Roast The media....*Shakes Head* Part 5

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You're preaching to the choir here.

Our reactions here aren't about 'finger-pointing' or 'tit-for-tat', they're predicated on the tsunami of sanctimonious douchebags in the media and your supporter base who paint us all as feral, violent, drunken racists while scoffing at the mere suggestion that there is an undesirable minority of those types at yours and indeed every club.

Hop on social media. There are Crows fans left and right sinking the boots into our club while claiming these incidents are "frequent" and indicative of a "culture problem".

And what's worse, it's not about a completely understandable urge to stamp out the scourge of racism, it's all about point-scoring. When the 2013 incident involving a Crows member being fined and banned for racist language aimed at Geelong's Travis Varcoe has been brought up, instead of derision approaching that aimed at the banana-thrower, there have been dismissive reactions such as, "it happened 4 years ago", as if it doesn't count because it happened in some ancient era before Adelaide Oval or the arrival of Eddie Betts.

I can't stress the madness of this schism enough.

It's totally ok to racism-shame a socioeconomic bottom-feeder on the verge of mental incompetence for spewing unfiltered bile on social media because she's a filthy Port supporter, but when faced with the revelation that a presumably competent Adelaide member was actually evicted from Football Park for shouting a racist slur at a footballer, within earshot of countless patrons, it's a denialist rug lift.

Even now, in multiple comments sections online you can read Crows fans accusing Kane Cornes and the Port Adelaide investigation into the Crows supporter who vilified Ryder of lying, or it being concocted in a phantom bid to take the heat off us. Where's the same disgust and foaming at the mouth for the Port Adelaide indigenous player? Or does his guernsey invalidate his skin colour? Maybe he deserved it because he hit Riley Knight?

I suggest if you'd like to bang your anti-racism drum and educate football fans writ large, you should probably start with the hypocrites in your own flock.

Can we have a beer together? Just one day?
Perhaps the question should be asked, "Why is it happening and why so prevalent these days"?

Appreciating the 'good ol' days' were not always 'good' but the violence and vitriol that exists today was not prevalent way back when.

In that other life, I was often seconded to matches at AO and later Norwood. Sure there were the odd spat but seldom like today. I was later part of a small squad that patrolled the CBD square mile in Cage Cars, specifically to handle anti social behaviour and the stand alone offence of being 'drunk in a public place namely...Hindley ..street'. Not once were we ever called to AO to pick up drunks etc. While alcohol was available at all ovals, it wasn't quite so freely accessible as today. Is that a problem? and I'm far from being a teetotaller:)

I'm really simply thinking out 'loud because I am seriously stuffed why society has deteriorated so badly. In addition, last w/end, in company with two other Norwood High young fellas with whom I joined up at the same time, were having a discussion about this same issue without any knowledge about what was to hit the fan. It was a private function but in a restaurant when a now retired Judge approached my mates to say 'hello' as they were experienced in the Drugs Squad, homicide and Major Crime for several decades and appeared as witnesses in a multitude of cases before him. It was interesting, to say the least on how the conversation developed about what is happening in society today. It was brief but succinct.

As I say, just thinking out 'loud and not trying to impose any/my opinion on folk.
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You're preaching to the choir here.
...your supporter base who paint us all as feral, violent, drunken racists while scoffing at the mere suggestion that there is an undesirable minority of those types at yours and indeed every club....

tribey, I think this is the biggest reason why I don't like them

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Perhaps the question should be asked, "Why is it happening and why so prevalent these days"?

Appreciating the 'good ol' days' were not always 'good' but the violence and vitriol that exists today was not prevalent way back when.

As I say, just thinking out 'loud and not trying impose any/my opinion on folk.

Everything is just more extreme now. Mentalities and expectation on what individuals think they are entitled are different.

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To provide a counterpoint to that Rexie, is it possible that events like this stand out like a sore thumb now because society has progressed? Would certain vitriolic comments be previously more normal to the culture and thus not provoke such a reaction (which the media is also happy to stir into a frenzy, no doubt). The one area we we have devolved no doubt is now that with social media, everyone has a platform by which to spout their rubbish, where the default reaction to ... anything ... is to get angry and obnoxious, rather than just move on with your life.
To provide a counterpoint to that Rexie, is it possible that events like this stand out like a sore thumb now because society has progressed? Would certain vitriolic comments be previously more normal to the culture and thus not provoke such a reaction (which the media is also happy to stir into a frenzy, no doubt). The one area we we have devolved no doubt is now that with social media, everyone has a platform by which to spout their rubbish, where the default reaction to ... anything ... is to get angry and obnoxious, rather than just move on with your life.

