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  1. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 2)

    ??? did u get stuck brother or have i just missed it??
  2. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 2)

    I hope there is mate it would be a bad look for the league if there wasnt! Regardless of the outcome!
  3. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 2)

    Jacobs the Gordons Robinson!! I disagree with u there mate i think they are on the right track they have alot of young talent in Zac Treacy Matt Traynor Alex Desmond Ryan Crowly i reckon if they could get a key forward and key back they could be a great side and wouldnt be surprised if theyb...
  4. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 2)

    cant be too flash they are only in the best every week
  5. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Diggers were pretty impressive took all the chances up forward and that was the difference between the two sides i would say from watching that kilmore had just as much of the ball but turned it over at very crucial times and diggers made them pay every time! Caton is a gun and kilmore just got...
  6. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Gordon boys kempy Quadey the other robbo (full back) Nick (a new bloke from yarroweyah if thats how u spell it) and dwayne sampii
  7. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    very stiff kilmore, dominated the game for 3 an a half quarters, led by 5 goals at 3 quarter time, were the far better side but with the help of some of the worst umpiring ever seen including a CLEARLY deliberate rushed behind not paid in the dying minute, just fell short, boys were gutted an...
  8. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Wish u were still at kilmore and u didnt move but still kick 11 id have that anyday
  9. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Well bomba26 its not upto apw anymore if they put up the money for appeals (which has to be payed tomorrow) it will then be in the hands of the appeals board!
  10. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Hellsbells you do not know crap about brent gordon mate! your so called source should be severely punished! That is complete rubbish dont get on here and tell everyone that this kid is a money chaser when u do not have any facts at all!!
  11. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Another blow to kilmore with the gordon boys looking no chance for tomorrow! i dare say wallan might be happy lol
  12. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    i tell you what, glad people are jumping off kilmore, there gonna be in for a rude shock if they think they wont be VERY competitive this year.
  13. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Im sure if you look at the clearences you will see theirs has been cancelled due to the appeal being lodged! the appeal should be next week! I have also heard that a friend of their dads is a qc and have guarenteeed them that they will not lose!! Good news for the two blues
  14. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    your wrong about jaco not to sure bout jamesy tho
  15. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    who you reffering to jaco or jamesy??
  16. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

  17. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Your right mate jayco is a quality person thats why i think he wont leave the club! especially when he recruited his close mates there and i also think that jamesy is a quality bloke too who will stick fat and finish what him and jaco started at the rdfl bnf night and thats play together and...
  18. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Cool if u have it could u pm me marcus number cheers!!
  19. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Hey guys just wandering if there is a guy named Marcus Powell still running round in the rdfl??
  20. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

  21. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Yeah he can play! After half time kilmore just let mernda do what they wanted for a quarter and a half and ended up a couple of goals down then switched back on and kicked the last 4 to just get over the line! dont know what sort of side they had in but kilmore had some missing
  22. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    It was a mixture between ones and twos 4 quarters!! was very hot and moama ran away with it in the end but good to get on the park!! Abela very impressive!! Jamesy kicked about 3 goals 8
  23. R

    EDFL "A" Grade - 2011

    Torpedo Torpedo Torpedo you are wrong my friend i know 100 per cent that he did train after being told because he rang me from the car park because he got there early he then came to my house after training and told me that nobody even spoke to him so i dont know where you get your info from
  24. R

    EDFL "A" Grade - 2011

    I went to one game last year at high gate and there was no body there when all the local boys played there the ds aitken used to be packed biggest crowd in the edfl by a mile!!
  25. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    So these boys wont get cleared???
  26. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Also i had a look at the clearences and it has Brent and Shaun Gordons clearences had been denied!
  27. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Totally agree with ya mate if a player takes money for a sign on fee then he should be required to either play the contract out or pay the money back if the club agrees! Although in this case i believe there was no sign on fee and no one owes anything to the other
  28. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Im sure everything will be sorted out you cannot let a young bloke sit a year of footy out!! If he is a playing assistant coach then he is bettering his football so he should have no dramas getting cleared. Kilmore might just have to throw apw a keg or two to get it over the line! I hope kilmore...
  29. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Ive never seen a quote on here saying kilmore have picked up 3 or 4 platers better then robbo!!! But yes they dont grow on trees so its very handy!!
  30. R

    RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 1)

    Dont know about that mate most the boys wouldnt be on big pay cheques i wouldnt think!! The big fella will be a handy player tho and gettin keeno back not bad either!!!!