Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

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Trump is doing a good job because he is a successful business man, if you are all so smart how come you haven't made as much money as he has, something something something.

I brought up his business failings as a retort to the 'He's a great business man' rhetoric my parents were spewing out. They don't care.
I brought up his business failings as a retort to the 'He's a great business man' rhetoric my parents were spewing out. They don't care.

Isn’t there some figure floating around about how his net worth would be about 10 times what it actually is if he’d just taken his inheritance and invested it in average stocks?
Isn’t there some figure floating around about how his net worth would be about 10 times what it actually is if he’d just taken his inheritance and invested it in average stocks?

<<<A 2016 analysis of Trump's business career in The Economist concluded that his performance since 1985 had been "mediocre compared with the stock market and property in New York".[44] A subsequent analysis in The Washington Post similarly noted that Trump's estimated net worth of $100 million in 1978 would have increased to $6 billion by 2016 if he had invested it in a typical retirement fund, and concluded that "Trump is a mix of braggadocio, business failures, and real success.">>>
The death toll in America due to COVID-19 on Monday neared 70,000—and that only accounted for those who were confirmed to have died in the pandemic. The real human cost of coronavirus, experts believe, has been much higher. Social distancing measures imposed across the country have helped slow the spread of the virus—one that experts still don’t fully understand—but without sufficient testing, treatments, or a vaccine, there is nothing to keep infections from spiking to mid-March levels. Indeed, as Donald Trump relaxes federal recommendations and pushes for states and businesses to reopen, his government predicted daily deaths from the virus would nearly double by June, rising to an estimated 3,000 per day and potentially overrunning the United States hospital system. That would make the 100,000 lost lives that Trump recently forecast, up from the 60,000 he guessed was the ceiling just a couple weeks ago, seem like a wild underestimation.

By virtually any indicator, the U.S. is still at the beginning of this public health crisis—not at the end. But Trump has once again reverted to the unrealistic optimism of February and March, when he downplayed the crisis as it escalated. All but declaring the U.S. victorious over the “invisible enemy” of coronavirus, the president has repeatedly suggested the worst of COVID is behind us and the country is now mounting a comeback over the pandemic. “I think [Americans are] starting to feel good now,” Trump said in an Oval Office interview Monday with the New York Post. “The country’s opening again.” Suggesting there’s “great optimism” among Americans, Trump insisted that he will “keep the virus at bay” amid his aggressive push to “reopen” the nation’s COVID-ravaged economy.

“If we have a flare up, we can put it out,” the president said. “We’ve learned a lot.”

How would he “put it out?” Who knows. There’s no proven treatment so far, a vaccine remains far off, and the administration is still failing to provide the adequate testing Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly said is necessary to begin reopening the country. “The president continues to pressure states and businesses to reopen,” Chuck Schumer said, “but he refuses to take responsibility for the one thing that would allow them to do it safely — testing.” That’s made states like Texas, which has already seen its cases rise, vulnerable to an even larger surge of infections as it reopens. “We’re going to see a huge explosion of cases,” Diana Cervantes, director of the epidemiology program at the University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health, told the Daily Beast.

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History will judge Trump as the individual who allowed his country to be destroyed socially and economically by this virus when there have been many opportunities to limit the damage. With a half sensible person in charge, the damage may have been limited to maybe 20-30k deaths, we will never know, but what we do know is that it would have been significantly less than what they will end up with. Reopening without anything being under control and creating chaos and confusion will let this thing tumble out of control. I would not be surprised if by the end of the year the US exceeds 250k deaths.
Worrisome message from a friend who's always right:

A lot of people call Trump foolish but to be frank, we're the foolish ones. Right now, he's going to shift the narrative of the greatest disaster in America's recent history - almost solely caused by his choices - away from him and onto PRChina.

The US is likely to have lost 2 or 3 times the number of people it did during Vietnam prior to the next election yet he's going to shrug it off by controlling the compliant media.

There's an election in November. Here's how that's going to work. If he REALLY thinks he's going to lose because the populace isn't buying the media message, you can pretty much guarantee a war with PRChina over COVID-19. Because he knows that will keep him in office, and he's right.

So the choices are eat up his lies and keep him in office, or a hot war with PRChina.

And if you're someone who says 'COME ON HE WOULD NOT START A GLOBAL WAR TO RETAIN POWER' then you, my dear friend, are gullible beyond belief.

In other news, don't go burning through those stocks of TP and canned foods just yet, and spend some time thinking about what you would do if WW3 was declared in the next six months as there is a VERY good chance of it.>>>
I had to laugh as I was watching teen titans go this morning that the illuminati referenced lizard people in US parliament had been removed.

