Universal Love TRTT Part 8: Random thoughts also sack Hinkley

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Overtly socially progressive attitudes which lead to regression and overreaction, save the world attitudes having a heavy taxpayer burden when the reality of the world is we are a tiny backwater island in the middle of nowhere without the capacity to effect serious change,

Nothing matters so we should just give up.

What socially progressive changes have we made that has led to this doomsday scenario?

Gay marriage? Has made exactly zero difference to those who opposed but has made a sizable chunk of the population happy.

Carbon tax? Was actually working as far as lowering our CO2, surprise surprise dumb dumb Abbott removes it and CO2 goes shooting back up. Meanwhile electricity still costs a bundle and his famed savings never occurred.

Cant actually think of anything else progressive we've done in the past decade or so.
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You act like Labor and libs are at extreme ends of the spectrum. Labs are centre-right and the libs are slightly further right with half the party approaching the far right

The goal posts have shifted over the last decade or so.

And depending on who you talk to, the goal posts are shifting in opposite directions. Labor are nowhere near right wing.
There are huge differences in social ideology between the right and left

Depends what you mean by the 'right and the left', if you're referring to the major parties that will be running the country, then no, there aren't huge differences.

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Nothing matters so we should just give up.

What socially progressive changes have we made that has led to this doomsday scenario?

Gay marriage? Has made exactly zero difference to those who opposed but has made a sizable chunk of the population happy.

Carbon tax? Was actually working as far as lowering our CO2, surprise surprise dumb dumb Abbott removes it and CO2 goes shooting back up. Meanwhile electricity still costs a bundle and his famed savings never occurred.

Cant actually think of anything else progressive we've done in the past decade or so.

Thank you for a reasonable reply kindly asking me to explain my POV without hyperbole and sarcasm, but it seems you have answered all of your queries yourself.
Depends what you mean by the 'right and the left', if you're referring to the major parties that will be running the country, then no, there aren't huge differences.

When it comes to economic issues, franking credits and negative gearing (as well as multi national taxation) are the clear statements this election.

The idea that access for workers to child care and health care are not absolute essentials to a healthy economy also grinds my gears.

This has been the easiest election choice for me in a long while.
...House value drops are almost irrelevant if you only own the one and you live in it.

That’s not true for the people who bought in an inflated market and then face the very real prospect of owing more than the “new” value of their home. Banks have and will foreclose.

Then there’s my mate Goran who earns $80k a year. Saved every penny to get a deposit on a house, bought it lived in it for a year and then moved back in with his parents and rented it out. In his mind it was the only way he would ever be able to buy a house. According to Bill Shorten he is a rich investor. Still only earns around $80k a year but he’s a rich man. I agree that it’s not fair that people should be able to amass property portfolios to the detriment of others but Bill is attacking everyone and it’s going to cost him a lot of votes including Goran’s.

Slimy campaigner was never getting mine.
That’s not true for the people who bought in an inflated market and then face the very real prospect of owing more than the “new” value of their home. Banks have and will foreclose.

Then there’s my mate Goran who earns $80k a year. Saved every penny to get a deposit on a house, bought it lived in it for a year and then moved back in with his parents and rented it out. In his mind it was the only way he would ever be able to buy a house. According to Bill Shorten he is a rich investor. Still only earns around $80k a year but he’s a rich man. I agree that it’s not fair that people should be able to amass property portfolios to the detriment of others but Bill is attacking everyone and it’s going to cost him a lot of votes including Goran’s.

Slimy campaigner was never getting mine.

The inflated market is caused by the tax concessions. If they bought to live in it and don't sell when the prices are low then they just made an expensive purchase.

He is an investor, good for him. But your typical lower wage worker shouldn't have to subsidise his tax concessions because he can't make a profit on his investment whilst other struggle to put food on the table.
When it comes to economic issues, franking credits and negative gearing (as well as multi national taxation) are the clear statements this election.

The idea that access for workers to child care and health care are not absolute essentials to a healthy economy also grinds my gears.

This has been the easiest election choice for me in a long while.

Shorten's claim of taxing multi nationals is just a wishy washy populist line. How are you going to do this mate? How much are you actually going to get from them?

Shorten's claiming that the Coalition are the banks best friend is complete nonsense too. The Royal Commission which he demanded for will increase the Banks power not decrease it. The Big 4 banks will take a small hit short term, but they will play the long game and further consolidate their power. The outcome of that dickhead Hayne's recommendations will be less competition from the smaller lenders as their funding costs increase and their distribution channels decimated. It will be harder and more expensive for the average punter to get credit and the Oligopoly is strengthened.

Killing off negative gearing I think will put higher pressure on rents too, but we'll have to see on that one.
PA: "Mr Brin, I've got a Bill Shorten on the line, he says he wants some money."

Sergey: "Tell him I don't have any change on me"

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Shorten's claim of taxing multi nationals is just a wishy washy populist line. How are you going to do this mate? How much are you actually going to get from them?