Yes, all valid points and no doubt social media has taken a life of its own. It's the in your face, f*** you, I'll do and say what I want that is so disturbing.But this conversation is never ending - perhaps I shouldn't have started it.
To provide a counterpoint to that Rexie, is it possible that events like this stand out like a sore thumb now because society has progressed? Would certain vitriolic comments be previously more normal to the culture and thus not provoke such a reaction (which the media is also happy to stir into a frenzy, no doubt). The one area we we have devolved no doubt is now that with social media, everyone has a platform by which to spout their rubbish, where the default reaction to ... anything ... is to get angry and obnoxious, rather than just move on with your life.

It's not just that social media provides a forum for comment but it provides a forum for the publicising/calling out of bad behaviour. It is similar to the perception in the US that there are more incidence of police brutality towards people of colour, when it is just as bad as always or maybe better but incidents are easily filmed and disseminated around the world. Of course, there is also the possibility that the dissemination worsens things too, so it is complex.*

*edit: and, of course, there is a possibility and a hope that dissemination eventually makes things better.
I appreciate that there were more away supporters than usual, but it is not like when a Melbourne team visits there aren't a number of away supporters. Why does this racism problem only pop up when we play the crows. We are a team full of indigenous stars whom most supporters love. This is being played out as a Port problem when clearly it is an Adelaide and Adelaide oval problem. I have been avoiding local media, but from what I read on this site they are implicit in the whole affair, suggesting that they are at the crux of the problem. Time to move on.

It does intrigue me that the only common denominator in all the racism incidents over the past 10 years is the Crows...
Shit bloke Fagan 'we condemn any racism directed towards our players, crers are united on this front. We fly as one.

With regards to racism directed to those ports players..... well, where is the proof that it happened?

we ignore racism when it suits us seems to be the crers position on this.
He has dropped the ball massively on this.
Yes, all valid points and no doubt social media has taken a life of its own. It's the in your face, f*** you, I'll do and say what I want that is so disturbing.But this conversation is never ending - perhaps I shouldn't have started it.

No definitely worth the discussion, I find myself flipping back and forth between both points of view. Are people more angry and prejudiced these days? There's definitely reasons that would explain that. I guess part of me hopes more than anything it's that they stand out more because we've gotten better at speaking up for those who haven't had the platform to speak for themselves.
Apparently there's something wrong with all of us. Robinson calls on us to dob these people in. Which is exactly what has been done, it's been called out for the despicable behaviour it is. Glass houses and stones don't exist in Victoria thought do they!

It's behind a paywall, I googled " mark robinson" and was able to access the sotry.

EVERYONE’S thinking it, so let’s say it.
What is wrong with the people of South Australia?
Why does racism continue to explode at football matches there?
McLachlan would be embarrassed by the behaviour emanating from Adelaide Oval on Saturday night. The racial abuse. The fights. It’s called the Showdown, but too often it’s a hoedown with rednecks and West End.
Of course, not all South Australians are racists and stupid.
But what are we supposed do think from across the border?

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Apparently there's something wrong with all of us. Robinson calls on us to dob these people in. Which is exactly what has been done, it's been called out for the despicable behaviour it is. Glass houses and stones don't exist in Victoria thought do they!

It's behind a paywall, I googled " mark robinson" and was able to access the sotry.

EVERYONE’S thinking it, so let’s say it.
What is wrong with the people of South Australia?
Why does racism continue to explode at football matches there?
McLachlan would be embarrassed by the behaviour emanating from Adelaide Oval on Saturday night. The racial abuse. The fights. It’s called the Showdown, but too often it’s a hoedown with rednecks and West End.
Of course, not all South Australians are racists and stupid.
But what are we supposed do think from across the border?
What stupid naive comments. It gets highlighted here because the SA media are 90% crers sycophants who see us as the enemy to be destroyed by any means possible. The Vic media have 10 teams to be concerned about.
It does intrigue me that the only common denominator in all the racism incidents over the past 10 years is the Crows...
It's shit comments like this that make it difficult to have a serious conversation about it.
Apparently there's something wrong with all of us. Robinson calls on us to dob these people in. Which is exactly what has been done, it's been called out for the despicable behaviour it is. Glass houses and stones don't exist in Victoria thought do they!

It's behind a paywall, I googled " mark robinson" and was able to access the sotry.

EVERYONE’S thinking it, so let’s say it.
What is wrong with the people of South Australia?
Why does racism continue to explode at football matches there?
McLachlan would be embarrassed by the behaviour emanating from Adelaide Oval on Saturday night. The racial abuse. The fights. It’s called the Showdown, but too often it’s a hoedown with rednecks and West End.
Of course, not all South Australians are racists and stupid.
But what are we supposed do think from across the border?

How quickly they forget the many incidents with Goodes and the banners from the other year.
Alcoholic ****ing idiot.
Apparently there's something wrong with all of us. Robinson calls on us to dob these people in. Which is exactly what has been done, it's been called out for the despicable behaviour it is. Glass houses and stones don't exist in Victoria thought do they!

It's behind a paywall, I googled " mark robinson" and was able to access the sotry.

