Unfortunately Perrie not good enough unfortunately

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crowsRno1! said:
Yep Perrie played a shocker and McGregor should have come in for him.
How many marks did he drop?
Easy after the event...It is also easy to knock a player after the poor games. Ian Perrie has been playing after a serious knee injury and has been presenting well. There will always be players having downers during the season and this includes the finals. BAd luck Ian but at least you were out there giving your best...not like some of these tossbags.
AndrewJo said:
Easy after the event...It is also easy to knock a player after the poor games. Ian Perrie has been playing after a serious knee injury and has been presenting well. There will always be players having downers during the season and this includes the finals. BAd luck Ian but at least you were out there giving your best...not like some of these tossbags.
I can’t take it anymore. I’ve had enough of him; he is so mediocre and very rarely has a damaging impact to a game. I’ve had enough of everyone defending him because he,”tries so hard”. Well it’s time for a reality check. Everyone tries, but that won’t cut it. We need players who can be relied upon to come through in the clutch, and kick big goals. Perrie simply doesn’t cut it; never has and he never will.
SpringChoke said:
I agree with what your saying Stiff but it is also quite obvious we won't win a GF with Perrie and welsh as our main focal points.
I hope that is the last time I ever see welsh in Crows colours

people constantly bull**** about how soft Jericho is yet Welsh constantly "falls over" in contest or is easy avoided/knocked over

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Reading a lot of comments here makes me realise why Adelaide supporters are characterised by other supporters as bandwagoners. As soon as we lose, the knives are out with the usual suspects.

It's easy to just say drop people but the only way to replace them is in the draft and once again we will be getting poor draft picks due to our success. You must have all agreed with Chris McDermott when he said Neil Craig needed to cut 15 players when he took over as senior coach ( Not sure how you replace that many via one draft)

I think it would be better if some people calmed down and re-posted in 2 days. I think people do not realise the interruption to their season caused by injuries to Perrie, who I think still has a knee problem, and Welsh. Coupled with the injury to Henschell, McGregor's poor form and Roo's parvo virus, it really affected our structure.

By the way, Jenny, I think you make some valid points about the umpiring. However, you cannot do anything about them so the team just needs to play better to overcome the umpiring deficiencies.

Frankly I thought the turning point of the match was Bigland's injury as it became very difficult for Clarke in the ruck with West Coast able to alternate Cox and Seaby
First up, I shouted my guts at the TV going for you guys today so I hope you don't mind me posting here.

I am baffled at this thread.

Something obviously went badly wrong in the third quarter, but to blame members of your forward line like Perrie isn't my recollection of the game.

Can't remember the stats, but IIRC WCE had a very high number of inside 50s, and you had bugger all.

IMO your problems today were further up the field. Perrie may not be Barry Hall, but I reckon some of the comments here are pretty unfair and don't reflect what happened.
Scott Van Persett said:
Reading a lot of comments here makes me realise why Adelaide supporters are characterised by other supporters as bandwagoners. As soon as we lose, the knives are out with the usual suspects.

It's easy to just say drop people but the only way to replace them is in the draft and once again we will be getting poor draft picks due to our success. You must have all agreed with Chris McDermott when he said Neil Craig needed to cut 15 players when he took over as senior coach ( Not sure how you replace that many via one draft)

I think it would be better if some people calmed down and re-posted in 2 days. I think people do not realise the interruption to their season caused by injuries to Perrie, who I think still has a knee problem, and Welsh. Coupled with the injury to Henschell, McGregor's poor form and Roo's parvo virus, it really affected our structure.

By the way, Jenny, I think you make some valid points about the umpiring. However, you cannot do anything about them so the team just needs to play better to overcome the umpiring deficiencies.

Frankly I thought the turning point of the match was Bigland's injury as it became very difficult for Clarke in the ruck with West Coast able to alternate Cox and Seaby

Thanks Scott... though it is hard to overcome an extra couple of players for the opposition.:(

I have watched the game twice now... and while I was absolutely livid during the live game, I tried to be more centred and focussed with the replay. I can honestly say I picked MORE mistakes up the second time around.

I think the thing is, well for me at least, you don't mind losing when you are beaten by the better side, as long as it was a fair game. I don't think this game was fair at all.
Dry Rot said:
First up, I shouted my guts at the TV going for you guys today so I hope you don't mind me posting here.

I am baffled at this thread.

Something obviously went badly wrong in the third quarter, but to blame members of your forward line like Perrie isn't my recollection of the game.

Can't remember the stats, but IIRC WCE had a very high number of inside 50s, and you had bugger all.

IMO your problems today were further up the field. Perrie may not be Barry Hall, but I reckon some of the comments here are pretty unfair and don't reflect what happened.
Nail. Hammer. Head. :thumbsu:
jenny61_99 said:
Thanks Scott... though it is hard to overcome an extra couple of players for the opposition.:(

I have watched the game twice now... and while I was absolutely livid during the live game, I tried to be more centred and focussed with the replay. I can honestly say I picked MORE mistakes up the second time around.

I think the thing is, well for me at least, you don't mind losing when you are beaten by the better side, as long as it was a fair game. I don't think this game was fair at all.