I have silently been reading this thread with a smile but that made me laugh.

Must be real then. ;)
Modern Western politics is literally boomer brain decay being manifested into policy.

It's amazing. A whole generation have just detached the public discourse from reality.
I also see the states and expert opinion is failing to constrain Morrison.

He has happily jumped back on the Trump train of "how goods the footy, lets go to the pub" line of encouraging the public to rush into an unrestricted environment.

It was too much to hope the sociopathic idiot in him could be stopped indefinitely, or at least for the duration of the crisis.

We have quickly gone from "four key criteria need to be met to lift restrictions" to "40% uptake of the COVIDsafe app and stringent contact tracing protocols in place" to "Australians can have a little opening up of the economy as a treat".

You can see that with statements like, "business don't want a stop start approach", "we've just been buying time to sufficiently prep the health sector" and finally "we expect an uptick in infections", that now thinks he has the public support or at least can catch the public unawares quickly enough and go full tilt. The constant revision of guidelines without expert input and almost daily shortening of timelines for a "reboot" almost guarantee this is the case.

Initially it was 6 months, but progressively we have reached the point where he is now prepping the public for weeks end and is priming already for the inevitable backlash when cases explode. He wanted to simply ride it out to begin with, now he has a second chance.
I also see the states and expert opinion is failing to constrain Morrison.

He has happily jumped back on the Trump train of "how goods the footy, lets go to the pub" line of encouraging the public to rush into an unrestricted environment.

It was too much to hope the sociopathic idiot in him could be stopped indefinitely, or at least for the duration of the crisis.

We have quickly gone from "four key criteria need to be met to lift restrictions" to "40% uptake of the COVIDsafe app and stringent contact tracing protocols in place" to "Australians can have a little opening up of the economy as a treat".

You can see that with statements like, "business don't want a stop start approach", "we've just been buying time to sufficiently prep the health sector" and finally "we expect an uptick in infections", that now thinks he has the public support or at least can catch the public unawares quickly enough and go full tilt. The constant revision of guidelines without expert input and almost daily shortening of timelines for a "reboot" almost guarantee this is the case.
Interested to know what path you would've taken and how you would take the path ahead? (in reference to the Prime Minister & including the W.A Premier)
Hopefully without sociopathy.
WTF are you on about dickhead ? You know nothing about anything, just because you work for some company rolling out 5G you act like you invented it. For all we know you make coffee and do the donut run for the company.
When did people start wearing stupidity like its a badge of honour and something to be proud of ?
There is a bizarre confidence that conspiracy theorists have that I just don't get.
Worrisome message from a friend who's always right:

A lot of people call Trump foolish but to be frank, we're the foolish ones. Right now, he's going to shift the narrative of the greatest disaster in America's recent history - almost solely caused by his choices - away from him and onto PRChina.

The US is likely to have lost 2 or 3 times the number of people it did during Vietnam prior to the next election yet he's going to shrug it off by controlling the compliant media.

There's an election in November. Here's how that's going to work. If he REALLY thinks he's going to lose because the populace isn't buying the media message, you can pretty much guarantee a war with PRChina over COVID-19. Because he knows that will keep him in office, and he's right.

So the choices are eat up his lies and keep him in office, or a hot war with PRChina.

And if you're someone who says 'COME ON HE WOULD NOT START A GLOBAL WAR TO RETAIN POWER' then you, my dear friend, are gullible beyond belief.

In other news, don't go burning through those stocks of TP and canned foods just yet, and spend some time thinking about what you would do if WW3 was declared in the next six months as there is a VERY good chance of it.>>>
Can't wait :rolleyes:
Worrisome message from a friend who's always right:

A lot of people call Trump foolish but to be frank, we're the foolish ones. Right now, he's going to shift the narrative of the greatest disaster in America's recent history - almost solely caused by his choices - away from him and onto PRChina.

The US is likely to have lost 2 or 3 times the number of people it did during Vietnam prior to the next election yet he's going to shrug it off by controlling the compliant media.

There's an election in November. Here's how that's going to work. If he REALLY thinks he's going to lose because the populace isn't buying the media message, you can pretty much guarantee a war with PRChina over COVID-19. Because he knows that will keep him in office, and he's right.

So the choices are eat up his lies and keep him in office, or a hot war with PRChina.

And if you're someone who says 'COME ON HE WOULD NOT START A GLOBAL WAR TO RETAIN POWER' then you, my dear friend, are gullible beyond belief.

In other news, don't go burning through those stocks of TP and canned foods just yet, and spend some time thinking about what you would do if WW3 was declared in the next six months as there is a VERY good chance of it.>>>
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