EVERYONE’S thinking it, so let’s say it.
What is wrong with the people of South Australia?
Why does racism continue to explode at football matches there?
McLachlan would be embarrassed by the behaviour emanating from Adelaide Oval on Saturday night. The racial abuse. The fights. It’s called the Showdown, but too often it’s a hoedown with rednecks and West End.
Of course, not all South Australians are racists and stupid.
But what are we supposed do think from across the border?
Not just SA, but WA too. Remember the Goodes incidents? Only happened at Subiaco, absolutely nothing similar at any matches in Melbourne, no sir. Also there was never a Stop the Mosques banner at the MCG.
Apparently there's something wrong with all of us. Robinson calls on us to dob these people in. Which is exactly what has been done, it's been called out for the despicable behaviour it is. Glass houses and stones don't exist in Victoria thought do they!

It's behind a paywall, I googled " mark robinson" and was able to access the sotry.

EVERYONE’S thinking it, so let’s say it.
What is wrong with the people of South Australia?
Why does racism continue to explode at football matches there?
McLachlan would be embarrassed by the behaviour emanating from Adelaide Oval on Saturday night. The racial abuse. The fights. It’s called the Showdown, but too often it’s a hoedown with rednecks and West End.
Of course, not all South Australians are racists and stupid.
But what are we supposed do think from across the border?

• Collingwood fans racially-abuse Nicky Winmar and Gilbert McAdam at Victoria Park all day, triggering the legendary photo of Nicky pointing to his bare belly.

• Nathan and Zak Jones' dad gets coward punch-KO'd by three Collingwood fans at Queens Birthday.

• Numerous Collingwood fans hold up a banner saying "STOP THE MOSQUES"

• A Collingwood supporter calls Adam Goodes an 'ape' triggering an endless booing campaign that pushes the Sydney legend into retirement.

Yeah nah bloody South Aussies.
What stupid naive comments. It gets highlighted here because the SA media are 90% crers sycophants who see us as the enemy to be destroyed by any means possible. The Vic media have 10 teams to be concerned about.
Cant recall either SA club supporters booing Goodes, unlike the rest of the country...
How quickly they forget the many incidents with Goodes and the banners from the other year.
Alcoholic ******* idiot.

Not to mention that small matter of Indian students being beaten and abused on public transport and various places around Melbourne not all that long ago. And not just a few isolated incidents either. Young Indian's were suddenly being encouraged by their government to stay away from Australia, Melbourne in particular.
• Collingwood fans racially-abuse Nicky Winmar and Gilbert McAdam at Victoria Park all day, triggering the legendary photo of Nicky pointing to his bare belly.

• Nathan and Zak Jones' dad gets coward punch-KO'd by three Collingwood fans at Queens Birthday.

• Numerous Collingwood fans hold up a banner saying "STOP THE MOSQUES"

• A Collingwood supporter calls Adam Goodes an 'ape' triggering an endless booing campaign that pushes the Sydney legend into retirement.

Yeah nah bloody South Aussies.

.... AND Collingwood president "jokingly" calls Goodes King Kong on live radio.
Not just SA, but WA too. Remember the Goodes incidents? Only happened at Subiaco, absolutely nothing similar at any matches in Melbourne, no sir. Also there was never a Stop the Mosques banner at the MCG.
Agree...hence my glass houses comment. I mean in the wake of the 13 year old Collingwood supporter (who was mercilessly targeted) Eddie McGuire made a "joke" on MMM breakfast that was particularly unsavoury. Fobbed it off as being tired and not intended to cause offence.

Herein lies the raison d'etre of this thread. Media decides to portray a situation with a narrative that paints an entire state as racist.

On Saturday night I saw 50,000 plus generously applaud a boy toss a coin. I saw 53,500 plus enjoy a footy game in the best of spirits. Where I was sitting it was the least aggressive Showdown I can remember for a while.

None of them are responsible for anything but making it a great night (result excepted).
Would be great for a clean slate with professional jurnos or sports people from both teams on a sports related show.

When Kevin Bartlett comes across as a better alternative to the SA media BS shows how low we have sunk.
That's just it: there is NO viable alternative, so I just boycott the lot of them.
• Collingwood fans racially-abuse Nicky Winmar and Gilbert McAdam at Victoria Park all day, triggering the legendary photo of Nicky pointing to his bare belly.

• Nathan and Zak Jones' dad gets coward punch-KO'd by three Collingwood fans at Queens Birthday.

• Numerous Collingwood fans hold up a banner saying "STOP THE MOSQUES"

• A Collingwood supporter calls Adam Goodes an 'ape' triggering an endless booing campaign that pushes the Sydney legend into retirement.

Yeah nah bloody South Aussies.

Hawks fan kicked out of Aurora Stadium after racial slur against Majak Daw in 2014
during the same season it also happened at a Western Bulldogs match

but nah bloody South Aussies.
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