Autopsy Should have Could have - but didn't. Down by 2 against Port

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It's his third year though. Most genuine stars have more of an impact by this point. He seems to be developing very slowly and it's becoming a concern.

how about ugle hagan or mckay at carlton or zurhaar at north (just some recent examples)? all have taken time, extened periods of two steps forward, one step back ...
i think you're being way too harsh on mcdonald ... you say third year but he's played barely 30 games, not much more than one full season in seniors
i'm not suggesting franklin be completely cut out, pushed into retirement, whatever ... but the team needs to see mcdonald as a focal point, not a second thought ... and to me, he's shown he can live up to that

the other big point is what we can all plainly see ... mcdonald is considerably bigger and stronger now, that was his fourth game with this new physique and i believe he's showing more confidence in his own strength/body, and the team needs to be showing more confidence in him
the mark and goal in the last term was a great example

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He’s our leading goal kicker.

From very limited supply (apart from the game Buddy missed).

He’s kicked more the Heeney and Hayward combined. In fact, apart from Papley, he’s kicked more than double any other forward.

Trying to fault Logan is barking up the wrong tree.
He goes missing far too often and for far too long, and it happens in virtually every single game.

The goal tally was inflated by Hawthorn, but even in that game he didn't play like a star. He kicked a few easy ones against a shambolic defence and didn't do much of anything otherwise. McLean kicked 5 against Geelong either last season or the one before and it didn't make him a star.

Ofc I hope I'm wrong. I would love him to kick on and become the player that everyone expects him to be, but he needs to improve out of sight to get there.
Rowbottom isn’t in great form either

Parker the langy boy is probably in his finals 2 years which isn’t helping the contested ball

Rowbottom tackled his heart out i thought ,
The guy bust his arse every week but rozzee got hold of him last night

Rowbottom needs to get his hands on it

yeah needs more of it , but it will come i think
Might also be worth mentioning that Horne-Francis in strengthened the Port midfield, only 18 touches but 11 of those were contested and I thought he made a difference
If we had won last night I would be on here saying what a fn win don't under estimate it there's your statement after losing two KPDs early.

But we didn't, a kick fell short, a bounce didn't get recalled. It was shit conditions and we weren't clinical.

We're now going to be seriously tested in defence but there's 5 months til finals. Don't win a premiership in April.

Fair chance we go into the wilderness for a few weeks now but it'll turn

Strap in, have a juice, and try and enjoy it it's better for your health

All the pieces are there to turn it round.

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Basic forward craft.
Blocking the space. Mills at least should have been standing behind the goals in that space.
Watch Reidwoldt & Lynch at Richmond. They do it perfectly. Smaller plarers do it too.
Don’t bother defending yourself here because you are spot on here. 3 different people have spoken to me since last night with the same observation on Mills on the goal line. 3 people who actually understand footy. Alir doesn’t get to that spot if Mills doesn’t leave his post. That simple. Should he be condemned for it ? No way It is typical of you get what you deserve and where we are at. Game should have never got to that stage.
If we had won last night I would be on here saying what a fn win don't under estimate it there's your statement after losing two KPDs early.

But we didn't, a kick fell short, a bounce didn't get recalled. It was s**t conditions and we weren't clinical.

We're now going to be seriously tested in defence but there's 5 months til finals. Don't win a premiership in April.

Fair chance we go into the wilderness for a few weeks now but it'll turn

Strap in, have a juice, and try and enjoy it it's better for your health

All the pieces are there to turn it round.
Well said and I complete agree!

We have the coaches and core group of players that have the tools to turn it around. It’s a long season and plenty of time to get it right.

Looking forward to seeing a few new faces with spots in the top 22 open with injuries.

Credit also has to go to Port last night who are still a strong side. To only lose by 2 points after losing our 2 key defenders says a lot more about our resolve in my opinion.
If we had won last night I would be on here saying what a fn win don't under estimate it there's your statement after losing two KPDs early.

But we didn't, a kick fell short, a bounce didn't get recalled. It was s**t conditions and we weren't clinical.

