Autopsy Sydney Legacy in Grand Finals continues 10 goal loss to the Lions

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If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.
I got away from FB a long time ago due to idiots like this. We're all fans and we all have opinions
If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.
I hate those types. I may sound sexist but they’re mostly females that do it. It ****ing irks me to tears. They can’t do any critical thinking
The players get shielded from the media and have professional psychological assistance available to them.

The supporter can’t turn anywhere without having to live the shame of another flogging. Social Media, TV your workplace, your friends. Doesn’t matter you’re going to cop it.

The supporters live with the scars as only the most delusional will think we’re a chance if we make another Grand Final with anyone attached to the past.

Leading up to the 96 final I was so immersed so excited. The loss hurt but that taste of finals built up a new level of all in support. This week I avoided everything and let everyone know I expected a loss and that it would destroy me. Bit of forward thinking self preservation, my family haven’t spoken to me as they don’t know what to say. So that kind of feeling begs the question is it worth it. What would the week look like if we ever made a Grand Final again.

Supporters don’t deserve to take the brunt of insipid Grand FInal performances but that’s seemingly our lot. Those early 90’s years were
Tough but you accepted that back then. Success is such a tease.

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At least after 22 we could fob it off as a once off or the team wasn’t ready.

Now that it’s happened again , it going to be real hard to get excited /confident next year.

Absolutely deflating.

I won’t be able to tolerate John being at the helm and bearing responsibility for what he’s done to my club
Too many front runners and not enough blokes willing to do the hard work.

Rowbottom can only do so much, Heeney clearly impacted, Parker cooked as an inside player and so is Adams.

Then, not enough forward pressure to keep the ball inside 50 and need 1/2 who can genuinely compete in the air.

Could do with a gorilla defender but if the above was corrected it wouldn’t be as necessary.

Team is out of balance. I hope we bite the bullet and make some hard decisions, which may include maximising Warners trade value this year rather than next with a goal to rebalance the midfield and the side more broadly
I saw one dumb comment saying, “did anyone notice how the boys didn’t give up and play their best?”

I’m almost done with FB groups for shit like that
Unfortunate that’s probably where the majority of memberships come from . The blind and ignorant who just accept what the club dishes up. No accountability
Was hoping to wake up this morning and it was all a bad dream. Today I feel worse. Since I started supporting the club, I never they'd become the weak club. I can get over losing aslong as I know the team gave 100%. Unfortunately that's not a thing at Sydney anymore. Bloods culture is on life support.
You can rest assured we are not a weak club TS. We are only guilty of being too nice at times because we have to work harder in a non traditional AFL state to stay relevant. So it’s for this reason I’ll never stop buying a membership, win, lose or draw.
I think we need to develop some leaders from the young group.
I think the co-captaincy has been a success for us in the past. It’s time to reward Heens & maybe Errol who looks a likely leader going forward. He just needs to brush up on the post match interviews.
I don’t know but we need to rebuild team resilience.
Exactly this Jeffers.
For all those that questioned my negativity throughout this season, even when we were sitting clear on top, this was the reason after watching us in the 2022 GF.

Nothing changed this year. We were still getting smashed at clearances & we still couldn't defend or outmark our opponents one on one all over the ground.
So even when we were winning, I knew we weren't playing a game style that was conducive to winning a GF, last game of the year, on the big stage MCG against a team that would most likely be primed for it.

I saw nothing from our team that changed my mind since that 2022 GF. Even when smashing the oppo.
The Saints game was the one. We were all over them on the scoreboard, missed plenty shots, Heens had just kicked two goals & then Warner tried to break tackles twice & got pinged. It went back the other way & we were scored against to quickly & easily. We play this bullshit zone defence which has it's place against certain teams but it should be locked away against others.

Back to my negativity.
I used to be very positive on here after losses because we played a brutal brand of footy, hard nosed tackling etc, that I walked away from games knowing we couldn't give anymore. We had plenty moments to cheer about in games, wins & losses. Plenty!
But in our 2022 & 2024 Grand Finals I can't remember cheering a good moment after the first two goals.

I'm sad I can't remember ANY good moments from 2022 & 2024 Grand Finals.
Other than how much I respect Robbie Fox for being the most resilient player on our list who gets the best out of himself on the big stage even though he is probably the last one signed most years & on the least amount of money.

To Horse & all the selectors & list managers.
Sign Robbie Fox up first & give him reasonable coin because in the last two Grand Finals, it's players like him who have given me a reminder of what I love in a player & why we buy memberships.

