MRP / Trib. Tex vs MRP/Tribunal

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So you completely disregard the advice the AFC got from TWO QC's that said we could not win? AH I get it - **** the advice from experts - play hard ball like all in BF expect you to do, regardless of the outcome. So what if it means Tex will get another week - at least we'll show em we aren't easy beats. :rolleyes:

No Jen. I was merely agreeing with the sentiments expressed in the quote that I responded to.

This incident is only one of many in the past 20 years that have created a perception that we are a soft and easybeat administration.

I was only sharing my opinion that, if the Crows want to be regarded as something other than a bunch of backwater hicks who have no say in how the game should be run, then the club needs to begin to stand up for itself.

I don't care if we are ultimately proved wrong in our stance, or how many so-called "experts" suggest we have no case, I want the Club to have the proverbials to flex its muscle in relation to issues that DIRECTLY affect the club. Not simply fail to act or fight because some "experts" think we have no legs.

Even Port are not afraid to be controversial in their opinions. We on the other hand.......??????
I agree that we need to take a much more proactive stance when it comes to things like MRP decisions, the priority pick debacle, match scheduling, etc.

This was not the one to start on, however. If we do eventually decide to start making noise when we feel hard done by, it's important to ensure the first couple of times are for valid issues negatively affecting the club, otherwise we'll very quickly be lumped into the "whinges about nothing" basket.

This was not a miscarriage of justice against the Crows - rather, int simply highlighted the lack of justice against some other players. It's the wrong issue to kick up a fuss about.

Of course, if we'd done the leg-work earlier in the year with regards to Walker being suspended for nothing incidents, then perhaps we might actually have some teeth to bare in this incident.

Edit: Not sure why you are seeing fit to denegrate the "experts". They were almost certainly correct in their adjudication that we would not get Walker off this time around.

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No Jen. I was merely agreeing with the sentiments expressed in the quote that I responded to.

This incident is only one of many in the past 20 years that have created a perception that we are a soft and easybeat administration.

I was only sharing my opinion that, if the Crows want to be regarded as something other than a bunch of backwater hicks who have no say in how the game should be run, then the club needs to begin to stand up for itself.

I don't care if we are ultimately proved wrong in our stance, or how many so-called "experts" suggest we have no case, I want the Club to have the proverbials to flex its muscle in relation to issues that DIRECTLY affect the club. Not simply fail to act or fight because some "experts" think we have no legs.

Even Port are not afraid to be controversial in their opinions. We on the other hand.......??????

"experts" - those that are paid to KNOW stuff that the average joe doesn't. I wonder how many other cases that you have all been up in arms about the club failing to respond to, also involved the approach of experts to advise? You would think in every single case this would have been done. There is absolutely no fricking point in making noise if you have good advice telling you there's no point. I honestly wonder sometimes about people in here. Fight the battles you can win, not ones that have no hope in hell.
"experts" - those that are paid to KNOW stuff that the average joe doesn't. I wonder how many other cases that you have all been up in arms about the club failing to respond to, also involved the approach of experts to advise? You would think in every single case this would have been done. There is absolutely no fricking point in making noise if you have good advice telling you there's no point. I honestly wonder sometimes about people in here. Fight the battles you can win, not ones that have no hope in hell.

You know the thing about experts Jen?

If you look hard enough, you will find an expert to tell you what you want to hear. Positive or negative in any field. I'm sure the club could have found an expert who would have advised them to challenge it, but they didn't.

However, at the end of the day the club had to do what 'they' think is right, not what experts advise them to do.
You know the thing about experts Jen?

If you look hard enough, you will find an expert to tell you what you want to hear. Positive or negative in any field. I'm sure the club could have found an expert who would have advised them to challenge it, but they didn't.

However, at the end of the day the club had to do what 'they' think is right, not what experts advise them to do.

Alex, your correct, but that kind of defeats the point in seeking expert advice in this situation? The club presumably wanted the optimum solution, rather than a pre-determined **** the World, Pyrrhic victory one?
Alex, your correct, but that kind of defeats the point in seeking expert advice in this situation? The club presumably wanted the optimum solution, rather than a pre-determined **** the World, Pyrrhic victory one?

Correct but my point was that experts are not all that and a bag of chips.
For those posting about Karma I would have thought that the Karma in the situation was that a Richmond medical doctors report gave Walker and extra few weeks. I suggest this is karma for last year when Adelaide alerted the MRP to Jake Kings sling tackle on Andy Otten.

It will end up being a lose/lose by both clubs if they are intentionally making things worse for each other as payback.
For those posting about Karma I would have thought that the Karma in the situation was that a Richmond medical doctors report gave Walker and extra few weeks. I suggest this is karma for last year when Adelaide alerted the MRP to Jake Kings sling tackle on Andy Otten.

It will end up being a lose/lose by both clubs if they are intentionally making things worse for each other as payback.
Except they didn't "alert" them to it.. :rolleyes:

Plus you can't force karma, that's revenge.. Karma is more a natural freaky turn of events that are pretty well not in your control, unlike the Richmond medical report "payback"..
For those posting about Karma I would have thought that the Karma in the situation was that a Richmond medical doctors report gave Walker and extra few weeks. I suggest this is karma for last year when Adelaide alerted the MRP to Jake Kings sling tackle on Andy Otten.

