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  1. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    Six years is exactly the length of career you would hope a quality role player to have if they're recruited at 25. Quality role players, in my opinion, are exactly what we need to be surrounding Nick, Josh and Jordy with. No nonsense types who can play a role every week. The question is about...
  2. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    Jesus, I didn't know he was 30. I can't see it working for us from a trade and cap perspective, even if you could get your head around how he fits in the best 22. He looks like a prime candidate for North.
  3. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    We won the flag 12 months ago. We've made 4 prelims in the last 6 years. If you go back further, since 2002, Collingwood has made 11 prelims in 22 years. We've won two flags and played in 7 GFs. I think the development is just fine. Some kids just don't make it. They don't gel with your team...
  4. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    No doubt. No one loves Dekka more than I do, but I think it's fair to say he's been average at best at the draft table for some time now. 2023 was largely (and bloody magnificently) built off the success of drafts from 7+ years prior, savvy trading and F/S & academy picks. He owes us a gem or...
  5. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    Players, above all else, are self-motivated. Money and playing time are the main drivers - when you're not talking 'home sickness'. The Woods look like an incredible place to work, but does a premiership team scream like a place with ample opportunity to play and cash to burn? I dare say that...
  6. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Collingwood Trade and FA

    Tomato (Finlay Macrae, Reef McInnes), tomato (Max Holmes).
  7. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. COLLINGWOOD Trade and F/A Discussion 2022-->

    This is not a bad drafting record?
  8. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. COLLINGWOOD Trade and F/A Discussion

    Could be a natural inclination to melt? The trade looks like astounding business to me. We keep our best asset (future first) and webring our other assets forward 12 months, when they're needed most. Mind you, we could finish in the bottom four again and the value still lines up. Gold Coast...
  9. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. COLLINGWOOD Trade and F/A Discussion

    Can anyone who hates this trade explain why to me?
  10. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    I'm sorry, I can't remember saying we should pay overs, but I must have going by this comment? You suggested Grundy gets 'match-winner' money. I'm suggesting there's no such thing in football anymore. You pay your best-performed, consistent players and leaders and while we can all sit here and...
  11. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    'Match-winner' is a subjective myth that's fun to talk about when a player kicks an important goal or makes a few important plays in a game of footy. If anything, it's a relic to the 80s and 90s. How many games does Trac or Bont 'win off their own boot' when their teams were going sh1t...
  12. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Caleb Poulter (Bulldogs MSD 2023)

    Would take a Benny. I'd also take a more fashionable Toovey. But, if I was betting, I'd have my money on a younger Gav Crosisca type.
  13. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Trade and F/A - Part 3

    Collingwood tried this in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and asked Josh the question multiple times - and each time he signed a one-year deal with WC. I agree, it would have been invaluable and I would still do it today - for all the reasons you've detailed and more - but I think we're flogging a dead...
  14. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Trade and F/A - Part 3

    Am I wrong when I look at Lipinski and see what Bianco will become in 2-3 years? Steady by foot and hand, not overly-gifted with pace, decent vision. I'm not opposed, but he doesn't look like he'd fill a list hole for us.
  15. Scribe26

    Analysis Should we really be spewing over trading out our 2021 picks?

    I think it's fair to say that the list management team made decisions on an assumption that we would finish 2021 around 7-12 on the ladder. In that theoretical window, the trade isn't too controversial. It's the assumption that hurts me, given we released three players from the best 22 for...
  16. Scribe26

    Round 1 Team 2022

    It's 2021. Interchange is not a position - it's a place-holder for the first 4 minutes of game time.
  17. Scribe26

    List Mgmt. Trade and F/A - Part 3

    There are two reasonable explanations. 1) He did the list while drinking. 2) He did the list while drinking and hasn't watched a Collingwood game in 2 years. This isn't just on Buck, who I'll never read a word of again, but also the editorial and subbing standard of the Herald Sun. How this...
  18. Scribe26

    Toast Fitness Boss Jarrod Wade

    Collingwood may not have been able to land the absolute high-end superstars we've coveted over the last decade, but I think it's fair to say that we've done very well in retaining the talent we do have. - Seedsman has had one (IMO, questionable) AA season with Adelaide - otherwise a...
  19. Scribe26

    Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

    You're not factoring in the enormous pain and impact Pendles has inflicted on Domus' life. I don't know about you, but I, like Domus, will take this mostly-harmless 24 hour news cycle and keep that as my overriding memory of a 15+year AFL career.
  20. Scribe26

    Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

    "You reject my assertion that I have 4 legs and 15 nipples, yet give no reason for your rejection. You are the one in the wrong here." With that kind of logic, you'd make an excellent YouTube host, arguing for young earth creationists or a flat earth, Slugger.
  21. Scribe26

    Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

    "Crisp will think the thing I'm thinking he'll think, not the thing you're thinking he will think."
  22. Scribe26

    Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

    It's really difficult to form an opinion without knowing the details. For all we know, Pendles could have taken a few hair cuts to help the club over the last few years and feels like he deserves more than a year now, given his durability and performance etc. He's had 15 years of being a...
  23. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    Not much apparently, especially when there's an opportunity to vent some frustrations.
  24. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    Yes, yes... I don't watch enough Collingwood games. THAT'S my real problem.
  25. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    Sure mate, you may have seen a poor moment or two in a throw-away game at the ass-end of a throw-away season. Grundy changed the standards for fitness for his position, for tackling and for second efforts. I don't think he has a 'corrosive' attitude problem - I think that's a ridiculous...
  26. Scribe26

    Oppo Camp Brodie Grundy (Traded to Melbourne 2022)

    One wonders if the carry-on would be so dramatic if he was on $750-800k, rather than 900k. He's a little over-paid, but earned the contract coming off two best and fairests and two All-Australian seasons. Well documented that he struggled in the bubble last year and this year he's been one of...
  27. Scribe26

    Coach Who Should Our Next Coach Be (Poll Updated)

    That's an awful lot of paragraphs for someone who doesn't give two shits. If I remember correctly, you 'expressed your personal dissatisfaction' by threatening to not support the club, no? Or am I wrong and was that someone else? To me, threatening to not support the club because of a...
  28. Scribe26

    Coach Who Should Our Next Coach Be (Poll Updated)

    Absolutely. If you're enough of an infant to throw the toys out of the cot because you don't like the coach, before he's actually coached a game at the club, then I welcome your departure. There's a great many people I don't think fit right for the role, but, because I'm an adult, if Michael...
  29. Scribe26

    Coach Who Should Our Next Coach Be (Poll Updated)

    Any coach that makes any poster threaten to walk away from the club, the sport and more specifically, this forum, has my absolute support and whole-hearted approval.
  30. Scribe26

    October Decisions Necessary

    Why is our games record holder, captain, Norm Smith Medalist and 5-time Copeland winner sacrosanct?