I will once again buy 5 priority 1 memberships in 2025 for my family asap, just because Robbie Fox gave showed me how it's done against the odds.
I hate the Harlem Globetrotter type players because pound for pound, they let you down.
Amen. Plays like his career is on the line each and every game. We need more players like Robbie.
If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.
I deleted fb yesterday. I knew what was coming and I just don't need all the negative energy. Honestly still considering if I should close my BF account too

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be interested in your views as an invested outsider ... what do you think the club needs to do to change things from being completely uncompetitive
I wouldn't even regard myself as an outsider - 3 decade member, who for various reasons finds it very difficult to get to games these days. I'm still a Carlton supporter at heart, 55 years with them, but over 40 years now a Swans man too.

I'm living proof that you can have your heart invested heavily in two clubs. I've woken up this morning more upset than I was yesterday for instance. :(

I'm hardly a master strategist either, unfortunately. But, in general, there is no doubt in my mind that the team has lost its hardness and toughness at the ball. The team appears to be decidedly untough these days. And the famed "Bloods culture" - what has happened to that?

Also, I'm not usually one to lay blame at the foot of the coach - there are 18 players on the field at any one time after all. But - I'm to the point now where I think Longmire seriously needs to be looked at (he won't, he's just made a Grand Final, but he should). Much of what happened yesterday falls on him.

He's the one who is directly involved in the team selection, match day tactics, game plan, appointment of captains, plus things like club culture and leadership and recruitment. Reading through these pages, pretty much all of those areas have been identified as lacking/needing improvement following this latest disaster.

Longmire is one of few constants in the 4 Grand Final losses. If he stays, I'd like to see the club management push him and the coaching group for answers and how they plan to turn this losing GF culture around. Make them come up with answers and improvements - ie make them think, with an "everything is good as it is" response deemed as simply unacceptable.

If the coaching group is struggling for answers, they can come and read this thread on BigFooty, plenty of good suggestions and analysis here. :)
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If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.
With all due respect, I think it’s possible to ask why we are so good at making grand finals - only to be losing them so appallingly - without (a) saying we are completely shithouse and a laughing stock of a club (because that’s not true), and (b) all is daisies and prancing kittens in our world (because that’s not true either).

The simple fact is we are facing two currently irreconcilable facts: we are unbelievably good at getting to grand finals - something 16 other clubs failed to do this year, as was the case in 2014, 2016 and 2022 - and yet unbelievably bad at winning them.

The answer lies in reconciling those two seemingly contradictory states.

Until we do, (and at this point I have no more idea how to reconcile that than any of us do) it’s going to be nothing but pointless glass half full/half empty bickering.

But I think it’s important to identify these two contradictory impulses, and understand a lot of people are feeling a compulsion to choose one or the other right now.
You're kidding me—you still think the Swans were robbed in 2016? That same year, you lost a final to teams that finished 5th and 7th. The Swans have now lost two Grand Finals to teams that finished outside the top 4. It's obvious that you are mentally weak, and the majority of your supporters want your coach sacked. Long live the 2016 Swans Grand Final conspiracy, because the data now tells us that Sydney football can't perform on the big stage—only in a little boutique environment."

Wow that one was in less than an hour a doggies loser on the swans grand final autopsy .

Why does time and results after change what happened in 16, everyone know we were robbed .

Dogs can't perform anywhere so jog on
If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.

yep i got told support north
With all due respect, I think it’s possible to ask why we are so good at making grand finals - only to be losing them so appallingly - without (a) saying we are completely shithouse and a laughing stock of a club (because that’s not true), and (b) all is daisies and prancing kittens in our world (because that’s not true either).

The simple fact is we are facing two currently irreconcilable facts: we are unbelievably good at getting to grand finals - something 16 other clubs failed to do this year, as was the case in 2014, 2016 and 2022 - and yet unbelievably bad at winning them.

The answer lies in reconciling those two seemingly contradictory states.

Until we do, (and at this point I have no more idea how to reconcile that than any of us do) it’s going to be nothing but pointless glass half full/half empty bickering.

But I think it’s important to identify these two contradictory impulses, and understand a lot of people are feeling a compulsion to choose one or the other right now.

