Autopsy Round 3, 2024 :Hawks fail against Cats

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Bruest needs a spell - Zero marks for a forward is terrible - means he is just not getting to the right places.
He's also lost a yard, and any urgency.
He'll get by on smarts, but his 2 major blunders in the first quarter are just not like him.

I'd prefer Chad right now.

Needs a spell at BH. But Wiz's ankle may save him.

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Not sure whether having Breust, Ginni and Lewis in the same forward line is a good idea for us. Too slow, ball leaves the fwd line too easily. I'd almost add Moore to that list as well when he's playing inside 50.
The only real tackle pressure in the F50 is currently Watson and Chol

Opposition are waltzing it out via Breust, Lewis, Ginni and CMac

It is a real concern at present. We aren’t really defending high, and the ball is coming through midfield too easily in transition
Post match press conference - Sam was really positive about the game and what he saw in terms of effort and endeavour. Definitely a lift in this area from the first few weeks. Loved that the boys didn't turn up their toes and made a game of it. Have to stop the run on from opposition teams. Geelong had two surges. First surge we came back from, the second surge was just too much.

Is that your voice I can hear throwing a few questions at Sammy?

I loved the fact he couldn’t hide his disappointment at the insufficient intent call in the 3rd qtr 😂 did his absolute best to deflect it but was written all over his face
The only real tackle pressure in the F50 is currently Watson and Chol

Opposition are waltzing it out via Breust, Lewis, Ginni and CMac

It is a real concern at present. We aren’t really defending high, and the ball is coming through midfield too easily in transition
Agree. And Wiz has perceived pressure like Rioli did.
  • Ginnivan, Watson and Chol showed something in the forward line.
  • Worpel and Mackenzie were lively in our midfield.
  • Frost competed well against Hawkins.
  • Once again when we play the Cats, the umpires are incredibly biased and borderline decide every decision in their favour.
  • Channel 7 made a "highlights" package of all the frees not given to the Hawks. David King commented on the frees to the Cats and miss frees to the Hawks. Commentators commented on it. Says it all.
  • Apart from Worpel and Mackenzie, our midfield is diabolical. Newcombe has regressed and Ward was forgettable.
  • Mitch Lewis did next to nothing. Probably didn't help that he was held at every contest.
  • Meek should never play again for the club.
  • Breust. Love him and he's a legend but he is done.
Poor call on Meek he was good today
Geelong were incredibly accurate in front of goal. 17.4, when just under half the game is raining is good kicking.

Things I liked

-Worpel. Went beast mode in the last quarter.

-Meek. Slow start, but got better as the game went on. The Reeves fanboys calling for his omission is laughable.

-King Chol. Sensational start to his brown and gold career. A real x-factor

-After a shaky start, the midfield were heaps better this week.

-We've played 3 pretty decent teams so far this year. I reckon we've started better this year than last. Should go in with confidence against the Pies.
Which ‘fanboys’ are calling for Meeks omission?

I haven’t seen a single post suggesting this unless I’ve missed one.
A lot more positives than the last two weeks but the same negatives haven’t been ironed out yet.

Our forwards don’t lead at the ball carrier or give them an option so we just bomb it in, Lewis is horribly out of form and besides one great contested mark he’s hands are off, he needs stop trying to mark it with one hand.

Our centre bounce and stoppage work needs to be sorted out, the opposition cruise out of the middle when they win it.
We tend to setup with two midfielders on the attacking side of the centre circle and if we do win the ball we have our backs to goal and can’t move it forward easily, i would like to see us setup with two mids on the defensive side this way we can stop the opposition exiting so easily but also allows our mids to run onto the ball facing our goals which should allow better entries into our forward 50.
Is that your voice I can hear throwing a few questions at Sammy?