You probably feel even better about me Jenny if you read my comments in the umpiring thread:)
jo172 said:
Bingo, we have a winner.

Can we trade Drummond and a first rounder for this guy?

Sensational post - I must quote this. :D

My team has got smashed in the clearances regularly, and we have threads on the Dogs Board attacking Brian Harris etc.

So I sadly have an eye for this ie scapegoating forwards or backs when the problem is in the middle. WCE midfield smashed us last week, so our backline had a terrible time.

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Dry Rot said:
So I sadly have an eye for this ie scapegoating forwards or backs when the problem is in the middle. WCE midfield smashed us last week, so our backline had a terrible time.

Exactly. Throw Hunter, Hansen and Lynch into most other sides in the competition and they would be no better then Perrie but unless you are Brendan Fevola or Mathew Lloyd your effectiveness as a forward rests largely on the pace and delivery of your midfield.
jo172 said:
Exactly. Throw Hunter, Hansen and Lynch into most other sides in the competition and they would be no better then Perrie but unless you are Brendan Fevola or Mathew Lloyd your effectiveness as a forward rests largely on the pace and delivery of your midfield.

Yes, it isn't rocket science. If the ball isn't coming into the forward line, forwards can't do too much.

Anyone got the stats for inside 50s for each side for the second half? IIRC, WCE killed you on this.

And in fact, the odd time, late in the game, when it did go in, your forwards almost pulled it off.

Sorry, this thread is crap and ignores the real resosn you got done.
macca23 said:
Contrary to many of the other posters, I am unashamedly a Kenny fan, and feel that if he was in our side today we would have had a better forward line structure.

Who was going to take the contested mark?? Perrie who is a leading player, Bock who is a leading player, Welsh who is a leading player? Even in his worst form Kenny was providing the contest for the high ball which was lacking badly today.

For all the Kenny knockers - WW in particular - Kenny leads the stats in contested marks for the club. Our forward line was a shambles, and while Perrie had a sh itter, the man who did oh so little was Welsh with some extremely soft contests (non-contest on a couple of occasions) was Welsh.

Anyhow it's all a matter of opinion and we'll never ever know.

The cold truth is that the 22 we put on the park were just not quite good enough to win it.

Not a long way off the mark, but not quite there.

spot on.

there's more than a whiff of fairweather in this thread.
Stiffy_18 said:
I am still waiting.

How good was that courageous act in the center square against Stinger that led to our goal :thumbsu:

Thats why #12 is in my team EVERY week.

The one where they smashed into each other similar to Pickett/Jarman in the 98 GF?

That was absolutely brilliant - refused to shirk at any stage.

Hopefully when Roo comes back next year he can take his game to another level with the pressure of being our #1 in-and-under midfielder off his shoulders.
dyertribe said:
The one where they smashed into each other similar to Pickett/Jarman in the 98 GF?

That was absolutely brilliant - refused to shirk at any stage.

Hopefully when Roo comes back next year he can take his game to another level with the pressure of being our #1 in-and-under midfielder off his shoulders.
Thats the one. It was a real, chips are down who wants to put their body on the line here and both players went right at it without a hint of hesitation. Simply brilliant :thumbsu:
Drummond said:
I can’t take it anymore. I’ve had enough of him; he is so mediocre and very rarely has a damaging impact to a game. I’ve had enough of everyone defending him because he,”tries so hard”. Well it’s time for a reality check. Everyone tries, but that won’t cut it. We need players who can be relied upon to come through in the clutch, and kick big goals. Perrie simply doesn’t cut it; never has and he never will.

And that's it in a nutshell, when we were a middle of the road team, that was enough.

I think we all like Perrie, I've never rated him, but I've always liked him. He was ordinary today, but he normally tries his guts out, he might not be excellent, but christ he tries.

But today, he was a dud. He wasn't running hard enough on the lead or into packs. And, as usual, when he was on the lead, as soon as the opposition player touched him, he'd almost pull out of the contest waiting for a free kick.

He's a very good SANFL player, very average AFL player - a lot like Daniel Schell. He tries his guts out, but it's not enough anymore - he simply cannot take a contested mark.

I'll say it again - if we can get him for cheap, we want Kingsley. Maybe only as a stop gap until Trent is back, but we cannot win a flag with our forward line.
Perrie shouldn't be used as the scapegoat. No matter how irritating his arrogance is [ie see his SANFL club farewell speech], he can play OK.

Crows need to keep supporting him and keep on feeding him. Really, when there's not much to work with, work well with what you've got.
Stiffy_18 said:
This is one thing that gives me the absolute ****s about our so called supporters. Why do we ALWAYS look for a scapegoat?! Couldn't it be that we were beaten by a better side and not because player X played poorly :rolleyes:

well said :thumbsu:

but the pathology of the average fan is such that they have to blame someone. As you say, sometimes your opponent was just a bit too good.

hell it's obvious we had our chances, just weren't good enough in the end.
Hugshawks said:
Perrie shouldn't be used as the scapegoat. No matter how irritating his arrogance is [ie see his SANFL club farewell speech], he can play OK.

Crows need to keep supporting him and keep on feeding him. Really, when there's not much to work with, work well with what you've got.

I disagree.

Make the investment you're talking about, but make it in one of the young fellas.

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