Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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Greetings from Chambery, France, where the riders are about to pass through on Stage 5 of TdF 2024.

Sadly I couldn’t get a big SACK HINKLEY banner done for the event ;) bit of a badly sprained ankle on Mt Blanc the other day has slowed me down somewhat.

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Sprained ankle? Ken would still declare you fit and select you without missing a game

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It’s the same movie year after year:


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It's not that hard surely. Back in the Footy Park days the "eddie's a w***er" chant would often do the rounds.
haha I remember that, but probs needs the cheer squad involved, but an anti-hinkley chant wouldn't work for them.

I will boo in PORTuguese, then.

It’s simple. We call it “vaia” (‘to boo’ is “vaiar”):

You could make a fortune selling vuvuzelas outside the ground this week

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For the first time since his appointment back in 2012 the media pressure is getting to Ken. He is now calling on the fans to support the boys. It looks like that demonstration of dissatisfaction after the Lions game has got to Ken. Ken once flew under the media's radar but is now seen as a man under pressure. We can only hope that Koch has also applied some pressure.
Is the Alberton Crowd still a thing?

To be honest, enough people on the Hill would do enough, could probably rope the opposition fans in too.
TAC are still active, they were on the hill for the last home game. They might be thinking of staying there as the usual cheer squad have too many happy clappers.
For the first time since his appointment back in 2012 the media pressure is getting to Ken. He is now calling on the fans to support the boys. It looks like that demonstration of dissatisfaction after the Lions game has got to Ken. Ken once flew under the media's radar but is now seen as a man under pressure. We can only hope that Koch has also applied some pressure.
We do support the boys. We just think they need a better coach.
We do support the boys. We just think they need a better coach.
That's more classic Ken isn't it? There's no way you're booing me, I'm the Messiah, you're booing the players. It's never Ken, after all.

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For the first time since his appointment back in 2012 the media pressure is getting to Ken. He is now calling on the fans to support the boys. It looks like that demonstration of dissatisfaction after the Lions game has got to Ken. Ken once flew under the media's radar but is now seen as a man under pressure. We can only hope that Koch has also applied some pressure.
Yesterday brought two anomalies - a Ken presser outside of captain's run/post-game, and him actually acknowledging the supporters during it.

Reeks of a last roll of the dice by a desperate man to me, because he wouldn't have wanted to do either of those things.
Even AI knows I'm a Port fan rather than "outside noise".

Your AI is a lot more A than I.
The Vic media just don't get it that the vast majority of Port supporters have it in their DNA not to accept continuous mediocrity, even blokes like eg Garry Lyon who were obviously involved in the removal of contracted coaches from their club, but they aren't the people who we need to get the message across to in the first instance.

In other situations where a coach's time is up most have been prepared to give the club a reasonable time to sort it out, but not this time because this totally incompetent koch regime can and will c*** it up again, and any let up in the pressure and they will be back to their mediocre, nothing to see here BS as usual, ala kern's quite possibly stage managed crocodile tears after the aint's game, as he is obviously a weak man who can't cope with any public questioning of his performance, hence his `finals are scary' and reaction to stickerman.

I have never previously been in favour of any public demonstration but this time the `White Noise' MUST continue to be heard loud and clear including continued booing at games, and if the end result is 1000's of supporters marching on Alberton and booing the f**** out of the clowns that have caused this crap then so be it!
I think we need to leave the 'Port supporters expect ...' stuff to the side because it just plays into that 'iT's nOT tHE sANfL aNyMOrE' argument. Just focus on the fact that this is a historically unsuccessful tenure and that no supporter base in the history of the comp has been subjected to the same failed regime for this long.
The Vic media just don't get it that the vast majority of Port supporters have it in their DNA not to accept continuous mediocrity, even blokes like eg Garry Lyon who were obviously involved in the removal of contracted coaches from their club, but they aren't the people who we need to get the message across to in the first instance

There’s also a thinly-veiled undercurrent of treating Port more like the Suns or Freo, a la, ‘you’re just a fake construct ‘little brother’ that’s five minutes old, it’s not like you’re a Carlton, Hawthorn or Collingwood where things actually matter, calm down!’.

What’s worse is, this sort of vibe emanates from within the club itself.
The Vic media just don't get it that the vast majority of Port supporters have it in their DNA not to accept continuous mediocrity, even blokes like eg Garry Lyon who were obviously involved in the removal of contracted coaches from their club, but they aren't the people who we need to get the message across to in the first instance.
It's because Victorians just look at us like another expansion team from the past and our history is not recognised nationally to the normal Vic footy fan. The level of privilege from those hacks to think that anyone outside of that state should be honoured to be a part of THEIR league is damning. Ken wouldn't have lasted past 2016-2017 if he had coached any Vic team.
The booing has caused a media storm and the coach to be in tears. What are you talking about?
It has affected them.

Absolutely. Hinkley was under zero pressure from the media until the booing happened.

The media were taking little bites out of him about his future at Port all through his presser before the Saints game and he struggled with that attention.

Even the circling of the wagons by his media mates has only served to highlight the situation.

Crowds can go down but they can tap dance around that, the crows only had 32,000 at their game and it's been all positive from the media because they won.

A spontaneous, directed crowd reaction such as during and after the Brisbane game made everyone sit up and take notice.
its sound as if there isnt a person in Australia that wouldnt be willing to coach and AFL team for the better part of a million dollars a year...... Why would you, just be grateful Ken has decided to stick around for the clubs sake.
We're getting flogged. The scoreboard is ugly, ugly reading. 250+ games without a grand final. It's all time record flogging of the fans.

Not many teams would boo their coach before the opening bounce but hey, we're in completely unprecedented territory with no other mechanism to make the board act aside from trying to kill the club financially.

Booing isn't just justified, at this point we're dutybound as Port Adelaide supporters to do it.
That's actually how I see it, it is my DUTY to now publicly voice my displeasure in any forum I can. I have tried other approaches & they've made no difference. The clubs attitude to the members is very clear at the AGMs. There is a total disconnect, I've never seen such a disconnect. That's on the current club leadership whose main priority is to protect their own a*rses.
its sound as if there isnt a person in Australia that wouldnt be willing to coach and AFL team for the better part of a million dollars a year...... Why would you, just be grateful Ken has decided to stick around for the clubs sake.
Yeah, there's only 18 positions on the entire planet to coach a senior AFL team with only 1-2 vacancies opening up each year and none of the ~100 assistant coaches around the league would be interested in seizing the opportunity?
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