It will end up being a lose/lose by both clubs if they are intentionally making things worse for each other as payback.
No, if Adelaide was hit by "Karma", if anything it would have been more like Gunston, Armstrong, Maric all leaving.

Your actions are revenge and your "karma", would be the incidences involving Martin and Conners.

But then again, Karma is just bullshit. I have no idea why people actually believe in that shit.
But then again, Karma is just bullshit. I have no idea why people actually believe in that shit.

same reason people believe in astrology... or a god.

on a side note, how is this thread still going? the afc are a bunch of do gooders, the mrp is shit and inconsistent, jake king is a knob, richmond's doctor exaggerated the medical report to "get us back" and is also a knob, richmond have no heart and tex tackles like an idiot in today's football and is a slow learner. end thread.
same reason people believe in astrology... or a god.

on a side note, how is this thread still going? the afc are a bunch of do gooders, the mrp is shit and inconsistent, jake king is a knob, richmond's doctor exaggerated the medical report to "get us back" and is also a knob, richmond have no heart and tex tackles like an idiot in today's football and is a slow learner. end thread.
You forgot "culture" and haha 9thmond.
You know the thing about experts Jen?

If you look hard enough, you will find an expert to tell you what you want to hear. Positive or negative in any field. I'm sure the club could have found an expert who would have advised them to challenge it, but they didn't.

However, at the end of the day the club had to do what 'they' think is right, not what experts advise them to do.

Alex I know you aren't stupid so please don't take this the wrong way - but, ARE YOU CRAZY????? You honestly believe the club would look for experts to tell them they can't get tex off so don't bother? I mean really? Seriously I can't shake my head any more than I am right now. They go to TWO, not one but TWO QCs who don't grow on trees in case you hadn't noticed, who BOTH told them the same thing. A good portion of people in here can see and understand the logic, but no, there are those hell bent on casting crap on the administration at the AFC that they actually choose to believe that the Club wouldn't find any avenue possible to get their star forward to play! **** me drunk.

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For those posting about Karma I would have thought that the Karma in the situation was that a Richmond medical doctors report gave Walker and extra few weeks. I suggest this is karma for last year when Adelaide alerted the MRP to Jake Kings sling tackle on Andy Otten.

It will end up being a lose/lose by both clubs if they are intentionally making things worse for each other as payback.

exactly, it isn't Karma!!!!, Richmond took revenege....KArma is what just happened to you as it was a bad thing and the Crows had nothing to do with it.

honestly, do a bit of research and then pass it on to your slow mates.
Alex I know you aren't stupid so please don't take this the wrong way - but, ARE YOU CRAZY????? You honestly believe the club would look for experts to tell them they can't get tex off so don't bother? I mean really? Seriously I can't shake my head any more than I am right now. They go to TWO, not one but TWO QCs who don't grow on trees in case you hadn't noticed, who BOTH told them the same thing. A good portion of people in here can see and understand the logic, but no, there are those hell bent on casting crap on the administration at the AFC that they actually choose to believe that the Club wouldn't find any avenue possible to get their star forward to play! **** me drunk.


You know my post had no relevance to the actual stance the club took right?

I accept the umpires (club in this case) decision and believe it's time to move on.

However without covering old ground you said something about an expert knowing stuff an average Joe doesn't but I was just pointing our that experts can be found to favour any decision you want.

It's the same as research projects, where you can positions the questions and research to suit your vested interest or outcomes. Any outcome can be created to suit your needs.
Dear Richmond,

Karma is losing Dustin Martin for 2 weeks for being a shit club with crap culture.

Karma is also finishing 9th for 20 years

Revenge is also the stuff you did to the AFC

Yours fondly,

Correct but my point was that experts are not all that and a bag of chips.

Sure, there are always some bad apples in the bunch.

If we're going to go by this logic, there's no point ever talking to anyone about anything. One of the roles of a well-run department (I'll let you form your own opinion on that point...) is to figure out which people are worth listening to and which people aren't.

It's doing a disservice to both the club, and the community of relevant experts, to imply that both are useless simply because they didn't come to the same conclusion as the Bigfooty thinktank. If it was as simple as listening to us, the club would stop making decisions altogether and just read our threads whenever a decision needed to be made :p
I will be watching the MRP and the resulting tribunal hearing for Wellingham this week

what are the odds he gets offered 4+ but Collingwood fight it and it gets thrown out?

Beat me to it Cap, he should get 3 to 4 to 6 weeks for that, don't think they have much chance of getting it thrown out. Essentially charging the player, feet off the ground and resulted in head hit, not even going for mark / looking at the ball.

What I'm actually more interested in is the sidebottom one from early in the game. Spun a guy round in a tackle, wasnt a sling, but the person's head was the first thing that contacted the ground and a free kick was paid against sidebottom for it. Wasnt as bad as either of Walkers, but with the precedent set has a chance for a couple of weeks I reckon.

Also interested to see how Dale Thomas goes for the punch to Duigan's face. Was meant to be a jumper punch i reckon but landed a bit high and got him on the jaw. Interested in that in context of Selwood, McKernan and Newman events.

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MRP / Trib. Tex vs MRP/Tribunal

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