Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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I wonder if Damo knows our crowd is unlikely to listen to him (or listen to him and do the opposite).

It's like they all think why are you booing after one bad loss, shut the fcuk up and show some respect, when it's basically been 7 years of consistently failing when it really matters
Yessss the entire team has been phoning it in for most of the season and the entire team shits the bed in big games apart from Todd Marshall who specifically is not susceptible to the coaching issues like the other 40 blokes on the list and is actually just a bad player. Everyone else will benefit from the coaching change we all agree that we're in dire need of apart from Todd Marshall for some reason.

Come on Scorchy. Everyone can see the issue with Hot Toddy is effort and intent. A new coach won't change that. He is a great size and has lovely skills but just doesn't have the competitive instincts that professional sport demands. You watch Lord play and it's like chalk and cheese. It's not coaching, it's on him.

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You can passionately want a coach sacked, which i do but still not agree with the booing. And i definitely still want to win every game.

Some of you are talking as if you are going to boo even if we are winning, which i think is a bit odd because that will divide the crowd.

I guess the Brisbane game was different because everyone was on the same page by the last quarter and fuming, but i reckon if we are winning on Saturday there will still be plenty of supporters like myself who will be enjoying it.

Look, I don’t understand people's obsession with booing. Who cares if he’s being heckled at? If he can’t stand being heckled at, he shouldn’t be in the job. Ken is lucky that he’s a coach in Australia, where rioting doesn’t happen (for the most part). If Ken were coaching in a country like Italy, Brazil, Argentina, or Spain, just to name a few, there would be riots on the streets, all hell would break loose, and eventually the ultras would take over the club. Poor thing can’t handle a bit of booing. Give me a spell.
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Come on Scorchy. Everyone can see the issue with Hot Toddy is effort and intent. A new coach won't change that. He is a great size and has lovely skills but just doesn't have the competitive instincts that professional sport demands. You watch Lord play and it's like chalk and cheese. It's not coaching, it's on him.

While playing in a terrible forward structure for a coach who can't motivate his players. For his entire career.

Still averaging the most goal contributions, marks and marks inside 50 of any of our forwards this season. All despite not having the competitive instincts that professional sport demands, apparently.
How can Damien Barratt not know that his comments are a red rag to a bull?
Does he not know anything about this club?

If that is the case, keep your trap shut princess.
We don't want class, we want premierships.

11+ years, nothing, nada, zippo

The svicophants need to realise we don't value their opinions.

If you aint from Port, your opinion means naught.
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Still averaging the most goal contributions, marks and marks inside 50 of any of our forwards this season. All despite not having the competitive instincts that professional sport demands, apparently.

This is a leper with most fingers argument given the competition. His performance level is that of a fringe AFL player, not a guy getting paid $800k per season.
Once Hinkley's gone, the next target of booing should be Koch. He's the most culpable in bringing the club in this situation. If he'd made the difficult decision a while ago, we wouldn't be in this position. If only he'd kept his mouth shut and let Hinkley coach his contract out in 2018, we wouldn't be here. We would have perhaps been one or two premierships to the better.

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How can Damien Barratt not know that his comments are a red rag to a bull?
Does he not know anything about this club?

If that is the case, keep your trap shut princess.
We don't want class, we want premierships.

11+ years, nothing, nada, zippo

The svicophants need to realise we don't value their opinions.

If you aint from Port, your opinion means naught.
I just don't know why we're the bad guys here, and Hinkley comes out of this smelling like roses - again. It's nuts!!!
Come on Scorchy. Everyone can see the issue with Hot Toddy is effort and intent. A new coach won't change that. He is a great size and has lovely skills but just doesn't have the competitive instincts that professional sport demands. You watch Lord play and it's like chalk and cheese. It's not coaching, it's on him.
One of the things we love hearing about the old (real) Port coaches, is the stories of where they have given players unsure of themselves the belief, that they were the best and would make them willing to run through walls for the coach. Whether that'd work for Todd, who knows at this point, but I want to see us with a coach that tells Todd he has all the skills, he can be the best out there and he wants and expects him to run through walls for him, because he knows Todd can do it.
Here's Gerard backing up his comments from last week:

View attachment 2038908

Other notables: Jon Ralph, Andrew Capel, Jordan Lewis, Sarah Jones and Mark Robinson. All Bulldogs.

Just means that a lil club from SA should be honoured to be in a position where they can be beaten by the Bulldogs at home.

Gerard Wheatley spends exactly 0% of his time thinking about PA. We should spend the same amount of time on him and any other Victorian dinosaur
Seriously, this is all beyond me...

I have just posted this elsewhere:

View attachment 2039069
The problem is that people that post stupidity like that generally aren't capable of forming their own opinions or using logic. They are the ones that just hear the idiotic catchphrases from morons in the media "port just think its the sanfl!" "port dont want a victorian coach!" "port are mean!" etc and then repeat them blindly with no consideration as to whether they have any basis in truth. As they say you can fool some of the people all of the time.
I was at that game with Willsy10
Here’s a replay of W10 when sideshow kicked his 7th
View attachment 2038839

The wildest part of that game is the surrounding circumstances.

• North had only kicked one goal at Kardinia Park the week before,

• Port chose to leave Dougal Howard and Scott Lycett in the reserves (Brown and Goldstein were best on ground for North by so far it was absurd),

• the Port CEO later justified the Dougal-trade to a fan forum by saying that he didn’t do much to stop Brown’s barrage,

• North immediately fell into a black hole they’re yet to emerge from,

• Gerard Whateley went on 360 that week and literally berated Port fans for being angry at all of it, and for having the temerity to even suggest Hinkley should be replaced.

Seriously, this is all beyond me...

I have just posted this elsewhere:

View attachment 2039069
The bloke you responded to clearly has no idea how strong the original SANFL and WAFL comps were before the draft system hit them, eg `amateur local comp' Port Adelaide kicked what was supposed to be a strong Footscray line up off the park at the parade in a night series in the mid 1970's, another `amateur local' team in Norwood absolutely smashed Carlton a few weeks later, North Adelaide defeated Collingwood at Waverley in Melbourne, and the top WAFL teams were extremely hard for any oppo to defeat in WA.

I can't recall who on here suggested this only a few days ago but our top 4 or 5 teams were very competitive against the lower half of VFL ladder back then, and I can recall John Cahill saying when he came back to Adelaide after his two year stint with Collingwood in the early 1980s that there were players on their list who wouldn't have got a game at Alberton.
The wildest part of that game is the surrounding circumstances.

• North had only kicked one goal at Kardinia Park the week before,

• Port chose to leave Dougal Howard and Scott Lycett in the reserves (Brown and Goldstein were best on ground for North by so far it was absurd),

• the Port CEO later justified the Dougal-trade to a fan forum by saying that he didn’t do much to stop Brown’s barrage,

• North immediately fell into a black hole they’re yet to emerge from,

• Gerard Whateley went on 360 that week and literally berated Port fans for being angry at all of it, and for having the temerity to even suggest Hinkley should be replaced.

They hate people with memories, and the ability to put two and two together.

We're a real inconvenience.
How can Damien Barratt not know that his comments are a red rag to a bull?
Does he not know anything about this club?

If that is the case, keep your trap shut princess.
We don't want class, we want premierships.

11+ years, nothing, nada, zippo

The svicophants need to realise we don't value their opinions.

If you aint from Port, your opinion means naught.
I think he's smart enough to know that they are, but he's also smart enough to know that if it happens again then its a content bonanza for him and his media pals for at least another week.

Content and clicks is all he's worried about, doesn't give a shit about the club or wants of the supporters.

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