but still are “crackpot” it’s pretty clear why the joint is a mess.
Enjoy your day

Not so hidden. They should be impartial and accountable
They are.
The ABC Standard is far more stringent than the regular Codes of Conduct applied to other broadcasters, and the ABC is subject to far more scrutiny.
Crackpot fringe view? Please tell me what opinion I made with Collingwood that is so called crackpot

I made one comment about the issue and the same 4-5 hero’s that constantly control every thread did what they always do. But somehow it’s me is it?

And then a sly little dox this morning far enough away from the truth for the mods to ignore again.

When you are defending your own country And the vast majority of people in it but still are “crackpot” it’s pretty clear why the joint is a mess.
Enjoy your day

Who died and made you spokesperson for the vast majority of Australians?
Considering I didn’t say I was speaking on befalf of anyone at any stage 😂😂😂

So many nuffies in here
"When you are defending your own country And the vast majority of people in it"
"When you are defending your own country And the vast majority of people in it"

I’m defending them not speaking for them 🤦🏼‍♂️

The point that anyone could confuse my opinion of the majority of aussies to speaking on their behalf is hilarious and then the minions following this enforces my point.

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