I loved the fact he couldn’t hide his disappointment at the insufficient intent call in the 3rd qtr 😂 did his absolute best to deflect it but was written all over his face
Was that the one that came off the cats boot? Or seemed to have? They never relayed it

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Disappointing loss but the signs are there. Sam really needs to find a way to stem the flow when the momentum swings, it makes for a mammoth task to claw our way back when a team kicks 5 goals on us in less than 10 minutes. Too often we work hard for a goal and then the opposing team will go down the other end and kick one back within a minute.

Big shoutout to our fans too, so many stuck around despite the shambles of a break and shit weather. I was at the Collingwood v Swans game during round 1 and was amazed at how fast the Pies fans abandoned ship. I hope we keep turning up and supporting the boys, regardless of the results.

Few more tweaks are needed to the side for the Pies match. I hope the Lewis and Watson injuries aren’t too serious either…
Hawks lack class - hopefully it comes. Cats scored so much easier and the Hawks fell over themselves.

One thing I did notice and has been a problem first three rounds was the centre clearance set up.

Hawks are happy with one pair defensive side and two pairs offensive side (so opposition has two pairs defensive side). And as a rule our blokes are smaller - McKenzie was the defensive side player one clearance we got smashed at and he just got shifted out of the way. When the ball does forward for the Hawks they two defensive side cats players competed - won - and used their one forward player to clear while our guy got sucked into the contest.

Hawks are getting smashed out the front of these stoppages. The opposition wins the ball, has numbers streaming forward and there is never anyone at CHB to stop them.

The ease that the opposition is scoring from these centre clearances is ridiculous. There was one today where they hit Henry up 35 out directly in front - that cannot happen. Our blokes never even look like doing that.

It has to be addressed.
You articulated this way better than me :D

100% agree, we gave up the easy forward exit too freely.
Which ‘fanboys’ are calling for Meeks omission?

I haven’t seen a single post suggesting this unless I’ve missed one.
I'm curious too, didn't see a single one either. If anything, I think the Anti-Reeves crew need some perspective. Meek played a pretty good game, yes, but you'd bloody hope so against a second gamer! Conversely, Reeves played against the best ruck in the comp and a 350 gamer. Apples and Oranges in opposition.

Still, Meek deserves to hold his spot and show us what he can do against better opposition.
The third qtr run on the cats got was the center bounces with hus and frenchie in the middle similar to the first qtr. We had nash and newk out of the middle to then come back in later and play the entire last qtr.

On another side note. Wardy was going at high 60s percentage on the ground which changed when Lewis got injured.
Also I'm going to lose my shit if next week we take a mark inside 50 and decide to go for a stupid ****ing handball.

I'm looking at you CMac just go back and take the ****ing shot. WTF. We burned ourselves twice with stupid advantage calls - to be fair the umps should have brought it back but seriously our decision making once we are in the forward half goes down the shitter.

I am perplexed at how sharply our collective footy IQ drops when we approach 70m within our goal. We play so well to get out sticky positions in the defensive half, run hard in waves on transition and decide to forget how to play footy once we get to centre half forward.
Something that I've noticed after 3 games is just how unequipped we are to self-correct when things aren't working. We just keep chugging along trying to do the same things over and over again until quarter time when things get adjusted. By then we've just about lost the game already given how far behind we've been on the scoreboard in the last two games.

I reckon that's where we're missing Day the most. Especially in the midfield. He has the footy IQ to see and know what needs to change from out on the field. But he also has the standing within the team to make those calls. It's a worry if we don't have anyone else who can step up in that space. Hopefully it comes with more experience and age for others.

I reckon this was happening with Clarkson in the early years. Took him a while to work out how to adjust quickly. Clarkson also struggled with holding a lead for a few years. Not a problem at the moment though.
When they stop being a destination club.

Would have been handy having Tanner Bruhn out there for us today. And Bowes (Pick 7).

I hope the new facilities at Dingley are a sight to behold because the lack of appeal joining us lately is starting to cost us big time.
Itll happen and when it does it will be quick

I always chuckle when Bowes gets mentioned, they had no interest in him at all . Just the pick .
And Bruhn is ok , played quite well today but if he played for us most of our board would be frustrated with his shortcomings as a player .

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