Saintsational Posters Thread

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Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Yup, you're all welcome to stay if you want to talk about FOOTBALL, and not how much Plugger66 sucks or BigRed needs to change his avatar, etc, etc, etc (yawn... almost too bored to finish typing...)

Seconded. That pissed me off too. Cheap shots in my view.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

I'm hoping a few of the guys (the ones who contribute to the threads anyway) who've now discovered the Saints forum hang around :thumbsu:

You will find that most of the regular SS guys who have come over here like MM and Mr Eastern want to talk football. Most of the time at SS they have to fend off the usual suspects who want to argue.

garth p, your holier than thou attitude is tiresome. You are not the judge and jury of what or what is not proper on this forum, the moderators are. You hypocricy is astounding with your bemoaning the confrontational attitude at SS while attempting to be confrontational on this thread.

If you want to moderate, do so. If not leave what is acceptable or what is not to the people who actually run mthe show over here.

I or anybody else wont be bullied by your aggressiveness. I have posted here long before you and will continue to post here when i feel like it.

I dont need your permission. Kildonan and Sainter are the ones I need to satisfy. Oh and this wasn't a lecture, it was an out and out put down of your purile attitude to fellow St.Kilda supporters :rolleyes:
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

What I'm growing to like reading this Forum is that most posters seem to be able to practice something thats often lacking on Saintsational...self-moderation (and I say this as an ex-moderator of SS I admit)

Too often a handful of hardcore stirrers would push the boundaries of what the Forum rules allow, then when they felt their sparring opponent transgressed they'd scream to the mods for them to be banned..and back and forth it would go. To them they should be allowed to post whatever they like (the "freedom of speech" crock was dragged out often) and the mods should just do their job and sort out the resultant mess. No responsibilty for their own rants or any form of self-moderation. Very very frustrating

On the other hand though you have Saints Footy on Facebook, who promotes itself actually as a "online Saints newspaper with comment, not a discussion Forum". Whilst their zero tolerance attitude on abuse and swearing is great, last night a poster was banned by the Administrator for saying that a propsed SF cap was a "stupid idea". Sadly that zero tolerance extends to disagreement with the admins on any subject whatsoever

To me this Forum sits nicely in the middle, with contributors trying to "do the right thing" in keeping the discussion relevant, football-based and most importantly, having respect for others opinions even if they disagree with yours. Thats something often lacking from the other two sites

Surely no-one can criticise that?

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Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Renewal of hosting or of the Domain name?

Also im surprised that a splash page hasn't been put up whilst the site is being fixed.

Definitely hosting.
Battye received an invoice from Blue Central for renewal for 2011 and I direct deposited the money ($385) to them on December 6. That's the same amount I've transferred for the last 2 years as well.

I believe that Battye (the Admin of saintsational) has been 'talking' to them since the site got 'hacked'.

I emailed them last week trying to find out what the problem was/is but so far have not had a reply.

I haven't communicated with Battye as I don't have his email address - all our communications previously have been via pm on saintsational!!!!!!!
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Definitely hosting.
Battye received an invoice from Blue Central for renewal for 2011 and I direct deposited the money ($385) to them on December 6. That's the same amount I've transferred for the last 2 years as well.

I believe that Battye (the Admin of saintsational) has been 'talking' to them since the site got 'hacked'.

I emailed them last week trying to find out what the problem was/is but so far have not had a reply.

I haven't communicated with Battye as I don't have his email address - all our communications previously have been via pm on saintsational!!!!!!!

WHen I was an admin on SS Battye gave me a mobile number which he used as a contact for forum-related issues (I believe he was involved in more than one Forum) Ive rung it but it appears to be turned off and two text msgs have gone unanswered

He of course just may be on holidays and choose not to have deal with that stuff whilst he is. If hes contacted Im sure he'll sort it ASAP as he does appear to be an expert at Forum-related 'Net issues
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

WHen I was an admin on SS Battye gave me a mobile number which he used as a contact for forum-related issues (I believe he was involved in more than one Forum) Ive rung it but it appears to be turned off and two text msgs have gone unanswered

He of course just may be on holidays and choose not to have deal with that stuff whilst he is. If hes contacted Im sure he'll sort it ASAP as he does appear to be an expert at Forum-related 'Net issues

SaintBrat has been in contact with him and whilst 'frustrated' at the time it is takeing to fix, he is hopeful that it won't be too much longer.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

It sounds like Battye and those who need to be are getting on top of this problem. Lets hope it isnt too much of a problem and the site is back up & running real soon !!
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

I guess we should expect hiccups like this when one person wants to maintain exclusive ownership and control of SS..(whilst still asking 'members' to pledge $$ to keep it afloat).........

I won't be making that mistake again.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

I guess we should expect hiccups like this when one person wants to maintain exclusive ownership and control of SS..(whilst still asking 'members' to pledge $$ to keep it afloat).........

