Autopsy Pipped by 1 in a thriller!

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Rampe had his worst game for a while, especially early. He seemed to give Amiss way too much freedom and it hurt us. He got out marked and made uncharacteristic errors.

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I'll never blame the player that misses the shot after the siren. If you are serious about winning a game, it should never be that situation.

(Haven't had a chance to watch the game)

He didn’t just miss. It was an atrocious kick. Needlessly rushed, needlessly close to the mark, hopelessly short. No composure at all. It was really bad.
We were off, evenutally the mids were going to have a day were they didn't protect the backs. Pretty amazing we only lost by a point when we didn't get out of second gear.
I do and don't agree with this Ted.

I've never quite understood the Warner hype, because to me he's as much a "role player" as anyone. I don't actually think he's this supremely gifted player, like a Heeney or a Gulden.

I don't think he's a reliable field kick. I don't think he's a reliable decision-maker. I don't think he's reliable with his composure. I think don't think he's reliable with his defensive and accountable efforts.

I think like everyone else in our team - besides Heeney & Gulden, who are true freaks IMO - he has a few things he is great at, and in the right team and game plan, he can shine with them if he sticks to that role.

It's why I think he is both overrated yet unfairly blamed on the few occasions he doesn't deliver in his role.
I just want him to be another role player for us.
He tries to do too much at times on his own. I don't mind him finishing when forward.
I don't like him trying to break the lines with most of his possessions.
He needs to use those team mates around him to clear the ball quicker by ball movement & not by his own feet.
That's too slow.
While I’m being negative (sorry) something needs to be said about McCartin’s kicking. I hold my breath every time he has it and normally for good reason.
Once again, the worry is our inability to cope with opposition pressure.

Our first quarters are constantly poor, due to opposition pressure.

Can we cope with the pressure in a GF?

It’s a worry.
It’s very difficult to hit kicks lace out when the opposition are giving you no time and space. When the opposition pressure is excellent then we will have more turnovers, you just have to give credit to them in that case.

The inverse is also true, for most of the year the opposition have failed to cope with our pressure. Every player in the league is to some degree susceptible to physical pressure.

Other teams do tend to bring the heat early but that is rarely sustainable for the entire game. Which is why we usually run out games very strongly.

I do wonder if we would be able to cope with the pressure in a grand final, but a different type of pressure - the pressure of the stakes and expectation.
You really need to check the numbers on Parker's efficiency against other mids instead of continually regurgitating this.

And he's a solid a kick for goal.
Not really

Parker is a good set shot for sure but he is built up as a great forward but averages what 0.7 goals a game , Tom Mitchell averages 0.4 for instance and he is hardly rated as a goal kicker, but its pretty similar (not that either have played a role requiring goal kicking)

As for his disposal efficiency well let's just compare him to Adams who gets blasted on here every week 68% v 66% yet Parker is an elite kick?

I was also just referring to the Freo frustration last year , he butchered it , 6 turnovers , I thought it was 7 sorry, but 3 were direct goals to Freo, that's the game I was referencing.

Now is he a good player, has been in the past, but if he is in just because Adams is supposedly bad kick then he is the wrong replacement they are both ordinary by foot. They also both don't hit the scoreboard much.

I am also not here to shit on Parker, just the idea today somehow stamped Adams papers and Parker is an improvement . He just isn't. If i can have 2016-2020 Luke Parker then sure , but he isn't available.

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Can't win them all.

Freo are a good side. Seemed like the mauled us in the middle at times. And they were very accurate in front of goal.

We really struggled to bridge that 20 point margin for most of the day. Got it down late, but shouldn't have been relying on a shot after the siren to win it
If it's spoiled through by the defending team it's no score, if the attacking team, it's dead as soon as they punch it.
Still remember Spider Everitt punching unopposed through the behind posts at 3QT and IIRC cost us the game or a draw.
Umpiring is just really boring im completely over it to be honest i would rather focus on why we were 32 points down early in the 2nd.
Look it was pretty ordinary tbf but we need to take them out of it in the finals. Slow starts only accentuate each decision’s impact. Start fast and their influence can be negated. Freo were better today.
Skimming through the highlights it may be as simple as the fact that Grundy arguably got beaten for the first time this year.

No coincidence the midfield struggled

Also Grundy, Heeney, Hayward and of course Cunningham getting knocks/injuries is frustrating.

But with Grundy not dominating we noticed the difference. He had his hands full and their rucks looked fired up.
I’m becoming of a view that he’s at risk.

Parker, Mills and Sheldrick all returning soon - Adams is hardly slamming the door shut.

Sheldrick seems unlikely to kick the door down

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