Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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Keith Thomas agreeing with a marketing consultant that “We Exist To Win Premierships” is “unrealistic” and thus tacked on “and make our community proud”, was one of the more blatant, ‘when they tell you who they are, believe them’ moments.
Narrator: They didn't make the community proud either.
So just waste another season, another entire year of players careers because maybe he's gone at the end of the year? Piss weak.

The sooner the cancer is removed the sooner we can start to rebuild the club.
We are at Round 17, the year is nearly done anyway. Not sure how things are going to suddenly turn around with a interim coach.

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I can't see Koch doing it but I hope you're right.

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There still out there folks

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I don't understand this way of thinking - I thought we supported the Port Adelaide Football Club, not the Ken Hinkley Mental Welfare Club. The club's brand has been severely damaged by this administration, and we need to take urgent measures to get rid of it ASAP!!!!!
We are at Round 17, the year is nearly done anyway. Not sure how things are going to suddenly turn around with a interim coach.

Have you watched football before?

In 1995 Brisbane told Robert walls he was getting the arse in rd 15. They were 4-11.

They won 6 of the next 7 games, and only just went down to the all conquering carlton "paper bags" side by 13 goals in the finals. The same team won the grand final by 10 goals and had one of the most dominant teams in history.

Collingwood ditched Buckley and went from 6-16 to 16-6 in the space of one year.
How many years now have you 'thought' this?
I've wanted him sacked since about halfway through 2016 but the Ben Brown massacre is when i thought he was gone.

2022 was probably the most ridiculous season he survived though.

But none of them feel as real as now.
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Yeah I don't know about that. Membership is around 60,000. How's that going to suddenly drop to 30,000. And consistent crowds of 20,000, that puts us back into the basket case category. You can kiss goodbye to a member-elected board and possibly even independent survival.

It's not just cutting your nose off to spite your face, it's trying to saw off your own head.

The booing did what it needed to. It drew attention to Hinkley and magnifies every failure. And the media won't let it go now. The Saints game barely saved him.

Short of a miraculous premiership - maybe a grand final - I can't see him surviving this year. I'm not sure why he would want to continue under this sort of scrutiny anyway.

If we don’t make finals this year and Hinkley is still coach for 2025, only a fool would renew their membership. As for crowds this year, not going to games with a low crowd will send a strong message. The rest who wanna go, by all means boo your arses off.

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I’ve been reflecting a lot about my relationship with the PAFC the last few weeks. For so long I have ridden every high and low this club has been through. I’ve barely missed watching games. The fortunes of the club have meant a lot to me. I was blessed that my dad introduced me to PAFC in the early 80s. It was a wonderful way to spend my weekends going to games with him. I loved what our club stood for.

In recent years and especially this year, I’ve realised that the club is now in the hands of people who will never love it or hurt about it as much as I do. If they are happy to accept mediocrity and go with the flow and roll over so easily then I’m not going to waste energy worrying about the PAFC anymore. Rucci, Kornes and their friends in the club can bask in apathetic mediocrity.

I’ve got other things to do.
This was me 3+ years ago
I've wanted him sacked since about halfway through 2016 but the Ben Brown massacre is when i thought he was gone.

2022 was probably the most ridiculous season he survived though.

But now of them feel as real as now.
In 2019 we finished midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. The club decided to honour it.

In 2022 we finished midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. The club decided to honour it.

In 2024 we look on track to finish midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. History suggests that 2024 is so far so good for Ken and his manager.

I do agree with you on one thing; it does feel a bit more 'real' now. And do you know why that is? The ****ing booing! You comfort yourself by saying this season feels different, but the only reason it feels different is because of people doing the very same thing you're trying to discourage them from.

I've got news for you, if the booing and dissent stops, suddenly there's no discernible difference between this year and 2019/2022. And the club will make the same bad decision in 2024 as it did in 2019 and 2022. Ken leaving is not a foregone conclusion, it relies on us to make it happen. So either show up and boo your heart out yourself, or at the very least shut the **** up and stop trying to discourage those who are actually doing something.
Have you watched football before?

In 1995 Brisbane told Robert walls he was getting the arse in rd 15. They were 4-11.

They won 6 of the next 7 games, and only just went down to the all conquering carlton "paper bags" side by 13 goals in the finals. The same team won the grand final by 10 goals and had one of the most dominant teams in history.