I can vouch for Mister B being nothing but fair and respectful online questioning the performance
I deleted fb yesterday. I knew what was coming and I just don't need all the negative energy. Honestly still considering if I should close my BF account too
Don’t do that mate.
Take a breather.
We are all better with each other here.
Some can’t be here any more to chat with do have a little break & before too long we’ll all be arguing about who we drafted.🤣
Stick around.
You're kidding me—you still think the Swans were robbed in 2016? That same year, you lost a final to teams that finished 5th and 7th. The Swans have now lost two Grand Finals to teams that finished outside the top 4. It's obvious that you are mentally weak, and the majority of your supporters want your coach sacked. Long live the 2016 Swans Grand Final conspiracy, because the data now tells us that Sydney football can't perform on the big stage—only in a little boutique environment."
Thanks for your considered input.
It takes a really special kind of person to come into an opposition autopsy thread after a shocking loss and share their opinions.
Well here i go .
Never had 1 beer before or during the game , i wanted to soak it up and enjoy the after bits.
Left with about 10 to go as not walking very well i wanted to get to the train and off to pub.
My observations were that we started really well and had them under pressure and fumbling,
We then seemed to when we won the ball to bomb it in and there was Andrews on a midget , you have to give Harris praise , he's a star.
All of a sudden they started to clear it with amazing handballs out of stoppages and we got caught out down back , they have 3 really good dangerous smalls.
Had a great spot on the wing and thought they just took us out of the game with 15 to 25 metre passes denying us the footy , they ended up having 70 more marks . So when we did get it we just bombed away to an inept forward line.
Our forwards at times pushed up to far leaving Parker or Paps one out .
We get sucked in by player managers to resign blokes to long contracts when they really have done nothing , Hayward a perfect example and i'll say it again nearly another Rohan , but at least the latter played in a flag.
I went to the pup and actually watched it again
Full credit has to go to Fages whose one of the best people in footy , his coaching staff and support . With that how good are their medical/fitness staff to get a banged up team to play so well . Maybe it might be a bonus that we have to get a new one , as our blokes looked like the banged up team.
In summary we were f ing pathetic and gutless , look at the tackle count , but that could also be like the Hawks in 14 that they denied us the ball.
Sorry for my longest post ever
If I have one more ****ing idiot on Facebook accuse me of not being a true fan for being critical of that shithouse performance and not happy clapping and saying what a wonderful effort it was just to make it, I'll ****ing scream.
I hate the "true fan" label - I've gotten it in discussions about music too.

I think any fan worth their salt doesn't blindly support - they point out failings and possible areas of improvement if they consider it warranted. And they are fully entitled to be angry at, and critical of, sub-standard performances.

Believe me, I well and truly had the s**ts at Tassie's finish to the Sheffield Shield season last year, and I've been a long-time critic of Carlton's failure to adapt to modern style football (eg still, until relatively recent times, relying on the "messiah" mentality to bring them success - eg Judd, Malthouse)
I think it comes down to, and I know it's stating the obvious, our mix of players and game style doesn't stack up in a GF. Home and away footy is its own thing, finals is a different caper, but the grand final itself is also vastly different to finals footy.

We're too system focussed. In the heat of a GF it's too difficult to rely on trying to play safe, efficient footy and zones. It doesn't work. You need to be clinical to win that way, but I don't think it's mentally possible for any team to pull that off in a granny, the intensity will break those chains most of the time. We're bloody good at it on a normal day, but GF's never play out that way. All of a sudden when you don't have a couple of gun defenders, and a couple of in and under mids winning the contest it's only a matter of time before you get your back broken.

From the outside you can see that brisbane has multiple modes, they can play efficiently but they can also scrap and adapt if it's a chaos game. Next year we need to change our focus to becoming a harder, scrappier team rather than just being 'well drilled'.
I hate those types. I may sound sexist but they’re mostly females that do it. It ****ing irks me to tears. They can’t do any critical thinking
Haven't found that this year. Just as many blokes happy clapping away.


It's the swans board you came here to read about what swans fans say then got shitty. It's also not a swans fans theory it's a general AFL Theory 2016 was a joke. There's even articles on it

So it's on you dopey.
We aren't allowed to call people campaigners on here can we? Because if we could, I'd be reserving that label for that ****wit from Footscray.

At the Crown breakfast yesterday, Brian Taylor told a story about kicking his 100th goal and how the umpires kept giving him free kicks for nothing until he kicked it as they had money on him. The dopey campaigner named the umpires name as well. Just the other year, we saw an umpire charged over spot betting on the brownlow through mates. And these ****wits watch that finals serious where they got marched through close games with repeated one way frees and think there is no chance something dodgy was going on. There is no coincidence that the same umpires that have overseen lobbied counts are the same names each year.

That's not a conspiracy. That's a fact.

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Autopsy Sydney Legacy in Grand Finals continues 10 goal loss to the Lions

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