VFL VFL round 15 v Frankston. Sunday July 7 1:05pm @ Kinetic stadium

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We were ordinary for most of the game save for a couple of 10min periods, quite similar to the seniors.

Macrae and co lifted albeit when Frankston took their foot off tbh in the last.

Very frustrating game without many postives. Johnson played well, Sullivan tried hard. Allan had a so so game. Big roo was competitive.

Demattia we probably all unfairly expect more

I think Frankston had spent most of their petrol tickets by 3/4 time rather than took their foot off.
Given they only took one player off at half time, I assume that means they expect Cameron and IQ to be fine.

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While it seems unlikely, they could still elevate someone who played the whole match. Especially as the sub. Does Noble miss again?

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While it seems unlikely, they could still elevate someone who played the whole match. Especially as the sub. Does Noble miss again?
I think Noble should be fine.
Hasn't had any symptoms all the way through. Yeah the cutoff date for his 12 days is right on the line, so whether they will be conservative or not, remains to be seen.
Sorry, I was just about to call up my bank manager

Do you want me to start up a poll? The poll question is who won last year's premiership. Answer 1 is Craig McRae. Answer 2 is Derek Hine. My vote goes to Craig McRae.
Naive analysis.
Without the list compiled over years, McRae would have had nothing to work with.
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We don’t need a lawyer. This is simple arithmetic.
They needed a better wordsmith when setting out the protocols. The "12 day return to play" is a terrible way to describe a minimum break of 11 days. Just for fun, see how often any commentator mentions "return to play" when they talk about the period. It's pretty close to never. They just say things like the "the 12 day concussion protocol". Which ends up confusing many. It's like calling a one match tribunal suspension a "second match return to play".

Dunno why they didn't call it something like a "mandatory minimum 11 day break".
Our VFL team is a joke and if you think it isn't negatively impacting the development of our kids to get trounced every week and never maintain possession of the ball you're clueless.

Our forwards never get a chance to develop their game because the ball never gets to them, when it does it's a scrappy mongrel that favours the opposition.

Our midfield can't kick or maintain possession to save their life. Bytel was a terrible pick up... We play a brand of footy where we need precise kicks to aggressively kick down the middle without turning it over, then pick blokes who can't hit the side of a barn with their foot skills. Strange.
What's strange is you peddling this line despite it being directly at odds with what Fly has said
Might have something to do with the flags, GFs, PFs, finals and rapid tracking back to contention that has occurred on his watch
For some reason many are convinced that the recruiting team only does the draft and a bloke who was doing 6 other jobs also does all the scouting and recruiting of blokes on other lists.

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Did u watch the game? Do you think Bytel is a good kick?
One passage of play bytel was running through the mid kicking inside 50, Managed to hit a frankston player amongst 3 pies players.

Never seen a player so invisible yet seem to rack up 25-30 each week.
What's strange is you peddling this line despite it being directly at odds with what Fly has said
I'm not convinced that Fly was saying he doesn't rate kicking skills. I think he was saying he doesn't rate the kicking efficiency stat.
That’s a very good comparison tbh.
You either place a high value on kicking or you don't? There are players on the list and in the VFL program who do not kick the footy well but they get selected.........you make selection decisions and cop the consequences...........which mostly results in poor ball movement?
You either place a high value on kicking or you don't? There are players on the list and in the VFL program who do not kick the footy well but they get selected.........you make selection decisions and cop the consequences...........which mostly results in poor ball movement?

How do you define “Poor ball movement”?

No point having a precision kick if the kicker constantly makes the wrong decision, or constantly gets caught with the footy, or has a poor defensive game, or lacks tank.

Our team values ‘chaos ball’. Maybe it’s good enough for players to be able to kick the ball in the general direction of where they need to, and trust their team-mates / gameplan is good enough to win the footy.
2020 draft not looking great, Beau the only one that looks ok, most are reasonably high draft picks.
2021 thanks god for Nick, we also gave up pick 2 if my recollection is correct
2022 not looking great. Joe richards looks a good prospect
2023 bit early to tell but harry doesnt seem to be going gangbusters
View attachment 2042431
2020 draft not looking great, Beau the only one that looks ok, most are reasonably high draft picks.
2021 thanks god for Nick, we also gave up pick 2 if my recollection is correct
2022 not looking great. Joe richards looks a good prospect
View attachment 2042436
2023 bit early to tell but harry doesnt seem to be going gangbusters
Again though, without going through the draft and looking at it as a whole, with players around our pick range it’s hard to judge. Would be interesting to see How many players after pick 20 are playing regular footy? I wouldn’t say there’s heaps.

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