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  1. N

    Worst List?

    just hilarious 2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th
  2. N

    Worst List?

    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th this is what makes me laugh
  3. N

    Meyer training?

    danny meyer hasnt got the internal drive to work hard enough to make it in the afl. Furthermore, he is not a team man, his treatment of the rfc has been a disgrace As I have said Good riddance to bad rubbish To think the club offered him a 2 year deal, and he still knocked it back An absolute...
  4. N

    Meyer training?

    after 3 years of going through the motions at tigerland, refusing to do the hard work, and contributing zero, but getting paid , Danny meyer has walked out on the club and will join hawthorn in the pre-season draft Good riddance to bad rubbish Danny Meyer = an absolute waste of time.
  5. N

    could the Blues nab Mortin

    some of the tankers have been stating that they dont need kruezer because they have hampson and ackland and cloke:eek: bower played 10 games? great, had no influence in any of em! I know Benjamin is not a KP, but tank fans seem to judge anyone over 187cm tall a kp player the list is a...
  6. N

    could the Blues nab Mortin

    The problem is nobody has, he has played 20 games of afl in his life, none of them in the seniors yet according to carltob fans he is the next Simon Madden, an absolute joke, just like your cheating tanking culture:)
  7. N

    Carlton board missing?

    spot on this is not the richmond board This is the come and give shit to the richmond supporters board Again, an absolute joke:thumbsd:
  8. N

    Carlton board missing?

    thats the reason why this board is a joke Any opposition fan , can come and post whatever trolling dribble they like on this board and get away with it. We go over their and say anything that can be interrpretted and an insult, and bang! its all over an absolute joke:thumbsd: grow some...
  9. N

    could the Blues nab Mortin

    hilariously deluded as is the carlton way pattison held own the ruck as a 20 yr old all year and was simply, fantastic, you reckon he is a hack, but hampson is the next polly farmer what exactly has hampson done to be held in such a high regard? Pattison>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hampson and as...
  10. N

    could the Blues nab Mortin

    a wealth of riches:eek: hampson..done nothing setanta ...cant kick donen nothing aisake....done less than his brother hartlett...hack austin...hack edwards...fat hack bower russel grigg benjamin...hack hack hack hack a team of hacks that lost 15 in a row hack hack hack hack:)
  11. N

    Irish players at Richmond?

    because it is just a pr excercixe, and none of the 4 have any chance of ever playing afl:rolleyes:;)
  12. N

    get cousin PSD!

    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th we dont need advice from a club with the disgraceful record as the one above :eek:
  13. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th what you excuse for this;) your in the box seat for the number 1 draft pick, again
  14. N

    get cousin PSD!

    mate tanks for the advise, but, you are actually not on the way up, you finished bottom 2, again, and have the no1 draft pick ...again, and got an afl handout..again you are a joke
  15. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    of course you did :rolleyes: if you are going to troll get your facts right or you look like a bigger moron than you allready are typical carlton delusion its fun watching you hacks get your hopes up its funny, lost 15 in a row, and will,no doubt stuff the pick up anyway look forward to...
  16. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    tambling over roughead :confused: no we didnt you cant even troll properly hilarious :D just like your admin your drafting the basket case you support get back to your bucket full of kfc synbad carlton is one club richmond fans can laugh at, your perfomances are worse than...
  17. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    yea greg miller has a 25 year career in football admin Your just a fat unemployed pig, who has a mate who knows someone at the tankers. after being the worst performed afl club in the last 7 years, and having to rely on afl handoits to survive, I think its great than deluded fans like...
  18. N

    Strippers, parties, and the voodoo lounge

    thats a standard move for hawthorn traded hay, told no-one he had clinical depresion
  19. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th
  20. N


    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th
  21. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th The worst performance of any club in the afl. A joke of an administration Very happy with Miller.
  22. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    nice deflection doesnt change the fact you lost 11 in a row and have a coach that has a 0% winning percentage Carlton are a rabble. and it makes me laugh alot:D to repeat 2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th
  23. N

    Miller, dead set Genius

    do you think this has been a good result over the last 6 years 2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th :D
  24. N

    Breaking News: Cuz back in trouble

    such is life:D
  25. N

    Mitch Morton

    great stuff tambo he looks all class
  26. N

    The year of the Tuck

    come on jack thats just not nice ;)
  27. N

    Pick 2,18 and 19 vs 3,20 and Kennedy

    lol at crappy club 2002 - 16th 2003 - 15th 2004 - 11th 2005 - 16th 2006 - 16th 2007 - 15th
  28. N

    WCE domination of Trade week!

    what do you mean?
  29. N

    Pick 2,18 and 19 vs 3,20 and Kennedy

    but mate when the tigers take cothcin and you wont take morton then come back and tell me if 2 = 3
  30. N

    Pick 2,18 and 19 vs 3,20 and Kennedy

    too true I am sure he came to you because of your superior young players and encouraging recent results:thumbsu: