Trades 2022 AFL Fantasy R2 Trades

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Port board all seem to be calling for Hayes to get named since lycett and Marshall were both shockingly bad. If it happens then it almost helps people move saints Hayes from R3 to a forward spot
Would help Ward to the bench Rachelle to mids Owens out

Hayes F6

Baldwin out for Skinner

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Yeah this is f’ed.
Not actually that bad.... if you haven't got him, it can wait a week. If you already have him, I reckon most people have some bench cover already, even if it's not going to score as well... and now you have a red dot for loopholes :)
Not actually that bad.... if you haven't got him, it can wait a week. If you already have him, I reckon most people have some bench cover already, even if it's not going to score as well... and now you have a red dot for loopholes :)

It's Wednesday, it's going to get worse before Sunday night.

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I only play one game these days and covid is going to ruin that for me too

In my keepers league my opponent had Cerra today…. Thought that was good news until Bailey smith and Nick Martin randomly pull out…. Cmon only one set of teams has been announced lol
Well that didn't take long for a player that everyone has to get it...this year is literally going to be a war of attrition
In before West Coast drop the other rookies

Owen's will get dropped you'd think
So if he’s actually got covid as opposed to just being a contact it could be weeks before we see him. Massive leg up for those that missed him.
So if he’s actually got covid as opposed to just being a contact it could be weeks before we see him. Massive leg up for those that missed him.

Does he? And isn't it only a week in isolation regardless?
Well hopefully his girlfriend hasn't passed it on. If a player actually gets it the isolation period becomes a recovery timetable.

I know plenty of people who haven't caught it off their partner so he might be ok.
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