We're now going to be seriously tested in defence but there's 5 months til finals. Don't win a premiership in April.

Fair chance we go into the wilderness for a few weeks now but it'll turn

Strap in, have a juice, and try and enjoy it it's better for your health

All the pieces are there to turn it round.

absolutely agree
we gave up a four-goal lead and a 20-point lead, i'd suggest that was mostly because of a totally rearranged defence, a bit of bad luck and a handful of dreadful decisions either in front of our goals or theirs that really hurt
overall, i don't think we were that bad, same as last week ...
the result friggin sucks, so damn frustrating, but there's still plenty to like
florent has taken another step, warner bounced back, ladhams still shows enough, i've already had a say on mcdonald, and i thought campbell was good last night, and is another getting better ...
and just getting a game into fox is a plus
Was up at Mallacoota and had no reception. lucky for you lot.

Negative: Wasted chance on goal and that came back to bite us

Positive: Despite playing 1 short on the bench for a half and missing 2 out of 3 of our best defenders we were right in the game to the very end.

Negative: I love Heeney and have defended him for a long time but get his head read because something isn't right. Whether it be the involvement in the game or the ****ing stupid kicking around the corner, he needs a reset.

Positive: The Chad.

Negative: Forward line structure once again has returned to every tall forward running to the same spot. SPREAD THE **** OUT YOU MORONS! It's not that ****ing hard! If you all go to the one spot, all the defenders go to the same spot. What the **** are the coaches actually saying to them? If they aren't following direction, drop them.

Positive: O Flo was on despite the embarrassing celebration at the end.

Negative: The "push in the back" free against Rampe that turned the match. Umpiring was shocking all night but **** me dead, that has never and will never be a free kick. Don;t even get me started on how Tom McCartin can get hit in the head with a shoulder so hard he is subbed out yet Port somehow get the free kick immediately after.

Negative: If there weren't legal ramifications (and obvious physical limitations as well) I would quite happily go to jail for knocking the dopey campaigner Darcy and his soulless, ginger campaigner of a friend Ling out. How these absolute shitstains can stand there and talk about how brave Port are after playing a team one man short for a half and losing 2 of their best defenders defies belief and only getting back into the game off the back of a wrong free followed by a dubious free I will never know. I could say so much more on the personal horrors I wish for those two to receive in their lives, but I won't because I'm nice like that.

Negative: We now take on a Richmond, under the pump with the campaigner of person like Hardwick in charge who continues to sook week in, week out without ramifications. Mate, if you can't win after repeatedly poaching young talent from everywhere at a budget price then give it up **** face, you're not as good a coach as you were made out to be. Sadly, I suspect I'm going to have to sit through a match with dumb campaigners like Reiwoldt and Lynch (even though he should be rubbed out) having a field day against a defence made up of the 12 dwarves.

Positive: Potential catch up with some of our S.A. crew.

Vent over. I'm off to the comedy festival to hopefully lighten the mood.
I actually thought it was pretty epic how we restructured to deny their i50s for nearly three quarters

particularly with big marking targets dixon and finlayson
and they still only scored 66 ... nine goals ... that's not a bad defensive effort as is, let alone under the circumstances of last night without the brothers
Nobody cares if a Swan is fourth on the list. Doesn't make a jot of difference IMO.
We care that he was an outstanding player in his day, winning games with icnredible talent. But if he's fourth, fif, or sixth on the all-time list? :shrug:
Yeah, nah. Mindful of how we're unlikely to see anyone kicking bags of goals again, take a look at how the list pans out.

Nearest current player is Jack Riewoldt, 14th on 760.

Then Tom Hawkins, 18th on 735. Neither of them going to get anywhere near Buddy now.

Then it's a huge jump down to Jeremy Cameron at 52nd with 542, and Taylor Walker 54th on 549.

So the six members of 1000 club are an extremely rarefied group. Moving up one place in that group is huge. Being fifth on that list is immense. Being fourth is immenser.

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Autopsy Should have Could have - but didn't. Down by 2 against Port

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