Shorten's claiming that the Coalition are the banks best friend is complete nonsense too. The Royal Commission which he demanded for will increase the Banks power not decrease it. The Big 4 banks will take a small hit short term, but they will play the long game and further consolidate their power. The outcome of that dickhead Hayne's recommendations will be less competition from the smaller lenders as their funding costs increase and their distribution channels decimated. It will be harder and more expensive for the average punter to get credit and the Oligopoly is strengthened.

Killing off negative gearing I think will put higher pressure on rents too, but we'll have to see on that one.

Shortens new Mediscare campaign. That didn't work for him sadly this might.
When it comes to economic issues, franking credits and negative gearing (as well as multi national taxation) are the clear statements this election.

The idea that access for workers to child care and health care are not absolute essentials to a healthy economy also grinds my gears.

This has been the easiest election choice for me in a long while.

In a healthy society child care workers are not absolutely essential because a healthy society shouldn't require both parents working full time to cope with cost of living. That's the situation we are in now though, so yeah, they are definitely.
Shortens new Mediscare campaign. That didn't work for him sadly this might.


A few things my partner needs because of her chronic conditions were recently floated to be cut from medicare cover.

The scare will work on me. You don't see the Liberals coming out and stating unequivocally there will be no cuts for the next term if they are elected. They just keep saying it's a scare campaign without addressing it.

I want every scare campaign in regards to our healthcare to work. People should be scared a conservative government looking to eradicate debt will be eyeing it off where savings can be made.

A few things my partner needs because of her chronic conditions were recently floated to be cut from medicare cover.

The scare will work on me. You don't see the Liberals coming out and stating unequivocally there will be no cuts for the next term if they are elected. They just keep saying it's a scare campaign without addressing it.

I want every scare campaign in regards to our healthcare to work. People should be scared a conservative government looking to eradicate debt will be eyeing it off where savings can be made.

His Mediscare campaign was the last federal election. I haven’t heard just about anything about Medicare this election?

Hope your partner gets looked after.
His Mediscare campaign was the last federal election. I haven’t heard just about anything about Medicare this election?

Hope your partner gets looked after.

Ah I missed some context, when you said 'that didn't work sadly this might' my head read 'that didn't working sadly this time it might'.

Partner is doing ok thanks. Our finances would be stretched the **** out of however if some of the proposed changes ever went through. Then she wouldn't be alright because stress would trigger a complete breakdown of her immune system and her insides would try to poison her.
In other news our 6kg dog ate a big block of fruit n nut chocolate on Saturday and didn't die, so that's nice.

Hasn't even showed any signs of poisoning.

Will still probably get a blood test done to make sure she hasn't ****ed her kidneys, but just about every source on the internet said should have carked it.
Personally I am voting to get rid of the upper middle class tax rorts and to bring back penalty rates. The secondary reasoning is to put two fingers up to those pushing us to the far right.

House value drops are almost irrelevant if you only own the one and you live in it.
Increased house values allow people to redraw against the improved value for renovations, holidays and big ticket items (amongst other things). We can mock this, but economists (regardless of Left or Right leaning) will say this 'free' cash has been helping stop us going into a Recession for many years.

Left and Right, I'd fall more Right economically, but Centrist socially. The best way to have the funds for Climate change action, hospitals, schools etc. is to have a strong economy generating lots of taxes. Generating across the long term, not short term hits that are detrimental to the economy long term. The Libs shit me of late as they've gone the US route of pandering to their Far Right religious base, at the same time the numbers who are religious is falling. And the Left generally have policies that long term will wreck the economy (especially the Greens). And they aren't pragmatic about Climate Change (I.e. pro-Nuclear for base power and ramping up processing here for export). There's no party that I want to vote for this election.
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Imagine if Clive Palmer wasn't a complete buffoon with questionable business practise. He'd be a darkhorse - if this country wasn't firmly entrenched in to a two party system when that isn't the case.
A Shorten/Labor government is inevitable. The Libs are stale and unlikeable, the more centrists hate the right wing bozos who have infected the party and caused Turnbull to be turfed. Shorten is completely uninspiring, insincere and artificial but will win by default. Just feel that many of the Labor parties positions will push us into a deeper recession than what we were probably heading for. As Andre said above, deflating house prices are bad for the economy, if people feel poorer, they stop spending. Taxing your way out of it doesn't help.
probably what most annoys me the most (ok maybe not the most but it's up there) is the ridiculous tit for tat bullshit politics of disagreement stuff.

if the other side has a good policy, back it in. half the problem is we keep flip flopping every few years there's a change of government, billions and billions just go out the door overturning stuff that in some cases was working fine.

the nbn i think is a reasonable example. FTTP would have us more or less sorted for the next 40+ years. instead we have this bastard child of FTTN, wireless, satellite and whatever else using ancient copper and costing almost as much (Never mind the ongoing maintenance costs of dealing with 50 year old copper thats literally falling apart).

why not just go yep, we'll stick with FTTP. every single tech expert in the country was telling them how stupid their alternative was.

opposing something just because the other side said it is horseshit.
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