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  1. Armadeo

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives v Adelaide RND 6 2020

    The JD and JK criticism is harsh in my opinion. Both took on big defenders and allowed the others and midfield to take it on. 3/3 is nothing to get excited about post hub but they're on a roll for an extended WA hub to a mostly fuct season.
  2. Armadeo

    AFL Membership vs Victorian Platinum

    Good point. Didn't think of that. It's 10+ years I think but I'm used to being on waiting lists :P I'll weigh this up.
  3. Armadeo

    AFL Membership vs Victorian Platinum

    Hi All, I've been trying to figure out the downsides of moving from an AFL membership to a Victorian Platinum membership. The Vic Platinum is cheaper and it will get me to enough neutral games in Victoria for my liking. Anyone aware of the downsides that I am not considering? The main...
  4. Armadeo

    Liked, Learnt, Hated - Round 15, 2019

    Liked: Got out of going to the Eagles game because I had food poisoning. Learnt: Food poisoning is no joke Hated: Literally sharted with a minute and a half to go in the last vs the Hawks
  5. Armadeo

    Premiership Tattoos

    If I described myself as a Camry it would be generous.
  6. Armadeo

    Premiership Tattoos

    Like them or hate them who is getting one done? I'm firmly on the fence, I'm getting more of my sleeve done in December and tempted to add on a small logo somewhere, I don't expect it to take longer than 30 mins out of a possible 10 hour day so why the hell not is my opinion right now. I fully...
  7. Armadeo

    WCE Tattoo Premiership WTF?

    1 tattoo for each disposal... wait...
  8. Armadeo

    WCE Tattoo Premiership WTF?

    Mumford had a swans tattoo before moving to GWS. What is the big deal here? You don't magically erase your history when you move clubs.
  9. Armadeo

    WCE Tattoo Premiership WTF?

    I'm fine with it. Why is it more interesting?
  10. Armadeo

    Gaff - does he stay or go? Let me set the scene..

    This is the risk we take when we recruit Victorians. It's ok. We do alright and can cover it. It's a stupid wheelbarrow of cash that you would be a fool to pass up for kicking a ball. I'm devastated at the way he is exiting but so be it. There's a new cup in the cabinet (not sure where it is...
  11. Armadeo

    WCE Tattoo Premiership WTF?

    Why is this strange?
  12. Armadeo

    Fan Perspectives of the Final Siren

    Depending on what phone you have you can upload it straight to Youtube using the App.
  13. Armadeo

    Fan Perspectives of the Final Siren

    We were in Q51
  14. Armadeo

    Fan Perspectives of the Final Siren

    Haha! Great one and yes, before my fat fingers accidentally stopped filming I was dropping F bombs saying "We F^%ing did it". Eerily similar.
  15. Armadeo

    Fan Perspectives of the Final Siren

    Definitely make sure everyone is happy to have their videos used. I've got a few mates i'll track down with some epic ones.
  16. Armadeo

    Fan Perspectives of the Final Siren

    Hi all, I've always liked the fan perspective videos of the final sirens and my attempt to capture one was truly a remarkable failure as I was more concentrated on the game. I still love the noise and the anticipation in the audio, it's pretty hilarious. My wife and I both lost our voices and...
  17. Armadeo

    Andrew Gaff post game reaction

    I think he probably felt he couldn't be seen enjoying it. I feel for the guy but this is the ultimate punishment for his very bad mistake.
  18. Armadeo

    Up the Coasters Eagles are the 2018 premiers!!!!

    we did it guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so hung over. Moved to Melbourne with the wife last year in a incredible stressful process and the boys do this to us wow. Thank you Eagles
  19. Armadeo

    Gaff - does he stay or go? Let me set the scene..

    I agree, however if we win Saturday then he can go. As much as I love the guy, he can go.
  20. Armadeo

    Analysis Why West Coast should go in as favourites

    Forecast is generally changing to warmer and less rain. Hopefully the weather is not a factor on the day.
  21. Armadeo

    Unofficial Preview Changes and Discussion - Grand Final Edition v Collingwood

    I've been trying to actively shy away from getting in too deep this week but I can't help it. I'm in. I want to win so badly it's going to hurt if we don't.
  22. Armadeo

    Analysis Are we better in 2018 than in 2015?

    We're a good club. They will be hurting, Gaff especially but they will feel part of it for sure.
  23. Armadeo

    Mod. Notice Membership numbers for tickets- all posters please read the first post

    Second this. Probably delete this one quickly mate.
  24. Armadeo

    Autopsy Reaction to GF result

    Stay classy, especially when in the town. We all know too well what a loss feels like.
  25. Armadeo

    Mod. Notice Membership numbers for tickets- all posters please read the first post

    just going off what we got charged. A very safe estimation given the info we have.
  26. Armadeo

    Toast Give them merry hell folks

    FFS please do not get in fights though... I like beer at the footy. Preferably full strength pls.
  27. Armadeo

    Gaff - does he stay or go? Let me set the scene..

    He won't, I bet he doesn't even want to be outside right now.