Collingwood ditched Buckley and went from 6-16 to 16-6 in the space of one year.
29 years ago? And he wasn't even sacked on the spot, he coached out the rest of the year, that's the best example you can come up with?

And after Bucks stood down, they went 2 and 8 for the remainder of the year. there was no immediate turn around, things went from bad to worse for them in 2021 but they bounced back in 2022 with a new coach and regime.
We are at Round 17, the year is nearly done anyway. Not sure how things are going to suddenly turn around with a interim coach.
I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We are nothing other than making up the numbers at this stage. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
An empty stadium isn't realistic. Low crowds can blamed on anything - "oh the Port supporters are fickle, bring back the tarps" etc. etc.

Thirty thousand people booing a single man when he comes on the screen sends a real message and the true nature of where that anger is directed can't be denied.

So I’ve attended 2 games since the EF to West Coast in 2017, that’s my protest. I just wished there was a shit tonne more ppl like me, Kenny Kleenex would not be coach today.

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I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
Nor is Adelaide Oval going to be packed to the rafters home games like some seem to think will happen if we sack him.

Normally it goes the other way and crowds dwindle, as a coach sacking is in most instances an admission that the club has given up on that season and the fans normally follow suit.
29 years ago? And he wasn't even sacked on the spot, he coached out the rest of the year, that's the best example you can come up with?

And after Bucks stood down, they went 2 and 8 for the remainder of the year. there was no immediate turn around, things went from bad to worse for them in 2021 but they bounced back in 2022 with a new coach and regime.

I don't think we can win the flag, it's highly unlikely.

What I don't want is another slow car crash of piss, leading to an inevitable conclusion. If we sack him now. WHO KNOWS? Maybe someone currently played out of position who hates Hinkley suddenly starts playing amazing footy. Maybe we see if the players take a shining to Carr? Maybe we try something different other than the same stodgy broken forward press?

Why not give us something different to look forward to other than the same muck. Maybe it entices a few fans back to the footy. Maybe people think about getting a membership next year.

Keeping the loser has no ****ing benefits other than and just alienates the fan base even further.
Nor is Adelaide Oval going to be packed to the rafters home games like some seem to think will happen if we sack him.

Normally it goes the other way and crowds dwindle, as a coach sacking is in most instances an admission that the club has given up on that season and the fans normally follow suit.
You reckon if we lose 3 of the next 4 or something the crowds wont dwindle off because they get to still come and watch ken Hinkley?
In 2019 we finished midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. The club decided to honour it.

In 2022 we finished midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. The club decided to honour it.

In 2024 we look on track to finish midtable, but Ken had another year on his contract. History suggests that 2024 is so far so good for Ken and his manager.

I do agree with you on one thing; it does feel a bit more 'real' now. And do you know why that is? The ****ing booing! You comfort yourself by saying this season feels different, but the only reason it feels different is because of people doing the very same thing you're trying to discourage them from.

I've got news for you, if the booing and dissent stops, suddenly there's no discernible difference between this year and 2019/2022. And the club will make the same bad decision in 2024 as it did in 2019 and 2022. Ken leaving is not a foregone conclusion, it relies on us to make it happen. So either show up and boo your heart out yourself, or at the very least shut the **** up and stop trying to discourage those who are actually doing something.

The other discernible difference is the Club's financial situation. He was never getting sacked in 2019 and it was only going to happen in 2022 if they landed Clarkson - which, based on Clarkson's demands (from a person in position to know what they were), were beyond unreasonable and even I don't blame the Club for not going through with a potential deal.

This time the Club is in a position where they can sack him and afford the pay out without being beholden to the AFL.

You're spot on with the booing though. Once the fans turn on the coach, short of a complete reversal in on field performance, the coach is donezo.
Nor is Adelaide Oval going to be packed to the rafters home games like some seem to think will happen if we sack him.

Normally it goes the other way and crowds dwindle, as a coach sacking is in most instances an admission that the club has given up on that season and the fans normally follow suit.

If Ken is sacked after the Bulldogs game. I will buy a three game membership.
After I finished my psych degree, I spent a couple of years doing family/relationship counselling.

One thing I got really good at was spotting crocodile tears and narcissists.

