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  1. Y

    Pies set for Saturday final

    The Friday night semi needs to be for the other half of the draw, ie the loser of Gee/Haw v winner of Stk/Syd, because the winner of that semi will play the Friday night Prelim (against C'wood or West Coast). The whole finals series assumes Collingwood will win its QF and get a Friday night...
  2. Y

    Collingwood Attitude To Matthew Lloyd

    In his playing days I always thought Lloydy was a bit of a w***er, but since he's gone into the media I fully respect him and listen to everything he says. It also appears he's a genuinly decent guy. I'm a football purist, thus I love people who have a genuine love for the game, though I...
  3. Y

    Toast Luke Ball Address to Players After Game

    Laughable GBD. Happy to have a different view, but to talk Bally down liek that is troll like behaviour IMO. I'll say it again, it's sometimes better to say no more and let people think you're a fool than to say more and confirm it.
  4. Y

    Toast Luke Ball Address to Players After Game

    Sorry, can't have any of this, but mainly: "but plays like this are him getting ahead of himself and he should have stood back and let Pendles address as acting captain" - I watched him and Pendles before this and the spoke to each other so Pendles can't have had a problem with it. Other...
  5. Y

    Toast Luke Ball Address to Players After Game

    Bally is the most selfless player in the side. He and Pendles talked before that huddle. No doubt they would have spoken about who was going to speak. It was the highlight of my night. Bally is a great leader. Seriously.
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    Collingwood List Management Thread

    How can people say they'll delist Buckley given the amount of games they've put into him? Nick Maxwell said this year they rate him and they're determined to make him a top 22 player. He's shown some good signs this year. He'll probably play this week. I know people have mixed views on...
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    The arrogance and balls of one Nathan Buckley

    Arrgh sorry mate, do you mind telling me how Collingwood's list is ageing? It's probably younger than Sydney's. Do you even know anything about Collingwood's list?
  8. Y

    Who Is Your Favourite Magpie?

    An odd poll that excludes the bloke who came 5th in the Best and Fairest..
  9. Y

    Game and Player Review vs North

    I said after the first NAB Cup game that I thought Buckley showed some promise and got howled down here for it. I think after his game yesterday to add to his NAB Cup final people should get over their prejudice of his past weaknesses and accept that he is an improved player and worthy of being...
  10. Y

    What's this?

    Whether it's true or not, this rumour has been around since December (straight after dickileaks). Nothing to do with Essendon playing St Kilda
  11. Y

    Simon Buckley

    I commented after the game that I thought he was decent, not great, but decent. Others seem hell bent on making him the new Tooves. Go and have a look about the comments about Tooves just 18 months ago. Tooves got developed into a decent footballer (he's still only just that). This Buckley...
  12. Y

    Preview NAB Cup Round 1 Matchday Discussion.

    Given the fact that it was the first hit out of the year, I'm surprised by how many people are saying Buckley was ordinary. I actually thought he was pretty good. He's no fuss - he generally kicks it. I think he'll get a few games this year if we get a few injuries.
  13. Y

    Magpies war of words

    Utterly pathetic article. In the all fairness the article was meant to be humourous, but it just smacks of inch filling and lazy journalism. Go and get a real story. People not on twitter would have taken this story the wrong way, people who already are had seen it and had a laugh already.
  14. Y

    News Labor promise $7 Million for the Olympic Park Precinct.

    Harmesy, collingwood backed a loser and for once I'm happy about it. I bet you're also happy you were dead wrong. Gonna love watching Eddie suck up to Ted on this one.
  15. Y

    News Labor promise $7 Million for the Olympic Park Precinct.

    It was only up for 5 minutes before it was taken down, but today the collingwood twitter page tweeted "to all pies fans in Vic, VOTE LABOR!..blah blah" As a passionate Pies supporter I was just so insulted when I read this and that the club would treat us like this. There are more important...
  16. Y

    John Anthony

    This. Simon Buckley, Josh Thomas and Ben Sinclair will also come into the mix next year. By the end, the players who have left were no closer to senior games than the guys who'll get games next year, and that's why they've left or retired.
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    MCC Experiences

    The MCC trust is an act of Parliament because Yarra Park is Crown land. The MCC own the stadium but not the land - hence the role of the trust. It won't change. The MCC is a unique check and balance between the AFL and total dominance of the football public in Victoria (they already stand...
  18. Y

    MCC Experiences

    The MCC for me is beer in a glass, the best seat on centre wing, and watching the game with a relatively good natured crowd. Most members only use the dining room and the Long Room twice or three times a year, but most people use the bars every week, and it's a good place to watch the footy...
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    2011 Top 8 Predictions

    i guess it's like a trifector. wanted to put the pies in but just too many other good teams???
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    Jon Ralph in today's Herald Sun

    I agree. I like Jon Ralph too. I definitely don't think he's anti Collingwood. I remember he tipped us for the flag in 2008 before it was fashionable after our efforts in the 2007 finals. In the end he was only two years too early. I remember reading that article on Friday and just...
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    Jordan McMahon..

    call me shallow, but anyone with a pornstar mo like that is not welcome at my footy club.
  22. Y

    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    you can't trade someone to a club unless they agree to terms with that club.
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    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    The Chris Tarrant merged thread is closing in on 1100 posts, outnumbering most other threads 10-1. This is completely disproportionate for a 30 yo bloke who wants to play out his career at his club of choice. The thread has clearly turned into "Collingwood are trying to screw people. Let's...
  24. Y

    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    I've got an idea. Trade with us. The reason why we're here discussing picks is because Freo don't want a 29 year old (Leon) as a swap for a 30 yo. "Standing up to Collingwood" and "putting the foot down" makes it sound like Collingwood is forcing the issue. Collingwood is more than happy...
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    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    he wants to go back to Victoria anyway. Colligwood is in Victoria, he's a Collingwood person, it's a good fit. He would have got similar $$ at Freo. In this case it's not his overriding objective. I don't think Freo can stand there and say he's betrayed the club and is chasing $$.
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    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    Well Collingwood told him he was going to get traded. He wasn't lured to Freo. The system got him there. He never wanted leave Collingwood in the first place.
  27. Y

    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    if you read what I was talking about it was in the context of trading premiership players for early draft picks. The only person we've traded for draft picks is Fraser - 28 yo who wasn't in the side. Everyone needs draft picks to fill up their list. But that wasn't what I was talking about.
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    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    I'm sure he's really mindeful of your prediction and will work his butt off to prove you wrong :rolleyes: We don't care about what our players are worth cos they're not up for trade. The difference between a draft pick and a good player is that one's chance, and the other's a good player...
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    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    Apparently it's for them to decide what our players are worth and not the Collingwood Football Club!
  30. Y

    Merged Tarrant Trade Threads

    The whole thing started because a Collingwood supporter somewhere said a first rounder is Goldsack's price. That means, within the first round. We don't need to over value our players. That's for the delusion of the supporters of 15 other clubs at the moment. And remember, we didn't...