Review R17: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Brisbane Lions

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Correct. And 5th in 2022.

Disagree. I think this is what you want to argue against - but isn't what the majority are upset with.

My biggest issue is that we haven't had an up. We have had 3 wins, 7 wins, 8 wins, 11 wins, and now likely 7wins.

11 wins is his peak (from a 23 game season, no less). 11 wins got Sando fired. 10 wins saw Pyke ran out of town.

7 is greater than 3
8 is greater than 7
11 is greater than 8.

This is really the first down year for Nicks, since he and we found out that we were in for a much longer rebuild then expected. He's had a pretty solid run of incremental improvement beforehand, which is likely saving his job at this point.

Equally, patience with coaches is not something Adelaide, or any of the genuinely shit clubs in the league, is known for. However, that's also following a general trend that the AFL world has become more patient with coaches over the last decade. The Geelong and Richmond dynasties has done wonders for a coaches job security, after all.
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Thought bubble...

Is Nicks the guy?

We criticise him for defensive tactics, poor selections, needing his hand held by a new senior assistant etc.

But is he what we need? The figurehead. Can he be our Kenny, on the sidelines, driving the culture, positive vibes, fronting the media. The macro.

With the nitty gritty of the coaching/selection being left largely to the Rahillys of the coaching world. The micro.

A beefed up brainstrust
Sitting underneath the cultural architect
Allowing the coaches to coach, space to do what they do
Nicks' role more man management of the coaching staff, akin to a soccer manager
We had a pretty soft draw n 2023.

Your bubble seems to represent "how can we make it work with Nicks?" My answer would be "look where that has gotten Port".
But I was told in here all bumps had to be intentional. Lol.
I'd love to be wrong on this one, but I would be shocked. Still, the tribunal does have a record of baffling decisions, so...

If nothing else, at least it shows the football world that we're willing to go to bat for one of our star players.

Even if we do successfully argue it down to careless, I believe that is still 3 weeks.
7 is greater than 3
8 is greater than 7
11 is greater than 8.

This is really the first down year for Nicks, since he and we found out that we were in for a much longer rebuild then expected.

Equally, patience with coaches is not something Adelaide, or any of the genuinely shit clubs in the league, is known for. However, that's also following a general trend that the AFL world has become more patient with coaches over the last decade. The Geelong and Richmond dynasties has done wonders for a coaches job security, after all.
For me "down year" means just generally sucking arse and that's every year under Nicks.

Patience with an underperforming coach might be fine if you're one of the big Vic clubs but if the calibre of Adelaide's recent appointments are anything to go by, conjuring a new Hardwick is fantasy land stuff.
I'd love to be wrong on this one, but I would be shocked. Still, the tribunal does have a record of baffling decisions, so...

If nothing else, at least it shows the football world that we're willing to go to bat for one of our star players.

Even if we do successfully argue it down to careless, I believe that is still 3 weeks.
It is definitely worth challenging and only get 3 weeks which is what I think it should be.
It certainly not clear cut if it should be intentional or careless. Make a good case and see what happens.
But he will now get the good bloke reduction to 3 and everyone is happy
Fingers crossed the MRP sees it that way. Don't forget that Rankine plays for Adelaide, so the "good bloke reduction" does not apply.

If all they're challenging is Intentional vs Careless, then they have virtually no hope of changing the outcome.
Weird season

We'll likely finish bottom four or maybe five but it doesn't feel like we're a basket case. We're not getting beaten up. Most games we've been 'in' at various stages, even away against good teams.

So how do you judge it?

Not far away which the club is thinking (or desperately hoping perhaps more accurately). Minor tweaks needed only plus some natural development of younger guys.

Or we have the cattle to do much better than we have, therefore off-field overhaul needed
We lack a quality midfield, depth and a decent coach/coaches

I don't like their chances, but have a go.

Pretty much has no chance of succeeding as it was quite clearly intentional. The only grounds they could've gone for was high impact on the body given he bumped him in the chest and it was the clash of heads that resulted in the concussion, but that is also massively clutching at straws.

But hey, can't hurt to try given there's nothing to lose.

I would like to think this is the perfect opportunity to blood the potential future, but you just know Nicks will go with McHenry again.

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I've only seen one angle on Rankine's bump which was quite close up and doesn't really show what Starcevich was looking at when he was running back towards Rankine. Is there any other footage which shows either (i) that he knew Rankine was there and was consciously running towards him (possibly with intent to bump/create contact) or (ii) whether he was oblivious to Rankine's presence and Rankine 'picked him off'?
Is the boy Welsh still at the pointy end of the draft? At least pick 4 is useful before yooz have to match a bid… silver lining
He's probably slid to the second round now giving us a free hit at a gun mid in the top 5 should we finish 15th.
We will get to use pick 4 before a bid comes in. Hes more10-15 I think

Reckon he's possibly slipped out of the first round at this stage. Which is fine, makes it easier for us to match a bid (or even just pick him with our natural second pick).
There's no way to appeal based on extenuating circumstances causing Rankine to bump. Rankine's right to defend himself does not extend to electing to bump and concussing his opponent.

We could only appeal on impact, which is a hard sell considering the player was essentially knocked out, played no further part in the match, and ended up concussed.

There is no way to appeal - are you an expert on this?

We have seen Cripps get off on the most ridiculous technicality of all time.

We have seen Charlie get off because he had references about his work in the community?

There is always a basis to challenge. Just because you are not able to articulate that basis, doesn't mean you are right.
7 is greater than 3
8 is greater than 7
11 is greater than 8.

Sorry - we have had very small improvements.

I am not sure how anyone can honestly be happy with going 3 to 7 to 8 to 11 to 8.

This is really the first down year for Nicks, since he and we found out that we were in for a much longer rebuild then expected. He's had a pretty solid run of incremental improvement beforehand, which is likely saving his job at this point.

Well he did take over a 10 win team. Dismantle it and have his best season be equal to the team he dismantled.

Equally, patience with coaches is not something Adelaide, or any of the genuinely shit clubs in the league, is known for. However, that's also following a general trend that the AFL world has become more patient with coaches over the last decade.

There are definitely examples of clubs showing patience which is a positive. You also have to get the hell out if the guy can't coach. 5 seasons has told many of us what we need to know.

The Geelong and Richmond dynasties has done wonders for a coaches job security, after all.

The key difference is we shouldn't be comparing Nicks to Thompson / Hardwick. Both of those coaches had success early on.

The only two coaches Nicks should be compared to are Stuart Dew and Alan Richardson. We all know how they both turned out.
There is no way to appeal - are you an expert on this?

We have seen Cripps get off on the most ridiculous technicality of all time.

We have seen Charlie get off because he had references about his work in the community?

There is always a basis to challenge. Just because you are not able to articulate that basis, doesn't mean you are right.

No, of course I'm not an expert.

Good behaviour etc can be taken into account at the tribunal, certainly. But that is for incidents which have been referred straight to the tribunal. For those cases the tribunal has to decide on how many weeks (if any) are appropriate. In this case we have an established grading already, and we're just looking to argue the grading itself should be reduced.

We could use a "good citizen" argument as evidence that Rankine wouldn't have intention. I doubt it will get up, but hey, it only costs money and time to try. We should have plenty of both.

Going back to the question I actually answered in the first place, I don't think "Rankine concussed him because he was frustrated at prior treatment" has any legs. But as you say, I'm not an expert.
I like to think that we are challenging just to p155 Michael Christian off so he knows we think his original decision was sh1t and make them sit as a panel and adjudicate it and fully justify it.

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