Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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I haven't listened to this yet, but here ya go:
Such a good analogy.

You play it safe, you likely are gonna achieve par, and can be happy with it if thats your goal.

But when the only goal is to win, and 10 odd clubs are trying to nail it in one putt, one will always make it.
When I play golf, I write "HINKLEY" on the ball - it gives me extra incentive to hit the ball harder :).
If a new coach comes in, and takes Todd Marshall under his wing and says, "Son - I believe in you: you have my full backing", it'd do wonders for the kid's confidence. Who knows what sort of message the players are receiving at the moment - their confidence appears to be shot, and they desperately need a change of mentor.
Todd Marshall? OUR Todd Marshall?

The Highly paid professional grown man athlete who just needs someone to put their arm around human and whisper compliments into his ear so that he'll decide to go out there and play to his ability- that Todd Marshall?

I'd delist a player just for that under-playing lazy disinterested nonchalant attitude alone

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I'll start going back to games when they start playing for the jumper
I don't expect to win every game by any means but I expect effort every game week in week out
They get paid massive money to represent our club
I work hard for my pay checks and I'm not going to travel 4 hours around, pay for fuel, food, merch, parking etc for a half arsed effort

Underrated post.

Not all of us are fortunate enough to live near the city, and make six figures. To see Port not even try is not acceptable. It's as insulting now as it was all those years ago. Members and supporters make an investment into the club each time we renew, buy merchandise, buy tickets - we invest time and money. And we've not seen a return on that investment. It's unacceptable, mediocrity is unacceptable.
Todd Marshall? OUR Todd Marshall?

The Highly paid professional grown man athlete who just needs someone to put their arm around human and whisper compliments into his ear so that he'll decide to go out there and play to his ability- that Todd Marshall?

I'd delist a player just for that under-playing lazy disinterested nonchalant attitude alone
I'd wager it's more likely that all the players ARE getting at the moment is cuddles from daddy. What they MIGHT actually need are some clear expectations and accountability. Nobody likes it, we all like being comfortable and there's GOOD comfortable and there's BAD comfortable. Good comfortable is when you are clear on your expectations, understand the standards required, have the support you need and are meeting those and enjoying your footy. Bad comfortable is, no ramifications, low standards, uninspired, bare minimum effort, satisfied with average, but we're all good mates and that's what matters. I could be wrong, I have no real insight, but the players never stop talking about how much they love the coach and there isn't much talk about what is expected of them, how they fit into a game plan and there's a lack of competitive language and body language coming out of the group.
If a new coach comes in, and takes Todd Marshall under his wing and says, "Son - I believe in you: you have my full backing", it'd do wonders for the kid's confidence. Who knows what sort of message the players are receiving at the moment - their confidence appears to be shot, and they desperately need a change of mentor.

We know what messages they're receiving publicly from the coach. They're not good. If you're in the SANFL you'll make the side worse if you come in. Every other team is better than us
We know what messages they're receiving publicly from the coach. They're not good. If you're in the SANFL you'll make the side worse if you come in. Every other team is better than us
And how does that help a player's career? Marshall might end up being a dud, but with the right coach guiding him, who knows what he's capable of?
When we lose this week it'll be "but nobody expected Port to win so you can't be upset".

We've got a long way to go before we can be like the team outside the 8 and below us on the ladder that we're playing at our home ground where it's really "tOuGh tO wIn"

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Kernny is da best man for dem and should be coach forever and they shouldn't be mean and it's totally cool that they're supposed to be in a premiership window but instead are playing like a bottom 6 side who'll miss finals. Totally cool and normal and you're ungrateful to think otherwise.

This isn't the SANFL anymore Poort flogs. Winning premierships is impossible now. The AFL premiership actually goes unawarded every year because they're so hard to win that nobody has ever actually done it. Stop picking on Hinkley.

"A massive match for Sweet, as well as both clubs and coaches. And it would be nice to see the Port supporters show some class toward their own coach, regardless of the result. Never Tear Us Apart, and all that."
Staggering that a supporter who sat through that live still isn't willing to breach decorum in pursuit of getting the same Port coach sacked 5 years and 0 grand finals later.

That completed a 5th consecutive season without a finals win despite having sold the farm for several ready made stars over that period of time.
You can passionately want a coach sacked, which i do but still not agree with the booing. And i definitely still want to win every game.

Some of you are talking as if you are going to boo even if we are winning, which i think is a bit odd because that will divide the crowd.

I guess the Brisbane game was different because everyone was on the same page by the last quarter and fuming, but i reckon if we are winning on Saturday there will still be plenty of supporters like myself who will be enjoying it.
You can passionately want a coach sacked, which i do but still not agree with the booing. And i definitely still want to win every game.

Some of you are talking as if you are going to boo even if we are winning, which i think is a bit odd because that will divide the crowd.

I guess the Brisbane game was different because everyone was on the same page by the last quarter and fuming, but i reckon if we are winning on Saturday there will still be plenty of supporters like myself who will be enjoying it.
Only boo Ken.
Todd Marshall? OUR Todd Marshall?

The Highly paid professional grown man athlete who just needs someone to put their arm around human and whisper compliments into his ear so that he'll decide to go out there and play to his ability- that Todd Marshall?

I'd delist a player just for that under-playing lazy disinterested nonchalant attitude alone

Yessss the entire team has been phoning it in for most of the season and the entire team shits the bed in big games apart from Todd Marshall who specifically is not susceptible to the coaching issues like the other 40 blokes on the list and is actually just a bad player. Everyone else will benefit from the coaching change we all agree that we're in dire need of apart from Todd Marshall for some reason.

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