MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

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There is no way that the tribunal can just dismiss the effect that the Rioli tackle had on this impact. It contributed as much to the outcome as Sam’s actions. The penalty has to take this into account.
This is how it’s worked for a while now. The MRO just ticks boxes and leaves the consideration of external factors to the tribunal. It’s a shit system.

We should be arguing those obvious mitigation.
There is no way that the tribunal can just dismiss the effect that the Rioli tackle had on this impact. It contributed as much to the outcome as Sam’s actions. The penalty has to take this into account.

Quiet down Brian, or they'll suspend both of them.

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What happens if we play double jeopardy at the tribunal and claim Willie Rioli knocked Keane out?
Time to ban the bump then, and every other footy action that can result in a possible concussion. Boxing, MMA, skate boarding, skiing, etc etc should all be outlawed as well.

Yeah I don’t really understand the attitude tbh.

If we’re that concerned about head injuries and future health, so as a guy bracing for unexpected contact in a split second is a hanging offence, just can the sport altogether.
I am fine with that, as long as the tribunal does its job properly and assesses it for what it is.
The next bit is the most painful though. The AFL counsel will get on a soap box in front of the tribunal, label Sam a thug and the worst thing to grace a football field since choppy Pickett and call for a public stoning. All in legal pantomime.
I’m sorry, but if the rules state that the bump is legal, then the “ if you elect to bump” bullshit is so AFL amateur hour rule designed to suspend players, when the it’s legal to bump. Just doesn’t make sense. Ban the bump then.
Tend to agree, but it probably introduces more grey areas around what is a bump and what is a natural collision in a body contact sport.

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If someone gets injured in a legal tackle that goes wrong…no worries.
If some gets injured in a legal bump that goes wrong….banhammer.

Inconsistent like nearly every rule in the sport.
Yeah I don’t really understand the attitude tbh.

If we’re that concerned about head injuries and future health, so as a guy bracing for unexpected contact in a split second is a hanging offence, just can the sport altogether.
I’ve got no problem with Sam copping a 2 week suspension. What I don’t like is turning this particular case into something that it’s not just to appease the swarming masses & latest fashionable talking points.
I’ve got no problem with Sam copping a 2 week suspension. What I don’t like is turning this particular case into something that it’s not just to appease the swarming masses & latest fashionable talking points.

Some of the hyperbole I’ve seen around the traps is wild.

We’re 2-3 years away from Sherrin Gaelic.
If someone gets injured in a legal tackle that goes wrong…no worries.
If some gets injured in a legal bump that goes wrong….banhammer.

Inconsistent like nearly every rule in the sport.

Legal tackle?

duursma got injured in a late tackle after he disposed of it v Richmond and Edwards didn’t have to front the tribunal much less cop any flak for it.
What happens if we play double jeopardy at the tribunal and claim Willie Rioli knocked Keane out?
Well to be fair, the Crows guy suffered more brain trauma damage from being slammed into the ground on the back of his head, than SPP's shoulder to the front of the jaw.
I wish someone would give Whately 4 weeks

Repeat offender, intentional, high severity and high impact.

Give him the whole bloody season off ;)

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Well to be fair, the Crows guy suffered more brain trauma damage from being slammed into the ground on the back of his head, than SPP's shoulder to the front of the jaw.
Get a Doctor on the stand and ask them to confirm that SPP and not the ground caused the concussion. They couldn’t possibly.

Almost like SPP doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

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MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

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