I won't be making that mistake again.

Fair point Bakes - a bit of delegation is needed.

Lucky it's happend now not during September!
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Bottom line. You gotta be grateful for thr people that run Saintsational. It has been a great forum for years and I can't wait till it comes back online!:)
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

You will find that most of the regular SS guys who have come over here like MM and Mr Eastern want to talk football. Most of the time at SS they have to fend off the usual suspects who want to argue.

garth p, your holier than thou attitude is tiresome. You are not the judge and jury of what or what is not proper on this forum, the moderators are. You hypocricy is astounding with your bemoaning the confrontational attitude at SS while attempting to be confrontational on this thread.

If you want to moderate, do so. If not leave what is acceptable or what is not to the people who actually run mthe show over here.

I or anybody else wont be bullied by your aggressiveness. I have posted here long before you and will continue to post here when i feel like it.

I dont need your permission. Kildonan and Sainter are the ones I need to satisfy. Oh and this wasn't a lecture, it was an out and out put down of your purile attitude to fellow St.Kilda supporters :rolleyes:

i am well aware of your bullying aggressive behaviour over on Sainsational. If you want to call your fellow posters from that forum clowns, I suggest you have the courage to do it on that forum and not take cheap shots on this one.

You are one of the posters that i was referring to initially and I make no apologies for that. i don't like you. Never have, so i would also appreciate you not addressing yourself to me.

And for the record, and the second time, i was on this forum long before you,not that that counts for anything, in anyone else's eyes except yours of course.

Put down by you? In your dreams sunshine.:thumbsdown:
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

What I'm growing to like reading this Forum is that most posters seem to be able to practice something thats often lacking on Saintsational...self-moderation (and I say this as an ex-moderator of SS I admit)

Too often a handful of hardcore stirrers would push the boundaries of what the Forum rules allow, then when they felt their sparring opponent transgressed they'd scream to the mods for them to be banned..and back and forth it would go. To them they should be allowed to post whatever they like (the "freedom of speech" crock was dragged out often) and the mods should just do their job and sort out the resultant mess. No responsibilty for their own rants or any form of self-moderation. Very very frustrating

On the other hand though you have Saints Footy on Facebook, who promotes itself actually as a "online Saints newspaper with comment, not a discussion Forum". Whilst their zero tolerance attitude on abuse and swearing is great, last night a poster was banned by the Administrator for saying that a propsed SF cap was a "stupid idea". Sadly that zero tolerance extends to disagreement with the admins on any subject whatsoever

To me this Forum sits nicely in the middle, with contributors trying to "do the right thing" in keeping the discussion relevant, football-based and most importantly, having respect for others opinions even if they disagree with yours. Thats something often lacking from the other two sites

Surely no-one can criticise that?

Basically you are spot on , but with one notable exception, notorious on your forum for being aggressive and a bully.

I suppose it is really a disease or an addiction.bullying i mean.

I have been on this forum for ten odd years and have never been at odds with fellow supporters, until certain posters from Saintsational turned up. That evidently gave a green light to a certain poster from here to join his mates in abusing long term residents of this forum. Under the guise of a put down no less.

But good will prevail, our mods are more than switched on to deal effectively with such bullies.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

For 10 days and 10 nights we have wandered aimlessly in the Wilderness.

How much more Oh Lord?

Is it punishment for the Boxing Day debacle?

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Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

All Saintsational refugees are welcome to post here when the site is back up. There are posters on here who don't like your site and a few posters have made it clear they don't like it here but at the end of the day we're all Saints fans wanting to discuss our footy team.

I like Saintsational but get a little frustrated with the constant bickering between the same people that seems to take over every thread. Anyway I won't mention names (Stinger and Plugger66). ;) I think that's one difference between the two sites. We wouldn't tolerate it here. That being said we did allow the infamous Nexus to post here when he was banned from Saintsational.

I'm also a member of Saints Footy on Facebook and the person running it does seem a little power hungry. If Kildonan and I are like that please tell us!

On another note, does Damien have anything to do with Saintsational anymore?

I see he's still travelling around the world, lucky prick. :)
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

The other "fly in the ointment" on SS is the General Forum, where topics other than footbal/sport are discussed. Its in there that folk cease being Saints fans, especially in the off-season when theres far less footy talk to unite us. Sadly lot of enemies have been made in the name of Lib vs Labor, Athiest vs Catholic, etc etc, There has also been some terrific grown-up discussion too I hasten to add, but sadly an air of "I disagree with you so therefore your are an idiot" hangs over too much discussion there, and some of that animosity has spilled over to when the same people discuss football

By the way,the Saints Footy administrator is an ex-SS mod who was removed for abuse and later banned from the site for revealing real names of a couple of posters there. His site does provide a good range of articles from numerous sources and hes taken on a player sponsorship which is terrific. Unfortunately anyone who has any query with the site is blocked from contributing (including me quite some time back as Ive made no secret that I have issues with numerous aspects of that page) so the level of discussion on there is pretty much "Oh wow we love Saints Footy its awesome". Its not set up as a discussion area so I guess thats OK if thats what the Admins want lol
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

On that note, if anyone thinks Joe Hockey is a credible opposition Treasurer we are friends no more!