Make no mistake, Ken’s “crying” display was as fake as you’ll ever see. One give away was that he was in the “verge” of crying but never actually did it (in my experience, that is all part of the acting, it’s tough to really cry…. If you like The Sopranos, think of Tony’s Mum. He also had a weird stilted vocal style “great boys, great boys” that he thought gave his “emotions” more credibility. He’s such a weirdo).

I always found narcissists like Kenny the toughest to deal with. Why? Well, Ken doesn’t LOOK like who people think are narcissists. He’s not some influencer that you can easily see is a narcissist. And he talks like your classic bogan “everyman”.
This is a powerful tool for Ken because it makes him appear more genuine when he’s far from it. A lot of people fall for it.

The most important advice I’d have with family members dealing with narcissists was that, when they turned themselves into the “victim” (they ALWAYS do), that you need to continue being hard on them and make sure they face the consequences of their actions. Once they realise you can see through them, they will try every trick in the book (for Ken that is calling in his media mates to paint him as the victim, and now “crying” on national TV).

The key thing, now you are at the end of this horrible process dealing with Ken, is that you keep the pressure up. Boo incessantly, throw tissues/onions at him, anything really. As long as you get this cancer out of the club.

And for gods sake, DO NOT LET UP! Manipulative, cunning narcissist like Ken are like cats with nine lives. If you feel sorry for them and/or believe their “poor me” rubbish for a second, you’ll let them back in the door.

Good luck on the weekend, some things are bigger than a football match and getting a malignant narcissist like Ken out of your club finally will be a great victory.
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This is why Twitter needs a laugh button.

What a pile of crap. Once this clown has disappeared, Port fans will show up in their tens of thousands, and there won't be any more booing, because the object of their anger will be gone.
I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We are nothing other than making up the numbers at this stage. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
6 months… maybe 3.

Start talking like winners, players start believing they are winners. Hold blokes accountable and the whole group start to believe!

Look at McRae at Collingwood, Frampton was terrible at Port and Adelaide, now a Premiership player. Joe Richards and other mature aged recruits were local Leauge footballers before stepping into the Collingwood environment, etc.

Why does everyone love JHF, cause he is the furthest thing from Hinkley we have seen in 10 years. Why did we love Jackson Trengove playing for us?

I would rather get the new coach in before CD decides who we keep and delist and starts the process before Summer.
After I finished my psych degree, I spent a couple of years doing family/relationship counselling.

One thing I got really good at was spotting crocodile tears and narcissists.

Make no mistake, Ken’s “crying” display was as fake as you’ll ever see. One give away was that he was in the “verge” of crying but never actually did it (in my experience, that is all part of the acting, it’s tough to really cry…. If you like The Sopranos, think of Tony’s Mum. He also had a weird stilted vocal style “great boys, great boys” that he thought gave his “emotions” more credibility. He’s such a weirdo).

I always found narcissists like Kenny the toughest to deal with. Why? Well, Ken doesn’t LOOK like who people think are narcissists. He’s not some influencer that you can easily see is a narcissist. And he talks like your classic bogan “everyman”.
This is a powerful tool for Ken because it makes him appear more genuine when he’s far from it. A lot of people fall for it.

The most important advice I’d have with family members dealing with narcissists was that, when they turned themselves into the “victim” (they ALWAYS do), that you need to continue being hard on them and make sure they face the consequences of their actions. Once they realise you can see through them, they will try every trick in the book (for Ken that is calling in his media mates to paint him as the victim, and now “crying” on national TV).

The key thing, now you are at the end of this horrible process dealing with Ken, is that you keep the pressure up. Boo incessantly, throw tissues/onions at him, anything really. As long as you get this cancer out of the club.

And for gods sake, DO NOT LET UP! Manipulative, cunning narcissist like Ken are like cats with nine lives. If you feel sorry for them and/or believe they’re “poor me” rubbish for a second, you’ll let them back in the door.

Good luck on the weekend, some things are bigger than a football match and getting a malignant narcissist like Ken out of your club finally will be a great victory.
I must be pretty smrt because I knew all that without a psych degree.
"Clearly there are some challenges around personnel at the moment".
The whole issue with Stinkers though has nothing to do with personnel. The problem is that he is arrogant and listens to nobody. So while he is apparently a nice enough person I truly believe in his mind that he thinks he is the great Victorian oracle who's been sent to SA to teach the great unwashed Port how to football.

So when this happens in his mind that its the height of ingratitude that the white noise Port fans would question the oracle and how dare they question his great football wisdom because I've been in football a long time.

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