And to round out my first and last political foray:


Is Jobe checking out his form??? Thought he won an "award" for doing the same on a grandma - Jobe, c'mon!!!
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

On the subject of moderation, yes it is a little lax at SS and there is plenty of feuds, baiting and name-calling. The flip side of that is there's plenty of traffic. Each to their own.

One of the great things about this site is the cross-pollination with rival club supporters. That can be a handy source of news, if not outside perspective. Ignorance is probably the only thing that has prevented me from becoming active here sooner.

I'm still hanging for SS to come back online though. I wasn't even aware that there was only one site admin. As far as I'm concerned Battye is doing a great job... current outage notwithstanding of course.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Who runs saintsfooty is it Milan Faletic?

The general forum is a bit of fun. The niggling is fine, just
goes a bit far at times. Better some jiggle than nothing in the off season IMO

Unfortunately Saints Bigfooty has to be quiet due to trolls everywhere
On the main board. But if SS is down much longer, we will need an alternative site set up.

Kildonian and Sainter seem reasonable, considering the limitations they are placed under Due to the above
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

The main board of Big Footy is very fascinating to me , in a voyeuristic fashion.
Having steered clear of other Clubs' forums in the past this is my first real taste of debate/discussion/argument wqith opposition supporters.
Is what I see on there currently something new since Collingwood won the premiership or is it something that's been going on for awhile?

I find it almost impossible to have rational debate/discussion because of the hordes of Collingwood supporters.
And they are, in the main, football's version of Rev Jim Jones' followers in Guyana.
They receive a message on how to view things and they are stoic, almost reverent, in their slavish following of that pov.
No amount af rational debate or logic can sway them - in fact they seem to point blank refuse to accept any opinion that is even slightly different to the 'corpoarte line' they're following.
I'm assuming that they're not all your typical moron bogans, and that most of them are quite intelligent in everyday life.
I wonder if they had the ability to stand back and see what they're doing from a different perspective, what they'd make of it all?
Would they be embarrassed by the display of almost blind religious fervour in their defense of 'all things Collingwood?

Staggering but fascinating all the same.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

One thing I will say about Saintsational is that I find it often has a lot of in-depth news faster than we get here - pics of Seaford, etc. That's always been helpful. I think it's because they have a larger base of people to do that kind of thing.

What I'd love is the people on there who post that kind of latest stuff to do so here... PLEASE?!?!? :):)
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

Is Jobe checking out his form??? Thought he won an "award" for doing the same on a grandma - Jobe, c'mon!!!

Well Jobe DOES like wearing a little bit of ladies' apparel...

Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

The main board of Big Footy is very fascinating to me , in a voyeuristic fashion.
Having steered clear of other Clubs' forums in the past this is my first real taste of debate/discussion/argument wqith opposition supporters.
Is what I see on there currently something new since Collingwood won the premiership or is it something that's been going on for awhile?

It's progressively gotten worse with the influx that comes to such sites with a premiership, it's not something that's exactly Collingwood exclusive, however they do seem the opposition team more likely to have the individuals prolonging or exacerbating issues when it seems to come to our specific club, I tend to liken it more towards the individual than the supporter base itself. You had a similar type of response when Hawthorn won the premiership here with a few of their supporters effectively trolling to input their 2 cents on how things went wrong for everyone else, why they didn't match them and how everyones future was bleak and devoid of prosperity, but likewise, it wasn't the majority of the supporter base, just the minority being zealots.
Re: Saintsational Hacked Again

I love how a thread about Saintsational on Bigfooty turns into a whiney blue.

The core community of the Saintsational supporter group is absolutely brilliant. Made up of genuine, friendly and helpfull people. I for one would not be anywhere near as involved in the club if it was not for that forum.

Player sponsorship, assistance with tickets, Intra-Forum footy matches, pre-game meet ups.

Over the last decade it has just got stronger and stronger. The Finals meet-ups are outstanding. Friendly, welcoming affairs.

People found others GF tickets. Gave away member barcodes freely so that other die hards could make it to the game.

If only the club realised what a resource it really is. The player sponsorship is great. Generally first year and rookies get picked up. Not because they are cheaper than the marquis players, but because it is more of a symbol of support. Substantial coin gets given to the club. Plenty from an internet forum.

Say what you like about SS....But at its core it is one hell of a footy community and the biggest, most active supporter group that the club has.

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Saintsational Posters Thread

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